
bō dòng
  • fluctuate;wave;undulate;surge;oscillate;wave motion;fluctuation of prices;unsettle
波动 [bō dòng]
  • (1) [wave motion;fluctuation of prices]

  • (2) [指水]波浪式地涨落或起伏式地运动

  • (3) 像波浪那样起伏不定;不稳定

  • 行情波动

波动[bō dòng]
  1. v.波动,起伏震动麦田在微风中起伏。……

    undulate The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze .......

  2. 电弧炉电气系统的谐波及波动的检测方法研究

    Research on detecting method of harmonic and undulate for electric arc furnace

  3. 一些吸毒成瘾的人一旦没有毒品就会出现情绪的激烈波动。

    Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug .

  4. 在危机时期,每桶石油价格在20元至40元之间波动。

    During the crisis , oil prices fluctuated between $ 20 and $ 40 a barrel .

  5. 拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。

    Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings .

  6. 葡萄酒生产过剩及由此造成的市价低迷引起了经济波动。

    Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors .

  7. 人患病后体温可能会上下波动。

    Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill .

  8. 节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。

    Dieters suffer from violent mood swings .

  9. 蔬菜价格随气候波动。

    The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather .

  10. 经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。

    The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy .

  11. 他们波动的回声中带有一种难言的悲哀。

    In their echoes , there was a tone of unutterable sorrow .

  12. 草在风中起伏波动。

    The grass waved in the wind .

  13. 约束波的第一例子是使波动在一个界面上受到限制。

    Our first example of confining waves will be to confine a wave at one boundary .

  14. 由于汽油价格浮动较大,机票的价格也就随之波动。

    And because the cost of gas fluctuates so much so does the price of the flight .

  15. 当前中国仍存在经济剧烈波动的可能,其根源在于关键领域改革的滞后。

    In addition , the main reason of china 's economic fluctuation in21st century is the stagnation of the transition in some key fields .

  16. 随着股市波动,当股价下跌时,按照平均成本法投资将买入更多股票,而当股价上涨时,则买入的更少。

    As prices fluctuate , the dollar-cost averager will buy more of the market when prices are low , and less when prices are high .

  17. 但是,事实证明,当服务生做了相对于本职工作而言更多的事情时,却看到小费只有微小的波动。

    But as it turns out , waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do an exceptional job compared to a passable one .

  18. 如果我们中最注重健康的人在一年中闭上眼睛的水平有如此大的波动,那么我们其他人会失去多少睡眠?

    If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year , how much sleep are the rest of us losing ?

  19. 熔断机制的目的是遏制交易价格异常波动。

    The circuit breaker mechanism aims to check abnormal prices wings .

  20. 他用统计表显示价格的波动。

    He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table .

  21. 压抑争吵也造成每日异常的皮质醇波动。

    Abstaining from arguments was also linked to an unusual daily cortisol pattern .

  22. 该喷枪能够提高电弧电压并减小电弧电压波动

    The torch can bring higher arc voltage with lower fluctuation by elongating the arc .

  23. 国内证交所正考虑引入熔断机制,以防范资本市场发生非正常价格波动。

    Mainland bourses are contemplating1 the introduction of a circuit-breaker mechanism2 to arrest abnormal price swings on capital markets .

  24. 根据计划,如果市场涨跌波动达到5%和7%,将触发熔断机制。

    Circuit-breakers will be triggered off if the market fluctuates 5 percent and 7 percent , according to the plan .

  25. 由于黄金和白银的价格和股票价格一样,波动非常频繁,因此奖牌的价值并不是一成不变的。

    Since gold and silver rates , like stock prices , fluctuate pretty frequently , the value of the medal isn ’ t exactly static .

  26. 稳增长是为了保就业,调控的下限是比较充分的就业。随着总量扩大,经济增长的就业容量扩大了,对波动的容忍度也提高了。

    The government 's important goal of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment , and the floor of the proper range is to ensure relatively adequate employment .

  27. 我们更加关注结构调整等长期问题,不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。我们坚持区间调控的基本思路,只要经济增速保持在7.5%左右,高一点,低一点,都属于合理区间。

    We focused more on structural . Judging by the principle of range-based macro-control , we believe the actual economic growth rate is within the proper range , even if it is slightly higher or lower than the 7.5 percent target .

  28. 上海一位数字交易平台人士对《中国日报》表示,监管部门上周约见了几个比特币交易平台的负责人,讨论了比特币行情波动时托管平台的运行方式。

    Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week , and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges , a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily .

  29. 非均匀弹性介质地震波动模拟的Fourier变换方法

    Fourier transform method of simulating seismic wave in Heterogeneous Elastic Media

  30. 慢波的波动率加快(P0.05)。

    The slow wave propagation rate speeds up ( P0.05 ) .