
  • 网络NYPL;The New York Public Library;NY Public Library
  1. 几年前,纽约公共图书馆(newyorkpubliclibrary)的理事们做出了一个勇敢的决定,该馆的建筑需要升级。

    A few years ago , the doughty trustees of the New York Public Library decided they needed an architectural upgrade .

  2. 以及查理·拉维特(CharlieLovett)在纽约公共图书馆为林肯表演艺术中心举办的活动。

    and Charlie Lovett at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center .

  3. 纽约公共图书馆馆长安东尼马克斯(AnthonyMarx)解释道:我们想把地上区域给人使用,而不是用来储藏图书。

    We want to use the above-ground areas for people , not book storage , explains Anthony Marx , head of the NYPL .

  4. 当我们上个月在纽约公共图书馆见面时,托德·吉特林(ToddGitlin)说,我尊敬我的许多老师。

    I revered many of my teachers , Todd Gitlin said when we met at the New York Public Library last month .

  5. 出版家彼得·哈格(PeterHaag)在纽约公共图书馆做卡波特资料研究时,看到这些故事时停住了。

    Peter Haag , owner of Kein & Aber , which publishes Mr. Capote in German , stumbled upon them while doing research in the Capote archive at the New York Public Library .

  6. 阿雅娜·马蒂斯毕业于艾奥瓦大学作家坊,获得过2014-2015年纽约公共图书馆Cullman中心奖金。

    Ayana Mathis is a graduate of the Iowa Writers " Workshop and a recipient of the 2014-15 New York Public Library 's Cullman Center Fellowship .

  7. 1911年的今天,纽约公共图书馆开放。

    1911-The New York Public Library opened .

  8. 纽约公共图书馆的发展历史与服务管理特点&世界级城市图书馆研究之一

    The History Management and Services of the New York Public Library - Studies on City Libraries , I

  9. 2004年的电影《后天》曾把纽约公共图书馆的总部作为重要取景地。

    The main library building figured as an important fictional location in the 2004 film ' The Day After Tomorrow ' .

  10. 麻省理工学院、杜克大学、纽约公共图书馆的老朋友和同事陪我度过了前半生。

    Old friends and colleagues represent all three of my lives & MIT , Duke , and the New York Public Libraries .

  11. 这次我来是参加周五将在纽约公共图书馆举办的芝华士酒会。

    This time I 'm here to attend the Chivas Regal party which will be held on Friday at the NY Public library .

  12. 19世纪,几家公共图书馆和私人藏馆合并成为纽约公共图书馆,并逐渐发展成今天的规模;

    The New York Public Library developed gradually in the nineteenth century from the amalgamation and acquisition of a number of public and private collections ;

  13. 纽约公共图书馆的会员可以通过其网站收藏一本书,或者只有点击进入网站从在线零售商那里购买此书,而图书馆可以从中提成。

    Members of the New York Public Library can reserve a book through its website or , alternatively , click through to buy it from an on-line retailer , and the library gets a cut .

  14. 最近,纽约公共图书馆以200多万美元购入了一批他的文件,据称包括笔记本、手稿和一万多封信件。

    The New York Public Library has lately paid more than $ 2 million for a collection of the writer 's papers said to contain , along with notebooks and manuscripts , over 10000 letters .

  15. 保留legacy:祖先传下来之物,遗产也会继承家族遗产,supporter:支持者library:图书馆center:中心同时作为纽约公共图书馆和林肯中心建设的支持者。

    daughter of Jonathan and rose farkas , escorted by Richard north , hopes to major in neuroscience and will continue her family 's legacy as supporters of the new York public library , and Lincoln center .

  16. 活动接近尾声时,工作人员带着其中12位最伟大的慈善家来到纽约公共图书馆的管委会会议室,拍下了这张前无古人的照片。

    Near the end of the day , we took a dozen of the greatest living philanthropists in the world , put them in the Trustees Room at the New York Public Library , and took an unprecedented photograph .

  17. 耶鲁大学的展览是纽约公共图书馆为表演艺术组织的展览,它以之前的三次展览为基础,主要通过李明觉为布景创作的约65个模型来追踪这些影响力和经历。

    The Yale exhibition , which was organized by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and based on three earlier exhibitions , traces these influences and experiences , largely through some 65 models made by Mr. Lee for sets .

  18. 纽约公共图书馆将一组100多年前的香烟盒上的“生活妙招”卡片进行了数字化处理,这些卡片上的小贴士实在太实用了,二十一世纪的我们看到了也会多加留意!

    The New York Public Library has digitized 100 " how to do it " cards found in cigarette boxes over 100 years ago , and the tips they give are so practical that millennials reading this might want to take notes .

  19. 他们闪着探照灯,我听见扩音器里传出的声音说:“我们包围了你的房子。我们是纽约公共图书馆的。”他们想要让我还书。有个矮个儿的图书管理员向我屋子扔了几颗催泪弹。

    They shined in searchlights , and I heard a voice over the loudspeaker say " We have your house surrounded . This is the New York public library " They wanted their books back , y'know , and the little librarian was lobbing grenades over the house .

  20. 纽约市公共图书馆的商务支持服务

    Business Assisting Services at New York Public Libraries

  21. 例如,在八月份,企鹅出版社将在纽约的公共图书馆开始试验。

    In August , for example , Penguin will start a pilot with public libraries in New York .

  22. 本展览由纽约表演艺术公共图书馆和李名觉开发。

    The Exhibition was developed by The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and Ming Cho Lee .