
lěng mén
  • an unexpected winner;not in popular demand;not in vogue;profession or branch of learning that receives little attention;a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention
冷门 [lěng mén]
  • (1) [profession or branch of learning that receives little attention]∶很少有人注意的或意料不到的事物

  • 过去地质学是冷门

  • (2) [unexpected winner]∶比赛中出现未预料到的情况

  • 名不见经传的小将爆出了大冷门

冷门[lěng mén]
  1. 这些专业,在很多大学里都是冷门。

    These are professional , an unexpected winner is in a lot of universities .

  2. 爱好是你最好的老师,你有了这份动力,不管以后这份工作在社会上是冷门还是热门,你都可以做得非常的出色。

    Interest is your best teacher , you had this power , without giving thought to later this job is an unexpected winner socially popular still , you can be done exceedingly outstandingly .

  3. 他们把旅馆建在最冷门的地方。

    They have built hotels in the most unlikely places .

  4. 这次比赛她获得冠军,爆了个大冷门。

    She sprang a surprise by winning the tournament .

  5. 我的研究集中于儿童文学中的一些冷门领域。

    My research focuses on the byways of children 's literature .

  6. 爆了个冷门。

    That was a surprise hit .

  7. 一手货源各类电阻,电容,IC,偏冷门IC等的批发销售。我们有非常熟练的工人。

    The skill source is each kind of electric resistance , electric capacity , IC , be partial to the wholesale that the unpopular IC wait .

  8. 但相对冷门的Bigcommerce正在悄悄引发关注并窃取市场份额。它吸引了超过7500万美元的风投资本,其中4000万美元来自企业家史蒂夫o凯斯的RevolutionGrowth公司。

    But relative underdog Bigcommerce is stealing mindshare and market share , fueled by more than $ 75 million in venture capital , including $ 40 million from entrepreneur Steve Case 's Revolution Growth firm .

  9. 马尔斯和肯德里克?拉马尔包揽了绝大多数奖项,抢尽风头。火星哥拿下年度最佳专辑,制造了当晚最大的冷门,而此前众多乐评人更看好拉马尔的说唱专辑《Damn》。

    Mars provided the night 's big upset , taking the album of the year trophy that most critics assumed would go to Lamar 's rap tour de force , Damn .

  10. 周二的时候,女双比赛还爆出了另一冷门。在四分之一决赛中,威廉姆斯姐妹以6(5)比7、4比6输给了俄罗斯组合依卡塔莲娜·马卡洛娃(EkaterinaMakarova)和爱莲娜·维斯尼娜(ElenaVesnina)。

    The women 's doubles draw got another jolt in the quarterfinals Tuesday when Venus and Serena Williams lost , 7-6 ( 5 ) , 6-4 , to Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina of Russia .

  11. 度假的KasrIbrim为您提供了一种不同的看法的想法蜜月埃及,调音台的历史,用较少的地区的旅游陷阱,豪华这是一个小冷门推荐。

    Holidaying on the Kasr Ibrim gives you a different take on the idea of a honeymoon to Egypt , mixing the history of the area with fewer tourist traps for luxury that 's a little off the beaten track .

  12. 一场双簧管冷门曲目音乐会。

    Concert of neglected music from the repertoire of the oboe .

  13. 50岁的本·伯南克则被看作是一匹可能爆冷门的黑马。

    Bernanke , 50 , is viewed as the dark horse .

  14. 这是锦标赛中所爆出的最大冷门之一。

    It was one of the biggest upsets of the tournament .

  15. 新药研发向冷门进军?

    New drug development : dark horses lead the way ?

  16. 总的来说还是一个冷门。

    So in general , it is still a challenge .

  17. 哈,我可是年年失望年年盼,真希望爆出个大冷门!

    I really hoped to see a great surprise .

  18. 吉姆是决赛中的冷门。

    Jim is a dark horse in the final .

  19. 约翰逊爆出了冷门儿,在第一回合就打败了夺冠呼声最高的选手。

    Johnson sprung a surprise by beating the favourite in the first round .

  20. 就算有排名也是一些冷门关键词那是为什么呢?

    Even some of less popular keywords are also ranked Why is that ?

  21. 足球比赛爆冷门,有一匹黑马赢球了,是一个名不见经传的新球员

    The football game is win by a sleeper , an unknown new player

  22. 获胜的马是一匹完全不起眼儿的冷门马。

    The winning horse was a rank outsider .

  23. 所以这次可真是个大冷门!

    So this is really a big upset .

  24. 在非名校任教的老师或者是教冷门科目的老师往往赚得更多。

    Teachers can earn more by working in unpopular schools or teaching unpopular subjects .

  25. 小基金则追踪冷门指数和行业,投资于不同的证券篮子。

    Small ones track esoteric indices and industries , using various baskets of securities .

  26. 值得一提的是,黄运特自己还动手翻译了好几篇冷门的文章。

    Commendably , Huang himself has translated several of the more recherch é entries .

  27. 由于专业冷门,找工作犹如缘木求鱼。

    As the professional winner , finding a job is like asking for the impossible .

  28. 男子自由体操决赛几乎爆出冷门。

    There was almost an upset in the finals of the men 's floor exercise .

  29. 在上次联赛中我们的女子足球对爆了冷门。

    Our girls ' football team was a dark horse in the last League Match .

  30. 温布尔登网球锦标赛再爆大冷门,卫冕冠军塞雷娜·威廉姆斯出局。

    And in another major upset at Wimbledon , defending champion Serena Williams is out .