
niǔ yuē zhōu
  • New York State
  1. 他在纽约州有几家家具厂。

    He owned furniture factories in New York State .

  2. 你是哪里人?B:我是纽约州的人。我不是都市人。我是在一个可爱的小镇长大的。

    I 'm from New York State . I 'm not from the city . I grew up in a nice small town .

  3. 来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人预感到胜利在望。

    Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory .

  4. 国会议员汤姆·唐尼是来自纽约州的一名民主党人。

    Congressman Tom Downey is a Democrat from New York .

  5. 纽约州将在星期二举行预选。

    New York holds its primary election on Tuesday .

  6. 纽约州立法的主要倡议人州参议员伊曼纽尔·戈尔德说,他不会放弃。

    The chief sponsor of the New York law , state Senator Emanuel Gold , says he 's not giving up .

  7. 今天是纽约州帕契格市迦南小学二年级的演讲日,现在轮到克里斯·帕莱兹了。

    For Canaan Elementary 's second grade in Patchogue , N . Y . , today is speech day , and right now it 's Chris Palaez 's turn .

  8. 纽约州教育部通过提供双语言课程让这些学生能学习得更好。

    New York 's Department of Education makes learning better for these students by providing dual-languageprograms .

  9. 不好意思,这是纽约州参议员EricAdams。

    Does this just ? I 'm sorry but this is New York State Senator Eric Adams .

  10. 纽约州埃尔马(Elma)的美国制造(MadeinAmericaStore)卖场里,摆放着塑料苍蝇拍、马桶刷,以及用塑料和纸板做成的牛仔帽。

    The Made in America Store here displays plastic fly swatters , toilet brushes and cowboy hats made of vinyl and cardboard .

  11. 纽约州奥查德帕克(OrchardPark)一个已经退休的煤气公司经理卡尔(JoeCal)最近和妻子逛了这家商场。

    Joe Cal , a retired gas-utility manager from Orchard Park , N.Y. , recently stopped in with his wife .

  12. 今年6月,纽约州最高法院(NewYorkStateSupremeCourt)法官裁定其中一个名为SavetheViewNow团体败诉,该团体要求法院阻止Pierhouse楼盘项目的开发。

    One group , called Save the View Now , lost a court fight in June to block the Pierhouse development when a New York State Supreme Court judge dismissed its lawsuit .

  13. 纽约州州长安德鲁•库默一直批评公用事业的飓风应对举措,其中就包括ConEd。

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo has been critical of the utilities ' response to the storm , including con ed.

  14. 在自己推出的法规被纽约州最高法院(NewYorkSupremeCourt)驳回后,布隆伯格发表了一份研究报告,该报告探讨了肥胖与含糖饮料摄入量的相关关系以及不同区域的肥胖人群比例。

    After his regulation was overturned by the New York Supreme Court , Mr Bloomberg published research on how obesity correlates with consumption of sugary drinks , and where they are concentrated .

  15. 例如,纽约州罗彻斯特大学西蒙商学院(SimonGraduateSchoolofbusinessattheUniversityofRochester)就十分积极地接受了无需工作经验硕士学位的理念。

    The Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester in New York state , for example , has adopted the concept of pre-experience masters degrees with gusto .

  16. 纽约州州长DavidPatterson表示,没有任何法律可以阻止伊斯兰中心的建立。

    New York Governor David Patterson says there are no laws that prevent the construction of the Islamic center .

  17. 纽约州州长EliotSpitzer的招妓丑闻被曝光后辞职。

    New York governor Eliot Spitzer resigns after being caught up a prostitution scandal .

  18. “审判日”就是周三(8月15日),届时纽约州金融服务局(NewYorkstateDepartmentofFinancialServices)将听取渣打的辩护证词,该行此前被控隐瞒参与伊朗政府客户约6万笔、至少价值2500亿美元的电汇交易。

    The day of reckoning will be Wednesday , when the New York Department of Financial Services will hear the bank 's defence against charges of hiding the involvement of Iranian government clients in 60000 wire transactions , worth at least $ 250bn .

  19. 维多利亚·波尔波拉(VictoriaPorpora)是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教育学院(TeachersCollege)的一名研究生,她经常往返于学校与位于纽约州斯卡斯代尔(Scarsdale)的父母家之间,那是她从小长大的地方。

    As a graduate student at Teachers College , Columbia University , Victoria Porpora commuted to school from her parents " home in Scarsdale , N.Y. , where she grew up .

  20. 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。

    Edmunds , a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health , Albany , told Reuters Health .

  21. ElaineAckley,58岁,住在纽约州布法罗市。

    Elaine Ackley , 58 years old , lives in Buffalo , New York .

  22. “最密切联系原则”是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

    " The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .

  23. 这些牛肉来自fairbank农场,可能感染E.coli大肠杆菌,已经在纽约州和新罕布什尔造成两人死亡,20多人感染疾病。

    The meat is from fair bank farms and is linked to a possible E. coli outbreak that 's been blamed for two deaths now in New York and New Hampshire . More than two dozen others have become ill .

  24. 有些州的市政债利率更高。举例而言,纽约州发行的市政债目前平均收益率为3.23%,其在标普的投资等级为AA级。

    Some states are even more generous : The average bond issued by New York state , for example , now yields 3.23 % . New York is rated double-A by S & P.

  25. 除了在纽约州阿尔斯特县(Ulster)的那套山间别墅以外,位于曼哈顿的公寓就是他唯一的家了。

    Aside from a mountain retreat in Ulster County , N.Y. , his Manhattan apartment was his only home .

  26. 纽约州运营总监霍华德格莱瑟(howardglaser)表示,港口正恢复作业,引入200艘运载燃油的驳船缓解短缺状况。

    Howard Glaser , New York State operations director , said the port was reopening , bringing in 200 fuel barges to ease conditions .

  27. 在飓风“桑迪”过后,纽约州州长安德鲁•库默(AndrewCuomo)邀请罗丁担任一家委员会的联合主席,来帮助纽约市应对未来的灾难。

    After Sandy , Andrew Cuomo , New York 's governor , asked her to co-chair a commission to help prepare the city for future shocks .

  28. 周四早些时候,纽约州审计长狄纳波里(ThomasDiNapoli)说,去年华尔街的奖金总额达到184亿美元。

    Earlier Thursday , New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said that total Wall Street bonuses totaled $ 18.4 billion last year .

  29. 图象显示与处理方法在纽约州Medina组Grimsby层区域地质研究中的应用

    Regional geologic study on Medina group of Grimsby formation in New York state with image processing method

  30. aig于2005年这些交易受到调查期间把格林伯格赶下台,并且随后支付了16亿美元,与证交会及纽约州总检察长办公室达成和解。

    AIG ousted Mr Greenberg in 2005 during the investigation into the transactions and later paid $ 1.6bn to settle with the SEC and the office of the New York attorney-general .