
  • 网络Pearson;Pilsen;Pilsner;Plzen;Mason Pearson
  1. 此项研究中所使用的统计方法包括描述性统计,皮尔森相关分析,单向ANOVA和t-检验。

    Descriptive statistics , Pearson correlational analysis , one-way ANOVA and t-test are performed during the study .

  2. 所有数据通过收集编码后,由社会统计学统计软件SPSS进行分析,主要包括皮尔森相关性检验、独立样本t检验等。

    All the data are coded and analyzed by the professional software SPSS 12.0 , the basic research methods contains Pearson correlation analysis and independent-sample t-tests .

  3. 柏林是最容易的,而最困难的是捷克的皮尔森镇。

    Berlin has been the easiest while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen .

  4. 本文通过问卷调查和CET-4成绩,用t检验和皮尔森相关分析研究了非英语专业本科生高分组和低分组在词汇学习策略方面的差异。

    J This study looks into differences between high-score and low-score Groups regarding vocabulary learning strategies .

  5. SETI始建于1984年,由托马斯-皮尔森及吉尔-塔特博士创立。

    SETI was founded in1984 by Thomas Pierson and Dr Jill Tarter .

  6. 土壤的理化性质与细根表面积的皮尔森相关系数结果表明,各指数都呈极显著相关(P0.01)。

    The tested of Pearson correlations of Physical and chemical properties of soil and fine root surface area showed that the index were tested highly significant correlation ( P0.01 ) .

  7. 心理学家皮尔森(PatPearson)说,保持视线接触、正常呼吸和明朗的微笑可以让雇主觉得“你对有关弱点的问题有所准备”。皮尔森着有《停止自我摧毁》(StopSelf-Sabotage!)一书。

    Maintaining eye contact , regular breathing and a broad smile impress employers that ' you 're prepared for the weakness question , ' says psychotherapist Pat Pearson , author of ' Stop Self-Sabotage ! '

  8. 事件导致当时的局长朱利亚•皮尔森辞职。

    The incident led to the resignation of then-director Julia Pierson .

  9. 本研究利用皮尔森相关分析及层级回归进行研究。

    Correlation Analysis and Hierarchical Regression Analysis to Conduct the study .

  10. 皮尔森星期六可能又要与曼联队比赛。

    Pearson is odds-on to play against Manchester United on saturday .

  11. 乔治.皮尔森:商人丹将比大老板更便宜。

    GEORGE PEARSON : Dealer Dan will be cheaper than Big Boss .

  12. 乔治.皮尔森:你来看我着是太好了。

    GEORGE PEARSON : It 's good of you to see me .

  13. 还有一些其他产品,梅森.皮尔森的梳子

    And I have some products . Mason Pearson hairbrushes .

  14. 乔治.皮尔森:我希望,是好的事情。

    GEORGE PEARSON : Good tings , I hope .

  15. 好了,皮尔森先生,站起来

    Okay , Mr. Pearson , up you go . Up you go .

  16. 那么皮尔森究竟发现了什么以使他被杀了?

    So , what exactly did Pierson dig up that got him killed ?

  17. 酒井先生:皮尔森先生,我对任何新的产品都感兴趣。

    MR. SAKAI : I am interested in any innovative product , Mr. Pearson .

  18. 皮尔森有一座铁路高架桥,传说常常闹鬼。

    There was a railroad viaduct in Pilsen that was rumored to be haunted .

  19. 乔治.皮尔森:这也正是我找你的原因。

    GEORGE PEARSON : That s why I would like to talk to you .

  20. 皮尔森学院,耶鲁大学,纽黑文,康涅狄格州,美国

    Pierson college , Yale university , new haven , connecticut , usa , 2004

  21. 急倾斜矿层开采地表移动计算的皮尔森函数法的改进

    Improving the Pearson Function Method for Calculation of Surface Movement after Mining Steep Seam

  22. 我22岁生日的那天,我和凯特在皮尔森餐厅共进了晚餐。

    Kate and I met at the Pilsen for supper on my twenty-second birthday .

  23. 在给定最小相关阈值θ和待挖掘的交易数据库的情况下,强相关项目对的挖掘问题是要找出所有的满足皮尔森关联系数不小于θ的项目对。

    Recently , the mining of all-strong-pairs with statistic correlations on transactional database is highlighted .

  24. 皮尔森承诺她会尽她所能恢复公众对特工处的信任。

    Pierson promises she will do all she could to restore public trust in the agency .

  25. 统计方法有T检验、方差分析、皮尔森相关分析和多元回归分析。

    Statistical methods T-test , analysis of variance , Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis .

  26. 我们已经向债权人清楚说明了我们的战略和理由,皮尔森表示。

    We 've made our strategy and reasoning clear to our creditors , said Mr Pearson .

  27. 利用皮尔森相关系数及趋势图分别分析这五段时间与产品影像残留水平的相关性。

    The correlation between this five parts and image sticking is respectively analyzed by Pearson Correlation Coefficient and trend chart .

  28. 分析过程中运用了描述性数据统计、独立样本T检验、百分比分析、皮尔森相关分析法和回归分析法。

    Descriptive statistics , Independent-sample t-test , Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are adopted in the course of analysis .

  29. 另外,皮尔森相关分析的结果表明:词块的使用和作文分数之间存在正相关性。

    In addition , the results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that lexical chunks have positive correlation with students ' composition scores .

  30. 根据英国出版商皮尔森统计,澳大利亚式语调的使用率近来在英国的青少年和大学毕业生之间急剧上升。

    According to UK publisher Pearson , the use of AQI has recently grown rapidly among teenagers and graduates in the UK .