
  • 网络French National Library;Bibliothèque nationale de France;bnf
  1. 法国国家图书馆为他的绘画作品举办了个人回顾展。

    The Biblioth è que nationale de France in Paris organizes a retrospective of his graphic work .

  2. 法国国家图书馆的历史可以追溯到路易十一于1461年建立的图书馆。

    The French National Library traces its roots to the library of King Louis XI , which he established in 1461 .

  3. 法国国家图书馆的图书保护探析

    Preservation and Conservation in the National Library of France

  4. 虽然法国国家图书馆批准了复制,但是他们带有限制,因为他们不承认这些文档属于公有领域。

    Although the National Library of France authorized the reproduction , they did so only with restrictions , since they would not admit that these documents are in the public domain .

  5. 文章论述了法国国家图书馆六百多年的发展历史及其业务创新,介绍了密特朗新馆设计的理念与管理服务的思想。

    It not only introduces the six - hundred - year history of the French National Library and its development , but also introduces the idea of architecture of BnF , library management , library service .

  6. 原图仅一套,今藏法国巴黎国家图书馆。

    The original scroll is now housed in the National Library of Paris , France .