
huáng yóu
  • butter;grease
黄油 [huáng yóu]
  • (1) [butter]∶一种重要食品,系固体乳化产物,主要是从牛奶里提取出来的乳脂(稀奶油),通过搅拌工序,使脂肪球、气泡、水珠聚结起来而成,特别使用于涂在面包片上或烹饪中

  • (2) [grease]∶从石油中分馏出来的膏状油脂,黄色或褐色,粘度大,多用做润滑剂

黄油[huáng yóu]
  1. 把面条的汤控干,在溶化了的黄油里搅拌。

    Drain the pasta and toss it in melted butter .

  2. 把黄油和糖打好,然后调入鸡蛋。

    Beat the butter and sugar ; then blend in the egg .

  3. 早餐有无黄油的面包和一杯茶。

    Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea .

  4. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

    Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe .

  5. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

    Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe .

  6. 在烤模的四周刷上黄油。

    Brush the sides of the tin with butter .

  7. 她用黄油涂了四片厚面包。

    She buttered four thick slices of bread .

  8. 先熔好两盎司黄油。

    First , melt two ounces of butter .

  9. 不要抹黄油,抹点低脂肪的东西吧。

    Use a low-fat spread instead of butter .

  10. 把黄油加热,使之呈棕色。

    Heat the butter until it browns .

  11. 把黄油和糖搅成糊状。

    Cream the butter and sugar together .

  12. 用黄油炒洋葱。

    Fry the onions in butter .

  13. 在冒热气的马铃薯上放一小块黄油。

    Top the steaming hot potatoes with a knob of butter .

  14. 加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。

    Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter .

  15. 他们早餐吃了无黄油的面包,还喝了茶。

    For breakfast , they had dry bread and tea .

  16. 把黄油和食用油放到大平底锅里加热。

    Heat the butter and oil in a large pan .

  17. 作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。

    As a hangover from rationing , they mixed butter and margarine .

  18. 让黄油在微波适用的大盘子里熔化20秒钟。

    In a large microwave-proof dish , melt butter for 20 seconds .

  19. 加入化开的黄油、糖浆、盐和面粉。

    Add the melted butter , molasses , salt , and flour .

  20. 把熔化的黄油倒在一个搅拌用的大碗里。

    Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl .

  21. 把糖掺入黄油然后搅拌至滑软细腻。

    Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy

  22. 她把几片面包摆在台上,开始抹黄油。

    She spread pieces of bread on the counter and began buttering them .

  23. 向日葵所制人造黄油的脂肪含量与黄油脂肪含量相同。

    Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter

  24. 黄油、人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维生素D。

    Butter , margarine , and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.

  25. 东方人不吃黄油,他们更喜欢对健康非常有益处的花生油。

    The Orientals use no butter . They prefer the very healthful peanut oil .

  26. 黄油很容易变质,而且会发臭。

    Butter is perishable and can go rancid .

  27. 这种泥浆呈灰色,它光滑、柔软,像黄油一样易塑。

    The mud is smooth , gray , soft , and plastic as butter .

  28. 在小平底锅里将黄油混合物化软。

    Soften the butter mixture in a small saucepan

  29. 早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。

    Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter .

  30. 只要加水、牛奶和黄油就行了。

    Just add water , milk and butter