
  • 网络hartford;Harford
  1. 所以,为了谋生,诺亚在格拉斯顿伯里、哈特福德和西哈特福德任教,后来他学习了法律。

    So , in order to make a living , Noah taught in Glastonbury , Hartford and West Hartford.Later he studied law .

  2. 诺亚·韦伯斯特于1758年10月16日出生在哈特福德西区,他的父亲在那里务农并做纺织工。

    Noah Webster was born on October 16,1758 , in the West Division of Hartford , where his father farmed and worked as a weaver .

  3. 在康涅狄格州的哈特福德市,美国三一学院(TrinityCollege)最近举行了一个活动,让学生和老师一起讨论刻薄话的问题,以及坚守善意/真实/必要三原则的意义。

    In Hartford , Conn. , Trinity College recently held an event at which students and faculty discussed derogatory language and the power behind the kind / true / necessary mantra .

  4. 作为一名有多年经验的马拉松跑者,哈特福德医院(HartfordHospital,位于康涅狄格州)的心脏科主任保罗·汤普森(PaulThompson)博士对这一问题特别感兴趣。

    Dr. Paul Thompson , the chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and for years a dedicated marathon runner , was particularly drawn to that issue .

  5. 之后他结婚生子,住在康州哈特福德(Hartford,Connecticut)自建的家族宅邸,开始悉心写作,创作出如今他最知名的一些作品。

    He married , started a family , and began writing the books for which he is best known today while living in the family mansion he built in Hartford , Connecticut .

  6. 最近,他和他在哈特福德医院的同事们以及荷兰内梅亨大学医学中心(RadboudUniversityMedicalCenterinNijmegen)的科学家们决定一同对这一课题的现有数据进行更深入全面地研究。

    He and his colleagues at Hartford Hospital , along with scientists at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen , the Netherlands , recently decided to delve more comprehensively than had yet been done into the available data on the topic .

  7. 据报道,美国职业摔角联盟CEOLindaMcmahon正在筹划明年竞选康涅狄格州参议员。WWE发言人告诉《哈特福德科伦特报》(TheHartfordCourant),McMahon正在考虑竞选明年的共和党提名,目前该职位由民主党员ChristopherDodd担任。

    World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda Mcmahon is reportedly a run for Senate in Connecticut next year , and WWE spokesman tells Hartford Courant newspaper that McMahon is considering a run for the Republican nomination for the seat currently held by Democrat Christopher Dodd .

  8. 活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。

    The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea .

  9. 嗨,你看到《哈特福德》报上的评论了吗?

    Hey , did you see the review in the Hartford paper ?

  10. 田纳西州,哈特福德,金河,污染造成的泡沫。

    Foam from Pollution , The Pigeon River , Hartford , Tennessee .

  11. 美国哈特福德城体育馆网架结构失稳事故分析

    On the analysis of American Hartford Coliseum space truss roof stability failure

  12. 在哈特福德,这就是相关的生活经验。

    At Harford , that 's considered relevant life experience .

  13. 挪亚就开始在格拉斯顿伯里、哈特福德、西哈特福德等地教书。

    Noah taught in Glastonbury , Hartford and West Hartford .

  14. 我出生和长大在康涅狄格州哈特福德。

    I was born and raised in Hartford , Connecticut .

  15. 旅行者财产险公司,哈特福德,康涅狄格州,新的名单。

    Travelers Property Casualty Corp. , Hartford , Conn. , new to list .

  16. 我是一名来自哈特福德大学主修教育学的大四学生。

    I am a senior at the University of Hartford majoring in education .

  17. 它有哈特福德的保险公司的庞大的储备资金。

    It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of Hartford .

  18. 他在哈特福德郊外的一家疗养院。

    He 's in a nursing home outside hartford .

  19. 除非你有哈特福德的芭蕾舞剧院

    Unless you 're the ballet theater of Hartford ,

  20. 康妮:也许你可以搬到哈特福德去住。

    Connie : maybe you could move to Hartford .

  21. 我听见他说他要去哈特福德的一个小机场。

    I distinctly heard him saythat hewas headed to a small airport in hartford .

  22. 哈特福德是在黎巴嫩汉诺威哈特福德地区内,位于温泽县的佛蒙特州中部小镇。

    Hartford is a central Vermont town located in Windsor County within the bi-state Lebanon-Hanover-Hartford region .

  23. 我们都很高兴.嗨,你看到《哈特福德》报上的评论了吗?

    We all are . Hey , did you see the review in the Hartford paper ?

  24. 这份资料会提供哈特福德的人口数据和零售市场上的附加背景资料。

    This document provides some additional background information on Hartford , population data and retail market information .

  25. 赫本1907年生于美康涅狄格州首府哈特福德,她把自己的率直个性归功于自己的父母。

    Born in1907 , in Hartford , Connecticut , Hepburn credited her parents for her outspoken manner .

  26. 我选择的哈特福德大学经过了认证,至少我敢肯定。

    The Harford University I 'm attending is accredited , at least I 'm pretty sure it is .

  27. 卡曼·阿雷斯中学位于辛辛那提州的宁静小镇布卢姆菲尔德,但四年前它面临着许多与附近哈特福德市市区学校同样的问题:标准化考试成绩较差,入学率连年下降,留级率居高不下。

    Hools in nearby Hartford : low scores on standardized tests , dropping enrollment and high rates of detention .

  28. 虽然哈特福德原本是反对的,他的儿子麦克成为第五小组成员-红色测距机。

    Although Hartford is originally opposed to it , his son Mack becomes the fifth team member-the Red Ranger .

  29. 罗杰·谢尔曼的康涅狄格州同胞,哈特福德的才子们不喜欢文化上或政治上的过激主张。

    Radicalism , cultural or political , was repellent to Roger Sherman 's fellow-citizens of Connecticut , the Hartford Wits .

  30. 美国发明家塞谬尔尔特诞生于康涅狄格州哈特福德。1835年他获得一种左轮手枪专利权,这种手枪上铸有他的名字。

    Samuel colt , American inventor and patentee in1835of a revolver that bears his name , was born at Hartford in connecticut .