
  • 网络cold advection
  1. 地面积雪时间长、高空强冷平流补充南下与晴空辐射降温是形成此次低温冷害的主要原因;

    The main reasons of the freeze injury are long day of snow cover , strong cold advection supplement and low temperature caused by clear air radiation ;

  2. 中上层冷平流对飑线发生的影响

    Influence of cold advection in MID-AND-UPPER troposphere on squall line occurrence

  3. 在发展阶段,700hPa层以下的温压场的斜压结构是气旋发展的重要因素,当冷平流与暖平流呈现西北&东南的偶极子型时,气旋发展;

    The asymmetrical structure of the middle & low level cold and warm advection is the important factor for cyclone 's development .

  4. 夜间200m高度以下有较强的冷平流,在250~400m高度有较弱的暖平流,冷暖温度平流对测点上空边界层温度和层结变化有显著影响;

    There is strong cool advection below highs of 200 m , while the weak warm advection between the heights of 250 m and 400 m. The heat advection have significantly influence on the temperature and stratification of boundary layer ;

  5. 绝热冷却、负涡度平流和冷平流对气旋的发展起阻碍作用。

    Adiabatic cooling , negative vorticity advection and cold advection prevented cyclone development .

  6. 高层冷平流、低层暖平流提供了层结条件;

    Cold advection on upper lever and warm advection on low lever offered stratified conditions .

  7. 对流层上层和平流层低层出现臭氧峰值时,其峰值层附近具有显著的冷平流特征。

    When the ozone peak value emerges in upper troposphere , there is significant cold advection close to the layer of peak value .

  8. 伴有冷平流东移南下的偏北风是促使持续大雾消散的动力因子。

    And the north wind followed by the southeast moving of cold convection is the dynamic factor to dissipate the persistent heavy fog .

  9. 在该型暴雨的发生过程中,北部冷平流具有十分重要的作用,但南部暖平流的作用也不可忽视。

    We must pay attention to the southern warm thermal advection as well as the northern cold thermal advection in the cold front shear type rainstorm process .

  10. 从垂直风廓线产品来看,具有低层为暖平流、高层为冷平流的垂直分布特征。

    With the clockwise movement , the echo disappeared gradually . There is warm advection in the lower and cold advection in the upper in vertical velocity profile map .

  11. 冰雹产生在中低层对流不稳定、高能舌和低层暖平流、高层冷平流以及低层辐合、高层辐散的上升运动区。

    Hail shooting located in the area with convective instability , high energy tongue at the middle low level , warm advection and convergence in low level and cold advection and divergence at the high level , and ascending motion .

  12. 冷海面对平流冷却雾起着很关键的作用。

    The cold sea plays a key role in the advection cooling fog .

  13. 强烈的冷、暖平流空间配置使大风、沙尘暴和降温更为剧烈。

    The space allocation of intense cold , worm advections intensify the strong wind , sandstorm and temperature decreasing .

  14. 水面薄层热结构变化诱发机制的模拟研究&空气冷/暖平流效应

    Simulating study on the inducing mechanism of the heat structure variation of the water surface thin layer ── effect of air cool / warm advection

  15. 结果表明:速度资料中的冷(暖)平流和辐合(散)与降雪的形成、维持和消散关系密切。

    The result shown that the cold ( warm ) advection and convergence ( pergence ) in the velocity data were interrelated with the formation , maintenance , and disappearance of the snow-fall .

  16. 分析表明,第一次气温陡降是由于地面强冷空气侵入暖槽,第二次气温陡降主要是高空冷平流下传和地面自西向东发展的降水导致;

    The results show that the strong cold air flowing into a warm trough induced the first temperature sudden drop , but the second was resulted in the upper cold advection passing downward and the surface precipitation band moving from west to east .

  17. 泰利登陆后西北行时不断有冷空气从西部补充到低涡环流之中但强降雨期间庐山低层并未直接受到冷平流影响。

    Cold air converged into the circulation of " Tailim " continually from the west after " Tailim " landed and moved to the northwest , but during the heavy rain time cold air advection did not influence Lushan .