
  • 网络Newfoundland;island of newfoundland
  1. 新大陆的探险家们,如纽芬兰岛和新斯科舍省的发现者约翰卡伯特,从布里斯托尔开始航行。

    Explorers of the new world such as John cabot , discoverer of Newfoundland and Nova scotia , sailed from bristol .

  2. 这导致夹带冷空气的大风从加拿大西北部刮过大西洋西部和纽芬兰岛的南部,继而使得冰山向南漂浮。

    This led to winds carrying freezing air from northeastern Canada over the western Atlantic south of Newfoundland and , in turn , led to icebergs being transferred further south than normal for that time of year .

  3. 有人最后一次目击到活着的大海雀是在1852年,现于加拿大纽芬兰岛的大浅滩。

    The last known live great auk was spotted in 1852 at The Grand Banks of Newfoundland , Canada .

  4. 1931年的今天,威斯敏斯特法将完全的独立立法权赋予给了加拿大、澳大利亚、纽西兰、南非、爱尔兰和纽芬兰岛。

    1931-Statute of Westminster gives complete legislative independence to Canada , Australia , New Zealand , South Africa , Ireland and Newfoundland .

  5. 海雾频发区位于纽约长岛至纽芬兰岛附近及以东海域,最大海雾发生频率超过30%。

    Sea fog frequently occurs near Long Island to the east of Newfoundland which has a maximum value greater than 30 % .

  6. 1949年,纽芬兰岛获准加入联邦,使拥有10个省的东岸到西岸的加拿大联邦完整起来,也就是今天的加拿大。

    The admission of Newfoundland into Confederation in1948 completed the Canadian Confederation of ten provinces from sea to sea , as they exist today .

  7. 加拿大东部的一个省,包括纽芬兰岛和附近岛屿以及拉布多的主要陆地和附属岛屿。

    A province of eastern Canada including the island of Newfoundland and nearby islands and the mainland area of Labrador with its adjacent islands .

  8. 常规原油产量的下降部分地是由纽芬兰岛海上的希伯尼亚和特别是特拉诺瓦油田造成的。

    The fall in conventional crude output has been driven in part by the Hibernia and , particularly , the Terra Nova fields offshore Newfoundland .

  9. 但仅仅第五天后,从英格兰驶向纽约的航程中,这艘豪华邮轮撞上了纽芬兰岛沿岸的冰山。

    But just five days into the trip from England to New York City , the luxury liner collided with an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland ;

  10. 总部在纽芬兰的福戈岛。

    based out of Fogo Island , Newfoundland .