
xù ɡuàn fēn xī
  • sequential analysis
  1. 目前的序贯分析研究中,有两个假设检验问题涉及到了两次SPRT方法。

    At present , there are two hypothesis test problems involved in Two SPRTs in sequential analysis research .

  2. 序贯分析法在舰炮武器试验中的应用

    The Application of Sequential Analysis in Shipborne Gun Weapon System Test

  3. 森林火险的序贯分析初探

    The First Step In Sequential Analysis of Forest Fire Risk

  4. 序贯分析方法在不同分析方法一致性检验中的应用

    Application of sequential analysis methods in consistency test

  5. 他正致力于序贯分析在经济学领域的应用。

    The work he was doing was on the application of sequential analysis to economics .

  6. 本文证明了一类随机变量数学期望关于参数的单调性,并指出它在序贯分析中的应用。

    We have proved the monotonicity of a certain random variable 's expectation , and given some applications for sequential test .

  7. 它除要求提供一般的数据分析处理要求以外,还包括关联/序贯分析、聚类分析、分类分析、回归分析等主要功能。

    Besides the common requirement of data analysis , it also includes conjunction / sequence analysis , clustering analysis , classified analysis , regression analysis etc.

  8. 虽然他知道图灵对贝叶斯统计很有兴趣,但他并不知道,图灵曾经在8号营房独立发明了序贯分析。

    Although he knew that Alan was interested in Bayesian statistics , he had no idea that Alan had independently invented sequential analysis in Hut .

  9. 结果证明,利用正态型序贯分析来确定林火的等级是可行的、可靠的,具有实用价值。

    The result shows that it is feasible , dependable and practical to determine the rank of forest fire using the method of normally distribured sequential analysis .

  10. 第3章提出一种改进的模块化神经网络贝叶斯学习法。第4章基于贝叶斯决策的序贯分析思想提出一种用于模块化神经网络的序贯贝叶斯学习法。

    A modified Bayesian learning method for modular neural network is proposed in Chapter 3 . In Chapter 4 we present another combination method for modular neural network-sequential Bayesian method .

  11. 方法利用常规AR谱分析方法对14例民航飞行人员高血压病患者和14例健康飞行人员的短时程心率变异性(HRV)信号进行分析,同时采用序贯法分析其压力反射敏感度(BRS)。

    Methods The heart rate variability ( HRV ) was analyzed and the baroreflex sensitivity ( BRS ) was evaluated in 14 civil flying personnel with hypertension and 14 age matched healthy subjects using conventional AR spectral analysis and sequential analysis respectively .

  12. 女性生殖道不同部位检测支原体的序贯试验分析

    Sequential analysis of detection Mycoplasma in different positions of female genital tract

  13. 序贯抽样分析法在鼠类携带病原体水平监测中的应用

    The application of sequential sampling method on the monitoring of pathogens carried by rats

  14. 给出了序贯检验分析的数学理论,讨论了序贯分析方法在生物医学中的应用模型。

    The mathematical theory of sequential testing analysis is given and its application in biological medicine is discussed .

  15. 文中分析并计算了林间调查的最适抽样数,列出序贯抽样分析表。

    The theoretical sampling number of forest survey is analysed and calculated , and the sequential analysis is also applied .

  16. 用零频率方法分析得,松墨天牛种群类型为聚集度零频率制约型,并确定了林间调查的理论抽样数和简单序贯抽样分析表。

    The optimal sampling number of forest survey was analyzed and calculated , and the sequential sampling analysis was presented .

  17. 小波变换在期货价格序贯相关分析中的应用价格、样品、交货期等等。

    The Application of Wavelets on the Correlation of Futures Time Series ; prices , samples , delivery dates and so forth .

  18. 通过样方调查计算,采用聚集度指标法,测定云南松毛虫越冬代幼虫的空间分布型,建立了最适抽样数关系式,并对其进行了序贯抽样分析。

    According to quadrate investigation , using aggregation index , we measured the spatial distribution pattern , set the optimum sampling relationship , and made the sequential sampling analysis .

  19. 基于Hotelling线性城市模型,以双寡头序贯进入为分析背景,模型化了品牌忠诚影响产品差异化的两种方式:造成转换成本及影响消费者的购买意愿。

    Based on the Hotelling linear city model , this paper established a model on the ground of duopoly sequential entering to analyze brand loyalty 's two kinds of effect , one was to induce transferring cost , the other was to influence consumer 's willing of purchase .

  20. 小儿肺炎支原体肺炎序贯疗法临床分析

    A clinical analysis on sequential therapy of pedo-mycoplasma pneumonia

  21. 方法:在多处理组比较分析方法的基础上,将两处理组比较成组序贯期中分析方法进一步扩展用于多处理组比较期中分析。

    Methods : Based on multi-armed analysis methods , extend the two-group group sequential interim analysis methods to multi-armed interim analysis .

  22. [结论]确定单变量成组序贯期中分析界值的方法可以扩展用于多终点期中分析。

    [ Conclusion ] The boundary calculation method for group sequential interim analysis of single variable can be extended to multiple endpoints interim analysis .

  23. 用金融市场微观结构模型的序贯交易框架分析了证券市场上羊群效应的发生机制。

    In this paper , we used the sequential trade framework of financial market microstructure model to study the herding mechanism in security markets .

  24. [方法]在多终点分析的基础上将单变量成组序贯期中分析方法进一步扩展,介绍多终点(变量)期中分析方法。

    [ Methods ] Based on multiple endpoints analysis methods , the group sequential interim analysis methods for single variable were extened to multi endpoints interim analysis .

  25. 以14名健康成年男子一次饮酒前后血清脂质过氯化物(LPO)变化的观察为例,应用开放型双向序贯t检验进行分析评价,结果表明本方法具有节约样本、高效快速的优点。

    Open two-sided sequential t-test is used in statistical analysis of the data of Lipid peroxide ( LPO ) in serum from the 14 healthy male adults before and after drink . Our studies suggested that Sequential trial is a fast and high efficient method .

  26. 纵向生命质量资料分析的序贯主成份方差分析法

    Sequential Analysis of Variance for Principal Components in Analyzing Longitudinal Quality of Life Data

  27. 中晚期肝细胞癌个体化综合序贯治疗&127例分析

    Individualized sequential multi-therapy in mid-advanced hepatocellular carcinoma : A comparative study of 127 cases

  28. 管理者可信行为与员工努力水平&基于两阶段的序贯互惠博弈模型分析

    Managerial Trustworthy Behavior and Employee 's Effort Level : A Two-stage Sequential Reciprocity Game Model

  29. 非对称信息下序贯讨价还价的博弈分析&公房上市的政府策略

    A game analysis of sequential bargaining with asymmetric information & on government strategy of public housing market

  30. 在抢先均衡和序贯均衡中,分析了投资成本差异和创新成功所需时间对企业平均投资时间间隔的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论,并给出了经济解释。

    Furthermore , the impact of investment cost asymmetry and required time to implement technology innovation successfully on the average time interval of the firms ' investment is analyzed under the preemptive and sequential investment equilibria , The economic explanations and implications are also provided with the analytical results .