
nèi zàng
  • viscus;splanchna;gut;chawdron;entralis;internal organs;innards;internal;giblets
内脏 [nèi zàng]
  • [entralis;viscera;internal organs] 统称人和动物胸腔和腹腔内部的器官

内脏[nèi zàng]
  1. 结果与B组相比,A组病人的术中内脏牵拉反应有明显改善,哌氟合剂的用量有明显减少,血流动力学也更平稳(P<0.05)。

    S. Results Compared with group B , pulling reaction of viscus was alleviated significantly in group A , the dose of pethidine combined with droperidol decreased significantly and the hemodynamics was more stable ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 烧伤后蛋白质从外周到内脏的转移

    Translocation of protein from periphery to viscus : a metabolic response to burn injury

  3. 一旦火鸡解冻了之后,就把其内脏清除掉。

    Once the turkey has defrosted , remove the giblets .

  4. 冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。

    It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing .

  5. 他割下冒着热气的内脏。

    He cut out the steaming entrails .

  6. 到他们完工时,船员站的地方鱼内脏已堆至脚踝。

    By the time they finish , the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts .

  7. 一些科学家一直在研究人造内脏。

    Some scientists have been doing research on artificial internal organs .

  8. 她把鱼头切下并取出了内脏。

    She cut the fish 's head off and gutted it .

  9. 我只烧已去掉内脏的鱼。

    I 'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed .

  10. 细微大气颗粒物PM2.5)能增加饮食引起的胰岛素抵抗、脂肪炎症反应、内脏肥胖

    PM2.5 exaggerates diet-induced insulin resistance , adipose inflammation , and visceral adiposity .

  11. 把外科排除于丰富的艺术之外,就使得医学本身去掉了内脏一样

    By the expulsion of surgery from the liberal arts medicine herself was eviscerated .

  12. 房间外面响起四声震撼内脏的爆炸——凯丽装在那里的莲花反坦克雷爆炸了

    Outside the chamber there were four gut-jarring detonations-the LOTUS antitank mines Kelly had set up .

  13. 杨利伟解释道,10赫兹以下的低频振动会引起人的内脏共振,甚至会危及一个人的生命。

    Vibrations in the spacecraft below 10 Hz can damage the internal organs , and even threaten a person 's life , Yang explained .

  14. 不过,跟所有快速解决问题的方式一样,塑形内衣也有其不利之处。有些医疗专家表示,塑形内衣不是很健康,因为穿着时会积压内脏,并导致消化系统疾病。

    Like all quick fixes , however , shapewear has its downside , some medical experts suggesting that it may not be particularly healthy as it compresses internal organs and can cause digestive problems .

  15. 包括蔬菜、水果、坚果、植物的根、肉类以及动物内脏器官,不包括奶制品、谷物、糖、豆类、加工过的油、盐、酒精和咖啡。

    It includes vegetables , fruits , nuts , roots , meat , and organ meats while excluding foods such as dairy products , grains , sugar , legumes , processed oils , salt , and alcohol or coffee .

  16. 尽管非常幸运,可他们很快就觉得财富增加得还不够快,不仅如此,他们还以为这只鹅的内脏肯定也是金的。于是,他们决定杀掉它,这样就能立刻得到全部珍宝了。

    Lucky though they were , they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough , and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside , they decided the whole store of precious metal at once .

  17. 哮喘豚鼠内脏感觉传入部位P物质含量的变化

    The alterations of substance P levels in the viscerosensory afferent sites of the asthmatic guinea pig

  18. CT内脏依靠征对创伤性横膈破裂的诊断价值

    Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture : Diagnostic Value of the " Dependent Viscera " Sign in CT

  19. 根据传导速度推算,本实验兴奋的内脏传入属N类纤维。

    The afferent visceral fibers were N group according to conductive velocity in our experiment .

  20. 含P物质的脊神经节细胞周围突的躯体&内脏分支投射

    The somato-visceral divergent projections of peripheral processes of substance P-containing spinal ganglionic neurons & tri-labeling study of combining fluorescein tracing

  21. 结果A组内脏牵拉反应及嗜睡发生率明显低于B组(P<0.01)。

    Results The accidences of visceral traction reaction and somnolency in group A were significantly less than those in group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  22. 实验性支气管哮喘豚鼠肺和内脏感觉传入系统蛋白激酶C的表达及神经生长因子的调节作用

    The expression of protein kinase C and the regulatory effect of nerve growth factor in the lung and the visceral sensory afferent system of asthmatic guinea pigs

  23. 鱼类能摄取水体中的~(134)Cs并积累在肝、肾等内脏器官。

    Fish can absorb 134 Cs from water phase and store it in liver and kidney .

  24. 饲料中添加乌贼内脏膏显著影响镉在鲈鱼鱼体组织(肌肉、肝脏、肾脏、鳃)的残留(P<0.05)。

    The cadmium concentrations in tissues ( muscle , liver , kidney and gill ) of Japanese seabass were significantly influenced by the dietary squid visceral ointment ( SVO ) .

  25. 雌性大鼠在摘除卵巢后延髓内脏带神经元的FOS表达

    C-fos expression in neurons of medullary visceral zone of female rat after ovariectomy

  26. 外套膜>内脏团,鳃组织中PAHs波动较大。

    Mantle > visceral mass , while the content of PAHs in gill varied widely .

  27. 盆神经和内脏大神经切断都可以减少ACC对结肠扩张刺激的反应。

    Pelvic nerve and splanchnic nerve section reduced ACC responses evoked by CRD .

  28. 文拉法辛对IBS动物模型内脏敏感性的影响

    The Effect of Venlafaxine on visceral hyperalgesia in neonatal maternal separation IBS rat models

  29. REM睡眠剥夺对大鼠内脏感觉影响的研究

    The effects of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation on visceral sensitivity in rats

  30. 急性DIC时皮肤及内脏微循环血流量的变化

    Changes of Microcirculatory Blood Flow in Both Skin and Viscera in Acute DIC