
  • 网络Headline
  1. 湖北省和江西省的报社于去年8月份起诉今日头条,指控该应用程序“窃取”他们的知识产权。

    Newspapers in Hubei and Jiangxi provinces sued Toutiao in August , accusing of the application " stealing " their intellectual property .

  2. 今日头条,鉴于天气预报显示,本周晚些时候全国各地都将迎来大雪,苏格兰交通部长就近日可能出现的极端天气发出了警告。

    In today 's headlines , Scotland 's Transport Minister has warned of potentially extreme weather conditions as heavy snow is forecast across the country later this week .

  3. 一个受欢迎的手机应用程序的网站——《今日头条》从3亿用户中收集数据展示了星爷自上世纪90年代在观众中的影响力。

    Toutiao.com , the website of a popular cellphone application , gathered data from its nearly 300 million users to show Chow 's influence on cinema audiences since the 1990s .

  4. 乌镇西栅景区和乌村会举办互联网和科技界大咖头脑风暴活动,大咖们来自阿里巴巴、富士康、今日头条以及58同城等。

    Wuzhen 's Xizha scenic spot and Wucun county have been selected to host brainstorming activities for Internet and tech giants , such as Alibaba , Foxconn , Jinritoutiao , 58.com .

  5. 《今日头条》用户评出星爷1999年的《喜剧之王》是最棒的电影,剧中他是男主却不是导演。

    His film King of Comedy ( 1999 ) , in which he plays the lead role other than directing it , was found to be his best film by users of Toutiao.com .

  6. 2015年,标榜“不做新闻生产者,只做新闻搬运工”的新闻聚合平台“今日头条”遭多家传统新闻媒体机构起诉。

    Toutiao , a headline news application , claims that it does not produce news but only transfers news to the platform . Toutiao was sued by many traditional news media organizations in 2015 .

  7. 网信办表示,新浪网、网易网、财经网、腾讯网、今日头条网等不少有影响力的新闻门户网站已因违规运营新闻而被罚款或处罚。

    A number of heavyweight news portals , including sina.com.cn , 163.com , caijing.com.cn , qq.com and toutiao.com were either fined or disciplined for running news that broke the rules , according to the office .

  8. 《今日头条》上与星爷相关的报道点击量高达2.8亿,几乎是徐峥的四倍,徐峥是仅次于星爷的高人气喜剧片导演,他最有名的作品是2012年的《泰囧》。

    More than 280 million hits were recorded on Toutiao.com stories related to Chow - outstripping by almost four times those for Xu Zheng , the most popular director in the category after Chow . Xu is best-known for Lost in Thailand ( 2012 ) .