
  • Palace of Versailles;Versailles Palace;Chateau de Versailles;Château de Versailles
  1. 凡尔赛宫是路易14世到路易16世时期法国国王居住的地方。

    The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI .

  2. 20世纪80年代中期,Francis就下令在巴黎附近建了一个宏伟的总部,它是以仿照凡尔赛宫建设的。

    In the mid-1980s Francis had commissioned a grandiose headquarters near Paris that was modelled on the Palace of Versailles .

  3. Murakami作品展于2010年在凡尔赛宫举办过后,多哈也为这位日本艺术家的作品举办了一场回顾展出。

    A Murakami show at the Palace of Versailles in 2010 led to the Japanese artist 's Doha retrospective .

  4. 法国的情况更加糟糕:《世界报》(LeMonde)往往读起来就像是1788年左右的凡尔赛宫报纸,记载着哪位侍臣正得宠。

    It 's worse in France : Le Monde newspaper often reads like a Versailles palace gazette circa 1788 , chronicling which courtiers are currently in favour .

  5. 凡尔赛宫的生活似乎就是漫长的唇枪舌剑,如果能展示出“esprit”——聪明、博学且时常很尖刻的机锋,并让其他人显得可笑——那么你就能赢得地位。

    Life at Versailles was apparently a protracted battle of wits . You gained status if you showed " esprit " - clever , erudite and often caustic wit , aimed at making rivals look ridiculous .

  6. 在道德上并不重要的是,衡量平等程度的基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)不断轮回的历史起落,或者1%的富人中1%的豪富的过分行为,300年前我们或许能在凡尔赛宫看到类似的行为。

    What does not matter ethically are the routine historical ups and downs of the Gini coefficient , a measure of inequality , or the excesses of the 1 per cent of the 1 per cent , of a sort one could have seen three centuries ago in Versailles .

  7. 我们去了凡尔赛宫一日游。

    We took a day trip to the palace of versailles .

  8. 他是凡尔赛宫的第一位主人

    He was the first act on the stage of Versailles .

  9. 勒沃改造凡尔赛宫的计划已经完成

    Le Vau 's plans for the remodelling of Versailles were complete ,

  10. 凡尔赛宫可以充分发挥他的才能。

    And Versailles could use a man of his gifts .

  11. 凡尔赛宫里到处都是有权有地的贵族

    The palace was full of powerful , landed aristocrats ,

  12. 但当凡尔赛宫住满了路易的子孙后

    But as the rooms of Versailles filled up with Louis 's offspring ,

  13. 运送至凡尔赛宫

    and deliver it to the Palace of Versailles .

  14. 你也会有一天的行程离开巴黎到凡尔赛宫去。

    You 'll also take a day trip out of Paris to versailles .

  15. 我们在凡尔赛宫有多少郁金香?

    How many tulips do we have at versailles ?

  16. 凡尔赛宫渐渐变成一个独立的小世界

    Versailles is becoming an increasingly isolated little world .

  17. 我特别喜欢的凡尔赛宫和蒙帕纳斯。

    I particularly liked the Versailles and the Montparnasse .

  18. 内克在凡尔赛宫最兴奋的时候到来

    Necker arrived at an exciting time in Versailles .

  19. 路易就是凡尔赛宫就是他的家

    Louis was Versailles , he was his house .

  20. 喜爱在凡尔赛宫附近森林里狩猎

    enjoying the hunting in the forests around Versailles ,

  21. 我想你游览了凡尔赛宫、艾菲尔铁塔以及诸如此类地方了吧。

    I suppose you saw Versailles and the Eiffel Tower and all that jazz .

  22. 体现在凡尔赛宫的花园里

    found expression in the gardens of Versailles .

  23. 1775年新王与其王后在凡尔赛宫加冕

    In 1775 , Versailles celebrated the coronation of a new king and queen .

  24. 路易要求贵族入住凡尔赛宫

    Louis wanted the nobility at Versailles in order

  25. 他在凡尔赛宫的机器上工作的时候死的。

    He died working the machines at versailles .

  26. 国王开始了在凡尔赛宫的统治

    and the King began governing from Versailles .

  27. 国王想让你去凡尔赛宫里工作。

    The king wants you at versailles .

  28. 带来了让你去凡尔赛宫的委任书。

    It 's your commission for versailles .

  29. 路易在凡尔赛宫深居简出

    Louis hid himself away at Versailles .

  30. 凡尔赛宫作为王权中心而存在

    Versailles couldfunctionas a seat of monarchy ,