
huà zhuānɡ jìnɡ
  • mirror
  1. 泰石呀,这是给你夫人的化妆镜。

    Tae-suk , this mirror is for your wife .

  2. 就是你那个小化妆镜。

    You know the small mirror .

  3. 在她的化妆镜上画颗爱心。

    Draw a heart on her makeup mirror .

  4. 浴室的光线真的很好,而且有一面很大的标准镜和一个化妆镜。

    The bathroom lighting was really good , and it was equipped with a large standard mirror and a vanity mirror .

  5. 一种女性梦寐以求的终极化妆镜新春之际在伦敦诞生。

    The ultimate dream of a women 's compact Mirror was born in London on the occasion of Lunar New Year .

  6. 洗漱后在化妆镜上画一颗心或是用口红在镜子上写一些表达爱意的句子。

    Make their morning by drawing a heart on a steamed mirror after a shower , or write a romantic message with lipstick .

  7. 这种化妆镜由七个镶镜的板组成,它环绕身体,使你可以真正对自己一览无余。

    This mirror inlay mirror by seven board composition , it is surrounded by the body , so that you can truly own glance .

  8. 我已经把这个词放在了我的电脑屏幕上、化妆镜上,还有日记里&几乎放到了我能看到的每个角落。

    I have had that word tacked up onto my computer screen , my vanity mirror , my journal-almost anywhere that I can see it .

  9. 专业生产竹制化妆镜、保健梳、相框、笔筒、工艺屏风、挂画等竹制工艺品。

    The specialized production vanity mirror , the health care combs , picture frame , pen container , bamboo wooden handicrafts and so on hanging scroll .

  10. 用小包包装好所有清洁必需品:牙线、除臭剂、化妆镜等,如果你想让自己在早上看上去更精神,也要带上可能需要用到的化妆品。

    Pack a small bag with all the hygiene necessities : floss , deodorant , a compact mirror , and any makeup essentials that you may want to use for a morning touch-up .

  11. 她建议在化妆时使用放大镜,这样就可以“看到你皮肤的一切情况。”

    She recommends using a magnifying mirror when applying makeup so you can " see all that is going on with your skin . "

  12. 化妆刷,指甲挫,指甲锉,指甲刷,化妆镜,木锉,沐浴刷。

    Cosmetic Brush , Powder Puff , Nail File , Mirrors , gift , Cosmetics , hardware fitting .