
  • 网络Russia Today;Rossiya Segodnya
  1. 但还有数十个机构在提出并传播这种令人怀疑的关联,比如反西方的今日俄罗斯(RussiaToday)网站、英国小报《每日邮报》(TheDailyMail)及NaturalNews等推崇阴谋论的网站。

    Still , the dubious link has been picked up and expanded by scores of other outlets , including the anti-Western website Russia Today , the British tabloid The Daily Mail and conspiracy-minded websites like Natural News .

  2. 汇丰银行的资深全球经济学家卡伦·沃德在接受俄罗斯国家英语电视频道《今日俄罗斯》采访时谈到了这个问题。

    Karen Ward , a senior global economist with HSBC bank , addressed the issue during an interview on Russia 's state-run english television channel , Russia Today .

  3. 据“今日俄罗斯”网站报道,杜罗夫向窗下扔去的是每张面值为五千卢布(合160美元)的纸币,越来越多的路人赶来争抢。

    RT.com reports that a growing crowd amassed to collect the 5000-ruble notes , which are worth about $ 160 each .

  4. 欧盟(EU)将于今日敦促俄罗斯和乌克兰立即恢复俄对欧盟的天然气运输,此前,两国明确承诺将让国际专家监控经过乌克兰境内的输送管道。

    The European Union will press Russia and Ukraine on Thursday to restore the flow of Russian gas to the EU with immediate effect , after securing apparent promises from both countries to let international experts monitor the transit pipeline route through Ukraine .

  5. 预计美国国务院主管经济、能源和农业问题的副国务卿鲁本•杰弗瑞(ReubenJeffery)将于今日向俄罗斯政府官员和石油业高管提出这一问题。这是杰弗瑞自上周就任该职务以来首次出访海外。

    Reuben Jeffery , the under - secretary at the state department for economic , energy and agricultural affairs , is expected to raise the issue with Russian government officials and oil industry executives today in his first overseas trip since assuming the position last week .

  6. 俄罗斯联邦的总统选举制度自初步确定以来一直处于不断地修改和补充之中,截止今日,俄罗斯已经产生了六届、三任总统。

    President of the Russian Federation , the electoral system has been in continuous changes and additions since the preliminary determination , as of today , in Russia has produced a sixth president .

  7. 时至今日,俄罗斯的经济发展缓慢,加之地理环境、生育观念和生活习惯等因素的影响,更使得人口性别比失调现象日益严重。

    Even to this day , the slow development of Russian economic , in addition the influence in such factors as geographical environment , parenting idea and customs , all of these makes the unbalance becomes more serious .

  8. 今日早些时候俄罗斯中部陨石坠落,降落地表时引发火球,砸破窗户,引发汽车防盗铃响,并使150人受伤。

    A meteorite shot across the sky in central Russia early on Friday and sent fireballs crashing to Earth , smashing windows , setting off car alarms and injuring 150 people .