
  • 网络the logic of scientific discovery
  1. 牛顿科学的推理规则与科学发现的逻辑

    Newton 's " Rule of Reasoning " and the logic of Scientific Discovery

  2. 推理链:科学发现的逻辑新论

    Reasoning Chain : A New Logic Law in Scientific Discovery

  3. 科学发现的本质及其逻辑机制的再发现

    Re-discovery of the Nature and Logic of Scientific Discovery

  4. 论科学发现中灵感的逻辑建构

    On the logical construction of inspiration in science discovery

  5. 他们相信科学方法或发现的逻辑最终将把我们引向客观真理。

    They both have a basic faith in scientific method or logic of discovery which will eventually lead to objective truth .