
  • 网络the British Library
  1. 《金刚经》现藏于大英图书馆(BritishLibrary)。

    It is now at the British Library .

  2. 我呆在大英图书馆(BritishLibrary)的善本室中,周围是一些鞋子都磨旧了的学者,他们对于经济衰退一点学术兴趣都没有。

    I was sitting in the rare books room at the British Library surrounded by scholars in scuffed shoes for whom the recession is not even of academic interest .

  3. 大英图书馆企业营销主管伊莎贝尔奥斯威尔(isabeloswell)否认大英图书馆鼓励歧视,损害其他人的利益。

    Isabel oswell , head of business marketing , denies that the library is encouraging positive discrimination to the detriment of other people .

  4. 大英图书馆首席执行官琳内•布林德利(LynneBrindley)表示,两家图书馆是非常友好的竞争对手。布林德利几年前曾随团参观科学、行业和商业图书馆,之后决定将这一理念引入伦敦。

    The two institutions have a very friendly rivalry , says Lynne Brindley , the British Library 's chief executive , who was in a group that visited SIBL a few years ago before deciding to bring the concept to London .

  5. 大英图书馆中央阅读室,伦敦。

    The reading room of the British Library , UK .

  6. 从大英图书馆借出的公元9世纪印制的《金刚经》;

    the ninth-century Diamond Sutra , on loan from the British Library ;

  7. 1972年英国议会通过法案,建立大英图书馆;

    The British Library was created by Act of Parliament in 1972 ;

  8. 大英图书馆东方部收藏品中四件未公布过的敦煌绘画作品

    Four Unpublished Paintings from Dunhuang in the Oriental Collections of the British Library

  9. 英国关于未来图书馆信息行业的预测研究&大英图书馆《英国信息2000年》研究综述

    Future LIS forecasted by the British Library & a survey of information UK 2000

  10. 大英图书馆文献提供中心对我国馆际互借工作的几点启示

    Some Enlightenments on the Interlibrary Loan Service in China from the British Library Document Supply Center

  11. 叫“大英图书馆”。

    It 's named British library .

  12. 大英图书馆外借部

    The British Library Lending Division

  13. 伦敦经济发展署刚刚承诺大英图书馆再捐赠240万英镑,用于保留现有服务并增加新的元素。

    The LDA has just promised the Library another 2.4m to maintain the service and add new elements .

  14. 大英图书馆,一个世界上最伟大的参考资源,设在伦敦。

    The British Library , one of the world 's great reference resources , is located in London .

  15. 大英图书馆预计,到2020年,多数研究报告将只会以数字形式发表。

    The British Library forecasts that by 2020 the majority of research will be published in digital form only .

  16. 我想,一个原因是大英图书馆作为世界最大的图书馆之一久负盛名,而且它与马克思的渊源在中国是众所周知。

    For one thing , the British Library has a long standing reputation as one of the world 's leading libraries .

  17. 英国史学家大卫·史塔基带我们走访大英图书馆,揭开了亨利热情细腻的一面。

    British historian David Starkey takes us through the British Library and opens a window to Henry 's passionate , sensitive side .

  18. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。

    Yang Li : She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began .

  19. 我很高兴地得知大英图书馆和中国国家图书馆保持着长期良好合作关系。

    I am glad to learn that the British Library and the National Library of China have developed a sound partnership based on close communication and regular exchanges .

  20. 大英图书馆面临的最大挑战之一,是让英国公众认为,到自己的国立图书馆来“相当强大的机构”是为了寻求商业建议。

    One of the biggest challenges was getting the British public to think of coming to their national library " quite a formidable institution " for business advice .

  21. 当然,重点是,在大英图书馆里,关于女性的一切内容,都是男性写的?

    Of course , the point of it is that everything in the British Library on what turns out to be the voluminous subject of women is written by men , right ?

  22. 在《自己的房间》第二章,这个年轻女人,不管她叫什么&,坐在大英图书馆。

    In the second chapter of A Room of One 's Own , Mary Beton this young woman , Mary Beton , whoever she is , is sitting in the British Library .

  23. 在英国和爱尔兰出版的每一本出版物,都会向大英图书馆提供一本副本,该馆每年需要制作长达12公里的新书架,来容纳所有的书。

    The British Library , which receives a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland , has to build 12km of new shelves every year to accommodate it all .

  24. 1759年1月15日,英国国家博物馆正式对公众开放,直到1997年,古董和史书才从布卢姆斯伯里搬迁到了位于圣潘克拉斯的新馆,这也使得古董收藏馆和新大英图书馆都置于英国国家博物馆。

    The institution finally opened to the public on 15 January 1759 and up until 1997 it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national library in the same building .

  25. 比如卡尔.马克思在提出他的马克思主义理论之前,在大英图书馆中读了非常多的书、以至于他经常坐的那个位置下面都留下了他的脚印。

    Karl Marx , for example , had read so many books in the British Library before his writing of new theories that his footprints were left on the ground of the seat where he usually sat.

  26. 大英图书馆偶然找到的答案是,将这座建筑改造为一个新的面向公众的午夜场所,邀请知名企业家到场向他们的崇拜者讲述一些宝贵经验。

    The answer the Library hit on was to turn its building into a new late-night venue for the public , inviting well-known entrepreneurs to come along to offer some pearls of wisdom to their fans .

  27. 她表示,大英图书馆确实了解一些商业问题,她指出该馆每年通过向企业出售信息(例如科学数据)获得约1.3亿英镑的收入。

    The Library does have some understanding of commercial matters , she adds , noting that it generates about 130m in revenue a year from the information it sells to businesses , such as scientific data .

  28. 在那些已经成立公司的访客中,61%的受访者表示,访问过大英图书馆之后,他们的销售额上升,56%表示利润上升,46%表示生产率上升。

    Of those that had already set up a business , 61 per cent said sales increased after visiting the Library , 56 per cent said profits were up and 46 per cent said productivity had risen .

  29. 最近针对230名商业和知识产权中心访客的调查(受大英图书馆委托)发现,47%是企业的所有者或管理者,其他人则正计划成立公司,或正处于初创阶段。

    A recent study of 230 bipc visitors , commissioned by the library , found that 47 per cent were owner-managers of businesses , while the rest were planning to create a company or were at the start-up stage .

  30. 我把所有的初创企业派到那里,进行市场评估工作,因为那里的网络服务和数据库内容非常丰富,他表示,在向读者免费提供这些资料方面,大英图书馆在全球是独一无二的。

    I send all my start-ups there to do their market assessment work because of the extraordinary range of online services and databases , he says . The Library is unique in the world in providing free access to these materials .