
  • 网络luteal phase defect;LPD;inadequate luteal phase;Luteal Phase Defect LPD
  1. 74例不孕患者中黄体功能不全的发生率为59.5%,30例(40.5%)诊断为不明原因不孕,而有自然流产史的患者黄体功能不全的发生率为58.1%(18/31)。

    In the 74 infertile patients 31 were diagnosed as LPD ( 59.5 % ) and 30 as unexplained infertility ( 40.5 % ) .

  2. 结论:应用补肾活血法能提高排卵率,降低单用克罗米酚而引起的未破裂卵泡黄素化和黄体功能不全的发生率,提高治疗崩漏、闭经和不孕的疗效。

    CONCLUSION : Tonifying kidney and activating blood method can improve the ovulation rate , decrease the incidence rate of LUF and LPD caused by only using clomiphene citrate , and improve the curative effect of treating metrorrhagia and metrostaxis , amenorrhoea and infertile .

  3. HCG值不高和黄体功能不全可能都不是胚胎停育的真正原因!

    HCG value is not high and the luteal phase defect embryos may not stop the real cause of infertility !

  4. 目的通过对黄体功能不全(LPD)患者子宫、卵巢动脉血流阻力的测定,探索其动脉血流阻力变化与LPD的关系。

    Objective To elucidate the relationship between vascular resistance in utero ovarian circulation in preovulatory period and luteal phase defect ( LPD ) .

  5. 女运动员黄体功能不全和无排卵发生率研究

    The Incidence of Luteal Phase Defect and Anovulatory in Female Athletes

  6. 黄体功能不全不育妇女的卵泡发育研究

    Study of Follicular Development in Infertile Women with Luteal Phase Dificiency

  7. 会不会是因为我黄体功能不全?

    Could it be that because I luteal phase defect ?

  8. 97例黄体功能不全患者的血清催乳素水平分析

    Analysis of Serum Prolactin Level in 97 Sterile Patients with Luteal Phase Defect

  9. 黄体功能不全所致反复早期流产65例分析

    Clinical Analysis of 65 Cases with Luteal Plase Defect Cause Early Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion

  10. 黄体功能不全的不孕症患者白细胞介素1β的检测

    Detection of IL-1 β in Sera and Cervical Mucus from Infertile Patients with Luteal Phase Defect

  11. 补肾调周配合艾灸法治疗黄体功能不全性不孕症的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Bushen Conditioning Menstrual Cycle with Moxibustion Treat Infertility Due to Luteal Phase Defect

  12. 不孕症中因黄体功能不全引起者约占3.5%~10%。

    The patients suffering infertility caused by LPD occupied a proportion of 3.5 % ~ 10 % .

  13. 黄体功能不全患者子宫内膜上皮细胞整合素β3亚单位与孕激素受体关系

    The relationship between integrin β _3 subunit and estrogen receptor , progesterone receptor on endometrial epithelial cells of luteal phase defect

  14. 益肾疏肝调经汤治疗肾虚肝郁型黄体功能不全功血的临床研究龟鳖制品,滋肝补肾,探病访友,送礼佳品。

    Nourishing the liver and kidney , the tortoise and soft-shelled turtle products are the Best presents for patients and friends .

  15. 小陈:婚后两年有余,经查是黄体功能不全引起的不孕。

    Young Chen : After marriage two years have-odd , after look up are sterile which the yellow body function not all causes .

  16. 规律月经周期但黄体功能不全女性卵巢、子宫及内膜血流的多普勒能量超声研究

    Power Doppler ultrasound studies of ovarian , uterine , and endometrial blood flow in regularly menstruating women with respect to luteal phase defects

  17. 方法:对144例WHOⅡ类无排卵或黄体功能不全的不孕症病人进行多中心、随机、阳性对照研究。

    METHODS : A multicenter , randomized , and parallel controlled study was carried out in 144 patients with WHO group ⅱ anovulation or luteal function deficiency .

  18. 结果黄体功能不全患者子宫内膜上皮细胞整合素β3亚单位含量显著降低,而雌、孕激素受体含量明显升高。

    Results Integrin β 3 subunit was significantly decreased , while estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor were significantly elevated in glandular epithelial cells from tissue samples with LPD .

  19. 目的:观察加味寿胎丸治疗黄体功能不全功血的临床疗效并初步探讨其作用机理。

    Objectives : 1 . To observe the clinical efficacy of Jia wei shou tai pills on patients suffering from uterine bleeding due to luteal phase deficiency , and try to probe its mechanism .

  20. 西医治疗黄体功能不全多采用激素治疗,疗效不甚满意,且有一定并发症和副作用。

    Nowadays , the usual treatment of Western Medicine for the disease is hormone therapeutics , the clinical curative effect is not very good , meanwhile , there are certain complications and side effects .