
  • 网络Cold dark matter;CDM;colddarkmatter
  1. 因为不是正在爆炸的恒星造成这种可恶的没尖点,那么整个冷暗物质的理念就越到了麻烦。

    And without the exploding stars to explain such cussed cusplessness , the whole notion of cold dark matter could be in trouble .

  2. 建立在冷暗物质(CDM)和近标度不变原初扰动的结构形成理论成功地解释了宇宙大尺度和星系形成和演化的整体性质,已成为现代标准宇宙学模型的基础。

    Structure formation model based on the cold dark matter ( CDM ) theory and the nearly scale-invariant primordial perturbation has successfully explained the main features of observational properties of the large scale structure and galaxies .

  3. 非重子冷暗物质粒子的观测及其进展暗物质的实验探测器

    Progress in the Detection of Cold Dark Matter Particles

  4. 星系形成和冷暗物质模型&(Ⅰ)暗物质与初始扰动谱

    Galaxy Formation and Cold Dark Matter Model (ⅰ) Dark Matter and Initial Fluctuation Spectrum

  5. 讨论了在以冷暗物质为主的宇宙中,超新星爆发对矮星系演化的反馈作用。

    The feedback effect of supernova explosions on dwarf galaxies in the cold dark matter dominated universe is studied .

  6. 中性伴子的质量、稳定性和电中性满足了冷暗物质所要求的各种性质。

    The hypothesized mass , stability and neutrality of the neutralino satisfy all the requirements of cold dark matter .

  7. 基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展。

    Based on the current popular hierarchical clustering model of Cold Dark Matter ( CDM ), The Semi-Anlytical Model ( SAM ) of galaxy formation have made impressive progress .