
  • 网络metropolitan opera;New York Metropolitan Opera;The Metropolitan Opera House;Metropolitan Opera New York
  1. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  2. 纽约大都会歌剧院同代表其管弦乐队和合唱团的工会人员达成初步协议。

    New York 's Metropolitan Opera has reached tentative contract agreement with the unions representing its orchestra and chorus .

  3. 他频频现身于世界歌剧院的旗舰&纽约大都会歌剧院和米兰斯卡拉剧院。

    He frequently appeared in the Metropolitan Opera flagship-and Manhattan opera theatre .

  4. 在纽约大都会歌剧院内一名观众突然向舞台上表演的乐队撒骨灰之后,当天下午的表演也因此被暂停。

    New York 's Metropolitan Opera halted an afternoon performance after an audience member sprinkled what is suspected to be cremated ashes on to the orchestra .

  5. 代表纽约大都会歌剧院歌手和舞者的工会主席艾伦·戈登表示,他非常高兴公司同意延长谈判时间,但是他同时表示,

    Alan Gordon , President of the Union that represents the MET singers and dancers , said he was glad the company agreed to extend talks but added ,

  6. 双方都为停工做好了准备,这可能导致纽约大都会歌剧院九月演出季被迫延迟,合同定于午夜到期,但是就在距离到期时间不到一个小时前,谈判得到了缓刑。

    Both sides had braced for a work stoppage which could have delay the MET season opening in September . But with less than an hour to go before contract expired at midnight , a reprieve was announced .