
  1. 亨德森岛是英属皮特凯恩群岛的一部分,其海滩上的塑料垃圾预估高达3770万件。

    Henderson Island , part of the UK 's Pitcairn Islands group , has an estimated 37.7 million pieces of debris on its beaches .

  2. 皮特凯恩群岛是英国在太平洋的最后一块领地,常住居民50人左右,其中很多都是著名英国皇家军舰慷慨号船员的后代。

    The island , which is the last remaining British territory in the Pacific , has a standing population of some fifty people , many of whom are descended from crewmembers of the famed HMS Bounty .

  3. 1789年,慷慨号发生了现在看来具有传奇色彩的叛变:船员迷恋上太平洋岛屿原住民的美好生活,罢免了船长,并且在皮特凯恩群岛附近一个海湾烧毁了船只,定居在皮特凯恩岛上。

    In 1789 , the Bounty was the setting for a now-legendary mutiny , when crewmembers enchanted by the idyllic life of the native Pacific islanders overthrew their commander , burned their ship in a nearby bay , and settled on Pitcairn .

  4. 如今,这些慷慨号船员的后代大都以农业、渔业以及向集邮者售卖他们稀有的邮票为生。但尽管有现代交通工具,皮特凯恩群岛的居民仍然是世界上被隔离的群体。

    Today , the descendants of those sailors mostly make their living off of farming , fishing , and selling their extremely rare postage stamps to collectors , but even with modern transportation they still remain one of the most isolated communities in the world .

  5. 每天晚上在格林威治时间午夜前后,开曼群岛上空的太阳就会落下,而太阳要在凌晨1点以后才会在英属印度洋领地升起。在这段时间内,南太平洋上小小的皮特凯恩群岛是唯一能够看到太阳的英国领地。

    Every night , around midnight GMT , the Sun sets on the Cayman Islands , and doesn 't rise over the British Indian Ocean Territory until after 1:00 A.M. For that hour , the little Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific are the only British territory in the Sun .