
  • 网络Harvard Medical School;Harvard University Medical School;Medical School,Harvard University
  1. 哈佛大学医学院的科学家玛格丽特·利文斯通是这样描述这个实验的:他们给笼里的猴子提供了触摸屏。

    Here 's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone , who led the team , described the experiment : In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens .

  2. 据哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的一项研究显示,睡眠不足导致生产效率低下,仅此一项每年就给美国经济造成630亿美元的损失。

    According to a study from Harvard Medical School , lack of sleep costs the American economy $ 63 billion a year in lost productivity alone .

  3. 佩奇补充说,他在声音健康研究院(VoiceHealthInstitute)资助了一个研究项目,该项目将由哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的柴特斯(StevenZeitels)领导。

    Mr. Page added that he was funding a research program at the Voice Health Institute that will be led by Steven Zeitels of Harvard Medical School .

  4. 研究结果还表明,个体疫苗接种的连续性较差,有些人会错过加强免疫的机会,共同作者波士顿哈佛大学医学院的Dr。

    The results also indicate a low rate of individual vaccination continuity and several missed opportunities for enhancing coverage , note co-authors Dr.

  5. 美国哈佛大学医学院的JamesCunningham说:“这是一个由很可靠的科研人员进行的非常成功的研究”。

    " It is a well done study by highly reliable investigators ," says James Cunningham , of Harvard Medical School in the United States .

  6. 访问期间,澳大代表团还参观了哈佛大学医学院化学与细胞生物学研究所,也顺道到访国际著名的麻省理工学院(MIT)。

    The delegation concluded their trip to Boston by visiting the HMS Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology , and the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) .

  7. JosephGlenmullen是哈佛大学医学院的精神科医师,他认为精神病药物被过度使用。

    Joseph Glenmullen is a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School who believes that psychiatric medications are overused .

  8. 里根。彼特曼医生是来自于哈佛大学医学院的精神病医师,他研究和治疗PTSD(以往精神创伤紊乱症)已有二十五年之久。

    Doctor Roger Pitman is a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School who has studied and treated patients with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder , or PTSD for25 years .

  9. 这项研究的共同作者、剑桥市哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的精神病学助理教授AlbertYeung说,一个理论是,气功能帮助人们放松,对抗压力,而压力往往会加重抑郁。

    One theory is that qigong helps people to relax and combat stress , ' which tends to aggravate depression , says study co-author Albert Yeung , associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge .

  10. 去年,兰格的一个朋友邀请哈佛大学医学院教学附属麦克莱恩医院(Harvard’sMcLeanHospital)的精神病学家、医务和临床主任杰弗里·雷迪格(JeffreyRediger)与同事们一起观看了这档节目。

    Jeffrey Rediger , a psychiatrist and the medical and clinical director of Harvard 's McLean Hospital , was invited by a friend of Langer 's to watch it with some colleagues last year .

  11. 这应该成为整个行业的标准,哈佛大学医学院教授彼得·科恩(PieterCohen)博士说,他研究过受污染的膳食补充剂。

    This should be a standard across the entire industry , said Dr. Pieter Cohen , a professor at Harvard Medical School who studies tainted supplements .

  12. 哈佛大学医学院的另一位科学家JensKuhn也表示赞同,就是因为缺乏合适的设备和装置,目前关于埃博拉病毒知识太局限了;他本人并未参加这项研究。

    Current knowledge of Ebola is " still too limited " because of a lack of facilities , agrees Jens Kuhn , a virologist and biosafety expert at Harvard Medical School who was not involved with the research .

  13. 哈佛大学医学院的精神病学教授罗伯特·斯蒂克戈尔德(RobertStickgold)认为,睡眠——包括产生了深度睡眠的小睡——会让我们的大脑得到一个机会去决定新的信息孰去孰留。

    Robert Stickgold , a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School , proposes that sleep - including short naps that include deep sleep - offers our brains the chance to decide what new information to keep and what to toss .

  14. 这么早出生的早产儿基本上还是胎儿,他们只是意外出生,这项研究的高级作者、哈佛大学医学院儿科学助理教授阿米尔·拉哈夫(AmirLahav)说。

    Preemies born this early are basically fetuses that happen to be out there by accident , said Amir Lahav , an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and senior author of the study .

  15. 1922年,公共健康服务部在哈佛大学医学院成立了专业癌症研究实验室。

    1922 public health serice opens a special cancer inestigations laboratory at Harard Medical school .

  16. 在马萨诸塞州的波斯顿,哈佛大学医学院的肯尼思幕卡领导了这项研究。

    Kenneth Mukamal of Harvard University Medical School in Boston , Massachusetts led the study .

  17. 波士顿哈佛大学医学院的研究表明,心情放松可以降低会让你饮食过量的应激激素。

    Relaxing daily can lower the stress hormones that spur overeating , a study from Harvard Medical School in Boston finds .

  18. 哈佛大学医学院教师聘任新思想评析专业教师兼任大学新生班主任的优势分析

    The analysis of the new concept for appointment and promotion in Harvard Medical School The Superiority of Special Teachers Who Double as Class Teachers of Freshmen

  19. 青春期是尤其要注意的阶段,因为此时乳腺正出于一个快速发育的阶段,哈佛大学医学院生物统计学家凯瑟琳解释道。

    Teen years are a critical time because the mammary glands are undergoing rapid growth during that period , said Catherine Berkey , a biostatistician at Harvard Medical School .

  20. 哈佛大学医学院医生查尔斯赛斯勒尔是一名睡眠医学专业的教授,他表示,目前有数以万计的女性因生物钟过快而痛苦不堪。

    According to Charles Czeisler , a professor of sleep medicine and a physician at Harvard Medical School , millions of women are fighting against their faster circadian rhythms every day .

  21. 哈佛大学医学院的心理学家南希·埃特科夫表示,作为一种文化,人们已经逐渐改变了对“衰老”与“美丽”之间关系的看法。

    As a culture , we 're already shifting our views of aging and beauty , says Nancy Etcoff , psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of Survival of the Prettiest .

  22. 加州大学伯克利分校和哈佛大学医学院的研究人员对健康年轻成年人的大脑研究,发现他们错过了一夜的睡眠后,发现有一个非常活跃的快乐电路。

    Researchers at UC Berkeley and Harvard Medical School studied the brains of healthy young adults and found that their pleasure circuitry got a big boost after a missed night 's sleep .

  23. 班农毕业于哈佛大学医学院,她的女儿林赛今年13岁,是一个出色的体操运动员,每天都要在体育馆训练八小时。

    Bannon , who has a medical degree from Harvard , didn 't want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay , 13 , an é lite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym .

  24. 这种感觉是由感官输入的不匹配引起的,马萨诸塞州眼科顾问、来自哈佛大学医学院耳鼻喉科的教授史蒂芬·劳奇对《纽约时报》说道。

    The sensation results from a mismatch between sensory inputs , Steven Rauch , medical director of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Balance and Vestibular Center and a professor of otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School , told the New York Times .

  25. 她现在在哈佛大学的医学院念书。学习成绩是全班最好的。

    And I was right ; she 's in Harvard medical school and she gets the highest grades in her class .