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  • 科学幻想 science fiction
  1. 阿瑟·C.克拉克喜欢引用他的朋友兼同事——科幻作家雷·布拉德伯里的话。

    Arthur C Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury .

  2. 克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。

    The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction .

  3. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。

    The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy .

  4. 这本小说既非科幻小说亦非哥特派恐怖小说。

    This novel is not science fiction , nor is it Gothic horror .

  5. 她听了关于科幻小说写作的系列讲座。

    She attended a series of lectures about science fiction writing .

  6. 她是一位很受欢迎的科幻小说家。

    She is a popular writer of science fiction .

  7. 将自己的卫星送入轨道,这听起来像从科幻小说中直接截取出来的想法。

    Having your personal satellite launched into orbit might sound like an idea straight out of science fiction .

  8. 但这是科幻小说,所以我们可以乐观!

    But this is science fiction , so we can be optimistic !

  9. 美国国家广播公司昨晚播出了一个新科幻系列的第一部分。

    The first part of a new science-fiction series was shown on NBC last night .

  10. 阿瑟?C.克拉克是科幻小说作家中的老前辈。

    Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers .

  11. 最了不起的科幻小说家之一

    one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction

  12. 我把爱情喜剧看作是不入流的科幻,那里的世界用着和正常人类世界不一样的规则。——

    I regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi , in which the world operates according to different rules than my regular human world . -

  13. 除了电影《谢里》之外,你还可以在道格·里曼(曾执导《明日边缘》和《心灵传输者》)导演的高概念科幻动作片《混沌行走》中看到“荷兰弟”。

    As well as starring in Cherry , Holland can be seen in Chaos Walking , a high-concept science-fiction action movie from Doug Liman , director of Edge of Tomorrow and Jumper .

  14. 在这部由玛丽亚·施拉德担任导演并参与编剧的科幻爱情片中,一位离异的人类学家(玛伦·艾格特饰演)同意试用一个被编程设定为完美伴侣的机器人。

    Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .

  15. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  16. 去伦敦看了一场科幻电影,名为《星球大战》(starwars)。

    Went to London to see a fantastic film called star wars .

  17. 同时,他的恶械人公司(badrobot)也已颇具制片实力,最近为福克斯网络(foxnetwork)创作了热门新片科幻题材剧《危机边缘》(fringe)。

    His bad robot company , meanwhile , has become a production force , creating fringe , a new hit science fiction programme for the Fox network .

  18. A.许多科幻电影中都出现了与此类似的情景:人类出于污染、人口过多或者核战争等原因放弃了地球。

    A. THERE ARE A BUNCH of science fiction movies where , because of pollution , overpopulation , or nuclear war , humanity abandons Earth .

  19. 科幻惊悚片《地心引力》(Gravity)上周末创下10月票房最高纪录,表明观众如果认为值得,仍然会选择观看较高票价的3D电影。

    Science-fiction thriller ' Gravity ' set an October box-office record this weekend and showed that audiences still will choose 3-D screenings for movies they believe are worth the higher price .

  20. 3D科幻史诗片《阿凡达》在俄罗斯上映还不到三周,就已经成为该国有史以来最成功的影片,截至目前的票房收入为5550万美元。

    Less than three weeks after ' Avatar ' hit theaters , the high-tech science fiction epic is already the most successful movie ever in Russia , with $ 55.5 million in box-office receipts .

  21. 从某些方面来看,《生活真奇怪》(LifeIsStrange)与DontnodEntertainment的科幻动作类游戏《勿忘我》(RememberMe)是两款截然不同的游戏,而从另一些方面来看,这两款章节式的冒险游戏十分类似。

    In some ways , Life Is Strange couldn 't be more different than Dontnod Entertainment 's sci-fi action game Remember Me , but in other ways , the episodic adventure game is similar .

  22. 但是NASA的探测器,勇气号和机遇号,是我们所具有的与科幻小说上的机器人最相近的东西。

    But the NASA rovers , Spirit and Opportunity , are the closest things we have to the space robots of science fiction .

  23. 在经典科幻电影《时间旅行》(RodTaylor主演)中,主角坐在他的神奇机器中,开始向未来前进。

    In the classic science fiction film , The Time Machine , starring Rod Taylor , the protagonist sits in his wonderful device and begins to move forward in time .

  24. 文物的期待已久的续集命中科幻RTS系列战争黎明结合队的战术与RPG元素。

    Relic 's long awaited sequel to the hit sci-fi Dawn of War RTS series combines squad-based tactics with RPG elements .

  25. 在电影艺术早期,电影胶片这种媒介本身就是科幻的,索尼娅·弗里切(SonjaFritzsche)在即将出版的新书《世界科幻电影的利物浦同伴》(TheLiverpoolCompaniontoWorldScienceFictionFilm)中写道。

    In the early days of film , the celluloid medium was itself science fiction , Sonja Fritzsche writes in the forthcoming book The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film .

  26. 科幻电影《极乐世界》(Elysium)对此进行了绝佳的比喻。

    The science fiction film Elysium makes a metaphor of it .

  27. 科幻作家科里•多克托罗(CoryDoctorow)在2003年出版的小说《魔法王国受难记》(DownandOutintheMagicKingdom)中,假设了一种纯粹的信誉货币。

    Science fiction writer Cory Doctorow posited a purely reputational currency in his novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom ( 2003 ) .

  28. 我们总是在讨论太空,最近他在纽约探险者俱乐部(ExplorersClub)的一次会议上说。我喜欢科幻小说,我觉得太空也充满了科幻的感觉。

    We 're always talking about space , he said recently at a meeting of the Explorers Club in New York , and I loved sci-fi and I thought space was it too .

  29. 据报道,安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)将在即将开拍的科幻大片《机器人启示录》(Robopocalypse)中出任女一号。

    Anne Hathaway has confirmed that she will play the female lead in the upcoming sci-fi film Robopocalypse , as long as the film moves forward into production .

  30. 这是一个可以扇型打开的智能手机,打开后会呈现一个漂亮的柔性OLED触摸屏。一个个智能手机爱好者开放,Flutter赢在其科幻大片的特色。

    A smartphone that fans open to reveal a beautiful flexible OLED touch screen that scrolls radially , the Flutter has won the opportunity to be featured in future blockbuster film .