
  • 网络harvard-yenching library;harvard yenching library;Havard-Yenching Library
  1. 这是一本研究中国古典文学的书,收藏在美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆。

    Classical Chinese literature : an anthology of translations edited by John Minford and Joseph S.M.Lau .

  2. 这个分类法刚开始是为了分类于1927年建立的哈佛燕京学社图书馆的中文资料而创立的。

    The system was primarily created for the classification of Chinese language materials in the Harvard-Yenching Institute Library which was founded in1927 .

  3. 方言、宗教文化与晚清地方社会&以美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆所藏榕腔文献为中心

    Dialect , Religion Culture and Local Society in the Late Qing Dynasty : Taking the " Foochow Dialect " Documents in Harvard-Yenching Library as a Central Study