
lěnɡ zhàn sī wéi
  • cold war thinking
  1. 两国加入核俱乐部的理由,在很大程度上来源于冷战思维。

    Both countries ' justifications for joining the nuclear club drew heavily on cold war thinking .

  2. 一位中国外交部发言人表示,这种批责是无端的,也是冷战思维的体现。

    A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the allegations were absurd and reflected cold war thinking .

  3. 有令人欣慰的迹象表明冷战思维即将成为历史。

    There are encouraging signs that cold war attitudes are on the way out

  4. 支持学生的31岁艺术家乔治•黄(GeorgeWong)称,政府与示威者之间的僵局类似于“新冷战思维”。

    The stalemate between the government and demonstrators was akin to a " new cold war mentality , " according to George Wong , 31 , an artist who supports the students .

  5. “在一些西方国家,政治家们考虑问题依然受冷战思维的影响。”Patrushev对周报的记者讲。

    " Politicians thinking in the categories of the Cold War still retain their influence in a number of Western nations ," Patrushev told the weekly Argumenty I Fakty .

  6. 这其实是一种典型的冷战思维方式。

    In fact , it is a typical cold war mentality .

  7. 冷战思维的形成、瓦解及全球主义理念的出现

    The Collapse of Cold War Ideology and the Formation of Globalism

  8. 这里还是有一个冷战思维。

    There is a cold war mentality still .

  9. 三是冷战思维犹存,平等合作受到阻碍。

    Third , the vestige of Cold-War mentality hinders cooperation on an equal footing .

  10. 维护国际安全,必须彻底摒弃冷战思维

    " To maintain international security , it is essential to discard the cold-war mentality "

  11. 2008国际金融危机与冷战思维因素

    The Causative Factors for the International Financial Crisis since 2008 and the Mentality of Cold War

  12. 官员称,希拉里将会坚持称世界仍然是“冷战思维”。

    Officials say Clinton will also insist the world had its " cold war thinking . "

  13. 把中国视为“非市场经济国家”,其实是冷战思维的一种“后遗症”。

    Actually , it is the sequelae of the cold war thinking to regard China as a'non-market economy'country .

  14. 中国批评了温哥华会议的调子,称其展现了“冷战思维”。

    China criticised the tone of the Vancouver talks , saying they demonstrated a " cold war mentality . "

  15. 新疆地方立法机构表示,美国的法案充满了扭曲、谎言、冷战思维及政治偏见。

    Xinjiang 's regional legislature says the US bill is full of distortions , lies , Cold War mentality and political prejudice .

  16. 其次,中美双方应摒弃零和冷战思维,并以客观、理性地看待彼此的发展。

    Second , we should abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality and view each other 's development in an objective and sensible way .

  17. 中国大使馆发言人指责蓬佩奥“恶意制造政治对抗”,并敦促美方放弃冷战思维。

    A spokesperson from the Chinese embassy " maliciously creating political confrontation " and urged the U.S. side to abandon its Cold War mentality .

  18. 中国最高立法机构的一名发言人表示,该法案充满了冷战思维和意识形态偏见,肆意攻击中国的发展战略。

    A spokesperson from China 's top legislature says the bill Cold War mentality and ideological bias and wantonly attacks China 's development strategies .

  19. 这种情结来自地理、历史、冷战思维以及冷战后俄罗斯人对现在与未来的思考。

    Such a complex is originated in geography , history , cold war thinking , and Russian reflection on today and future after the cold war .

  20. 北京谴责美国、英国和澳大利亚之间签署的一项新国防和安全协议,称这是冷战思维的部分体现。

    Beijing has condemned a new defence and security deal between the U.S. , Britain and Australia saying it was part of a cold war mentality .

  21. 反对冷战思维,从世界人民的根本利益出发,提出了与西方政治家完全不同的全新的国际战略思维;

    In opposition to Cold War thinking , the short-term objectives that were formulated represent a new international strategic thinking totally different from that of western politicians .

  22. 第四部分:探讨冷战思维、政治文化差异及国际地位差异对美朝谈判策略和谈判结果的影响,以揭示影响美朝冷战的特殊性和历史连续性因素。

    Part four : discusses the major factors the cold war thinking , political culture differences , international status gap which effected the negotiation tactics and negotiation results .

  23. “和平队”组织本身是冷战思维的产物,但这并不能否定它在国际社会青年志愿者行动中的重要地位。

    The Peace Corps was result of Cold War mentality , But there is no denying that Peace Corps occupied an important place in international youth volunteer campaign .

  24. 全面审视当前的世界现实,应该看到,冷战思维依然存在,霸权主义和强权政治时有表现。

    An overview of the current global reality reveals that the Cold War mentality still lingers on and hegemonism and power politics manifest themselves from time to time .

  25. 中国驻欧盟代表团表示,该声明充满了冷战思维和集团政治,不利于国际和地区和平与稳定。

    The Chinese Mission to the EU said the statement is full of Cold War mentality and bloc politics , and is detrimental to international and regional peace and stability .

  26. 要争取持久和平,必须摒弃冷战思维,培育新型的安全观念,寻求维护和平的新方式。

    To obtain lasting peace , it is imperative to abandon the cold war mentality , cultivate a new concept of security and seek a new way to safeguard peace .

  27. 因此,死抱着冷战思维不放,只会造成财富浪费以及无论美国还是世界其余国家都承受不起的对峙。

    Hence , holding on to the narrative of the Cold War will lead only to wasted treasure and a stalemate neither we nor the rest of the world can afford .

  28. 但也必须看到,霸权主义和冷战思维并未退出历史舞台,政治多极化将经历一个长期的过程。

    Nevertheless , it deserves noting that hegemonism and the Cold War mentality have not withdrawn from the historical stage , and the realization of political multi-polarization will take a long course .

  29. 冷战思维及其影响还有一定市场,扩大军事集团、强化军事同盟给国际安全增加了不稳定因素;

    Cold war mentality and its influence still have a certain currency , and the enlargement of military blocs and the strengthening of military alliances have added factors of instability to international security ;

  30. 美国坚持旧安全观和冷战思维,坚持推行霸权主义和强权政治,是传统与非传统国际危机发生的主要根源。

    The hard fact is that the US still sticks to her old security conception , Cold-War ideology , hegemonism and power politics , so the traditional and nontraditional international crisis takes place .