
  • 网络Harvard law school;Harvard University Law School
  1. 通过奖学金和学生贷款,他完成了大学学业,之后进入了哈佛大学法学院。

    He worked his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans and went on to Harvard Law School .

  2. 他的雄心也体现在了学术方面,他以优等生的身份从哈佛大学法学院(harvardlawschool)毕业。

    His ambition carried over into academia where he graduated magnum Cum Laude from Harvard Law School .

  3. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  4. 本文作者是哈佛大学法学院(Harvardlawschool)伯克曼(Berkman)企业法律研究教授

    The writer is Berkman professor of entrepreneurial legal studies at Harvard Law School

  5. 卢西恩·别布丘克(LucianBebchuk)是法学、经济学和金融学教授,也是哈佛大学法学院(HarvardLawSchool)公司治理项目的主管。

    Lucian Bebchuk is professor of law , economics and finance and director of the program on corporate governance at Harvard law School .

  6. 哈佛大学法学院的欧文·格里斯沃尔德(ErwinN.Griswold)院长1965年曾挖苦地说,“最近在《联邦宪法》(FederalConstitution)里发现了一些以前不知存在的东西。”

    As the dean of the Harvard Law School , Erwin N.Griswold , wryly put it in1965 ," Some things have recently been found in the Federal Constitution that were not previously known to be there . "

  7. 克鲁兹曾就读于普林斯顿大学,后来又上了哈佛大学法学院。

    Cruz went to Princeton and thence to Harvard Law School .

  8. 她的双亲都是哈佛大学法学院的校友。

    Both of her parents attended law school there .

  9. 作者是哈佛大学法学院博士,来自一个极具声望的美国家庭。

    The writer , a Harvard law professor , comes from a prominent American family .

  10. 她可能还面临着一个动作,她的反对而哈佛大学法学院院长。

    She may also face opposition for an action she took while dean of Harvard Law School .

  11. 但是艾莉决心要证明他男友是错误的,她决定努力学习并在哈佛大学法学院赢得了一席之地。

    But Elle is so determined to prove him wrong she decides to study hard and win a place at Harvard Law School .

  12. 法学案例教学之发端可以溯至1870年哈佛大学法学院朗道尔所创立的判例教学法。

    The beginning of the teaching method of cases in law can be traced back to the teaching method of prejudication founded by Landor of the Law Institute of Harvard University in1870 .

  13. 1988年,她从哈佛大学法学院毕业,之后就职于芝加哥最好的盛德律师事务所,专攻市场法和知识产权法。

    She graduated from Harvard Law School in1988 and was hired by the blue chip law firm Sidley & Austin in Chicago , where she specialized in marketing and intellectual property law .

  14. 米歇尔本人就很清楚。即便当时高中学校顾问对她的选择有所怀疑,不过第一夫人最终还是去了普林斯顿大学,并于1985年以一级荣誉毕业,1988年在哈佛大学法学院取得法律博士学位。

    She would know . Despite doubts from her high school counselors , the first lady attended Princeton University , graduating cum laude in 1985 , and went on to earn a degree from Harvard Law School in 1988 .

  15. 哈佛大学法学院荣誉教授艾伦?德肖维茨告诉《卫报》,学生们因互相之间“开非常恶劣的玩笑”而失去哈佛的入学资格,这样的“惩罚太苛刻”。

    Alan Dershowitz , an emeritus professor at Harvard Law School , told the Guardian that losing admission to Harvard was a " draconian punishment " for " very bad taste jokes that students were sending to each other . "

  16. 哈佛大学法学院对此进行更为细致的观察后意识到一个问题,人们只要稍稍留心一下就会发现,医生能够从某一种特定的处方药中得到可观的报酬,甚至有时他们开出的那些处方药对人体有害。

    When the Harvard Law School took a closer look , they realized that they didn 't have to dig very deep at all to discover that doctors are paid handsomely to prescribe certain drugs , even when those drugs turn out to be harmful .

  17. 他在美国中西部的印地安那州长大,进入哈佛大学和哈佛法学院学习。

    He grew up in the Midwestern state of Indiana and attended college and law school at Harvard .

  18. 哈佛大学(Harvard)法学院学生泰勒•维根(TylerVige)编撰并发布在其网站(tylervigen.com)上的“伪相关”应算是一种警告。

    The " spurious correlations " compiled by Harvard law student Tyler Vigen and displayed on his website ( tylervigen . com ) should be a warning .

  19. 他的成长环境非常优越,他曾就读于哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学法学院。

    He had a privileged upbringing and attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School .

  20. 案例教学在西方管理研究和教学中较为流行,在美国哈佛大学商学院、法学院等一些高级专业课程中已经普遍运用。

    Case teaching is popular in western management research and teaching practice , widely applied in some advanced curricula of famous universities , such as Commercial College of Harvard University , and law schools , etc.