
  • 网络chemical raw materials;chemical material
  1. 新疆化学原料及制品制造产业竞争力研究

    Research and Suggestions on Industrial Competitiveness of Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products in Xinjiang

  2. 木材、机制纸、化学原料药等下降百分之一点一到百分之九点二。

    Timber , machine-made paper , drugs made of chemical materials , etc. dropped 1.1 % to 9.2 % .

  3. 分别以格列齐特和碘海醇为研究对象,建立了化学原料药中19种金属杂质的ICP-AES测定法。

    An inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry method was established to determine nineteen elemental impurities in chemical bulk drugs simultaneously by choosing gliclazide and iohexol as research object .

  4. 化学原料药及制剂装置工程设计探讨

    Probe on Engineering Design of Chemical Raw Pharmaceutical and Preparation Plant

  5. 化学原料药在中国已经有了几十年的发展历史。

    Chemical raw pharmaceutical in China has been developed for decades .

  6. 聚丙稀是一中不活泼的化学原料,所以能和所有的金属窗框架很好的配合在一起。

    Polypropylene is chemically inert and compatible with all window frame materials .

  7. 从化学原料中提高税收14亿美元;

    $ 1.4 billion from a tax on chemical feedstocks ;

  8. 烯丙基氯是一类重要的化学原料,具有广泛的应用价值。

    Allyl chloride is an important chemical material , having high potential for practical applications .

  9. 有区别地加强重点,发挥化学原料药的比较优势。

    We should do the work to amplify the comparison advantage of the Chemical drug .

  10. 同时可以进口各种化学原料和机械配件。

    At the same time can import all kinds of chemical raw materials and machinery parts .

  11. 其他有关化学原料及产品之进出口买卖、代理及经销业务。

    Import & export , transaction , agency and distribution business of abovementioned products and raw materials .

  12. 煤炭是主要的矿物能源和化学原料,同时也是严重的环境污染源。

    The coal is the main mineral energy and chemistry raw material , but also the serious environment pollution .

  13. 本品是化学原料,是抗幼儿轮状病毒感染,抗腹泻的药物的原料。

    It is chemical and it is the material of drugs which is used for diarrhea , virosis and eteritis .

  14. 但是,在国内市场上,却有很多不法商家使用劣质化学原料来配制洗发水。

    However , in domestic market , there are many factories use bad chemical materials to produce some poor-quality shampoo .

  15. 2014年11月,同样是湖州警方,抓获了出售假海蜇丝的三名个体户,据悉,这些“人造海蜇丝”也是用类似的化学原料制成的。

    In November 2014 , Huzhou police , again , caught three individuals selling fake jellyfish made from a similar chemical mixture .

  16. 分别以拉米夫定和磺胺甲恶唑为研究对象,建立了化学原料药中总汞含量的测定方法。

    A new method was established to determine total mercury in chemical bulk drugs by choosing lamivudine and sulfamethoxazole as research object .

  17. 纸张电池公司生产电池的化学原料是大家熟知的常规电池原料,锌和二氧化锰的混合物。

    The chemicals used in Power Paper 's battery are a combination of zinc and manganese dioxide-well-known elements used in other conventional batteries .

  18. 甲烷作为最重要的化学原料之一,已经广泛的被应用于化学合成、生成氢气、产生能量等领域。

    Methane , as one of the most important chemicals , has been widely used in chemical synthesis , hydrogen production , and energy production .

  19. 随着全球性经济的高速发展和科技进步,精细化工产品及化学原料药的生产已步入成熟期。

    Along with global economy high-speed development and scientific advancement , the fine chemical industry product and chemical material medicine production have already became mature period .

  20. 为了增加粉丝的外观,早在几年前在粉丝中加入化学原料的事件就被媒体披露过。

    To enhance the appearance of fans , the fans several years ago by adding chemical raw materials over the incident was disclosed by the media .

  21. 对磷资源产业系统的物质流分析和研究结论,不仅对其他化学原料矿产资源产业可起到指导作用,对大多数金属矿产资源产业也有借鉴价值。

    All those conclusions and strategies can not only give directions to other industries of chemical mineral resources but also most industries of metal mineral resources .

  22. 光气,属于窒息性毒剂,作为一种化学原料,广泛应用于染料、塑料、橡胶、农药等的合成加工过程中。

    As a chemical material , phosgene belongs to blackdamp , it is widely used in processing and synthesis of dye , plastic , rubber and pesticide .

  23. 真是这样的话,他必须与陆地保持一定的联系才能取得这些化学原料。

    If so , he would have to keep up some kind of relationship with the shore , to come by the materials needed for such an operation .

  24. 城市污水管网中的涉汞行业,主要包括医疗机构、电器设备及器材制造业、化学原料及化学制品制造业、印刷行业等。

    The paper summarized the main vocation related to the mercury in the municipality waste water pipe , such as medical institution , manufacturing of wiring and equipment .

  25. 现代鱼皮制作工艺的优点是产量高,缺点是添加的化学原料对环境有污染,并且手感略硬。

    Modern fish skin of the craft that advantage is high output , the disadvantage is added chemical raw materials onthe environment pollution , and feel slightly hard .

  26. 例如,有形和无形的化学原料从附近的工厂排放到空气或水中,这对于附近的人们和其他的生物构成危害。

    For example , visible and invisible chemicals spewed into the air or water from a plant nearby pose a danger to the people nearby and other animals and plants .

  27. 并系统介绍了碳化硼陶瓷作为结构材料、化学原料、电性能材料、核性能材料、复合陶瓷这5个方面的应用。

    The applications of boron carbide ceramic , for example using as construction material , chemical raw material , electro-material , nuclear material and composite ceramics material , were introduced comprehensively .

  28. 一些不法分子,甚至添加一些化学原料,内含有大量重金属和致病菌,切不可贪图便宜,上当受害。

    Some lawless elements , and even add some chemicals , which contain a large number of heavy metals and pathogens , must not yield to the temptation of cheap , bite victims .

  29. 据分析,煤焦油中的某些组分是不可能或者很难从其他原料中得到,例如芳烃化学原料、型煤粉剂及国防工业的贵重原料等。

    It has been studied that some components in the coal tar is very hard or even never obtained from other materials , for example , aromatic chemicals , impregnated sleeper , coal-powder .

  30. 家用电器使用量大面广,而且通常含有铅、镍、镉、银等重金属和各种有毒有害化学原料,若随意丢弃或处理不当,将会污染环境,不利于国民经济的可持续发展。

    It would be make a pollution and bad for a continuable and developmental national economy if randomly discarded or mishandled because of heavy metals and toxic chemical materials which exist in waste household appliances .