
péng bó
  • flourishing;vigorous;thriving;full of vitality;exuberant
蓬勃 [péng bó]
  • [vigorous;full of vitality] 繁荣,旺盛

蓬勃[péng bó]
  1. 随着互联网产业的蓬勃发展,Web相关技术体现出了越来越重要的价值。

    With the vigorous development of the Internet industry , Web related technology became increasingly valuable .

  2. 随着Web社区的蓬勃发展,互联网正逐步跨入社区时代。

    With the vigorous development of Web communities , the Internet is gradually entering the era of the community .

  3. 新商家在这一地区蓬勃兴起。

    New businesses thrive in this area .

  4. 当地经济蓬勃发展,人口也在增长。

    The local economy is strong and the population is growing

  5. 计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员。

    Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians

  6. 他的事业蓬勃发展,这在一定程度上提升了他的地位。

    His career has blossomed and that has given him a certain elevated status .

  7. 奥地利在克赖斯基任总理期间蓬勃发展。

    Austria prospered under Kreisky 's chancellorship .

  8. 今天,他的公司继续蓬勃发展。

    Today his company continues to thrive

  9. 这将成为一个蓬勃发展的产业,预计税前利润将从去年的5,200万英镑增长到1亿英镑。

    It will be a go-go business with pre-tax profits forecast to climb from £ 52m last year to £ 100m .

  10. 在过去的10年里,乡镇企业蓬勃发展。

    Township enterprises have flourished over the past 10 years .

  11. 运动正在蓬勃开展。

    The movement is developing vigorously .

  12. 春天的大地一片蓬勃的生意。

    Spring has filled the earth with life and vitality .

  13. 新生事物蓬勃兴起。

    New things are springing up vigorously .

  14. 所以,如今创客运动在美国各地的社区和一些学校蓬勃发展也就不足为奇了。

    So it 's no surprise that the Maker Movement today is thriving in communities and some schools across America .

  15. 这个行业显然正在蓬勃发展。

    The industry is clearly thriving .

  16. 疫情激发了5G、人工智能、智慧城市等新技术、新业态、新平台蓬勃兴起,网上购物、在线教育、远程医疗等“非接触经济”全面提速,为经济发展提供了新路径。

    COVID-19 has fueled the boom of new technologies , new business forms and new platforms such as 5G , artificial intelligence ( AI ) and smart cities , and accelerated the development of a contact-free economy like online shopping , online education and telemedicine .

  17. 采矿业初期的蓬勃发展加剧了这种担忧。

    The anxiety has been sharpened by the incipient mining boom .

  18. 这个国家的工业正蓬勃发展。

    The country is having a great boom in industry .

  19. 于是工作流管理技术应运而生,并且蓬勃发展起来

    So , workflow management technology is create , and then develop commendably .

  20. 中澳人文交流蓬勃发展,友好情谊不断加深。

    China and Australia have engaged in vibrant people-to-people exchanges and deepened bilateral friendship .

  21. 经济在蓬勃发展,这就使对高科技服务的需求量也在加大。

    The economy is in the upswing which makes high-tech services in more demand too .

  22. 它是蓬勃发展的创客运动的一部分,鼓励人们创新。

    They 're a part of the growing maker movement , which encourages people to invent and create .

  23. 在中国,沙发冲浪文化正在蓬勃发展,越来越多年轻人热衷于穷游和冒险。

    In China , the culture of couchsurfing is growing as more young people seek adventure on a shoestring2 .

  24. 更多的新鲜血液加入党的队伍,彰显出党的强大生机与活力,展现出党的事业兴旺发达、欣欣向荣的蓬勃气象。党员队伍结构不断优化

    The continuous increase of members has shown the strong vitality of the Party and the prosperity of the Party 's cause .

  25. 澳大利亚,这片神奇的大陆,有着优美独特的风光、蓬勃发展的经济、富于活力的人民、多元共生的文化,深深吸引着世界的目光。

    The magnificent land of Australia has attracted worldwide attention with its exotic , charming landscape , dynamic economy , vibrant1 people and diversified2 culture .

  26. 今年“五一”长假期间,延安市红色旅游市场蓬勃发展,共接待游客160万人次,收入近15亿元。

    The city 's Red tourism market boomed during the five-day May Day holiday this year , when it received 1.6 million visitors and recorded nearly 1.5 billion yuan in revenue .

  27. 这一时期,中国经济大幅增长,成为世界上最先进的经济体,科学、技术、哲学和数学蓬勃发展。宋代中国是世界历史上首先发行纸币的国家。

    During this period , China ’ s economy grew significantly and became the world ’ s most advanced economy . Technology , science , philosophy and mathematics flourished over the course of the Song . It is the first government in the world history to issue paper money .

  28. 随着Internet的发展,电子政务也得到了蓬勃发展。

    With the development of Internet , E-government has had a quick development .

  29. 随着Internet的蓬勃发展,各种入侵事件与入侵手法层出不穷,引发了系列的安全问题。

    With the vigorous development of Internet , all kinds of intrusions and intrusion practices are emerging , and triggering a series of security problems .

  30. 我国正式加入WTO,对于近年来在国内蓬勃兴起的中小企业来说,是机遇也是挑战。

    Our country entering WTO formally is an opportunity as well as a challenge to medium and small-sized enterprise vigorously springing up in our home in recent years .