
  • 网络Cobh;Corfu;Cove
  1. GroupIB的德米克利.沃尔科夫对BBC说,一次成功的攻击最多可让犯罪团伙净赚40万美元。

    Dmitriy Volkov from Group IB told the BBC a successful attack could net its perpetrators up to $ 400000 at a time .

  2. 2M阈式气体契仑科夫探测器

    2-meter threshold gas Cerenkov detector

  3. 最新的IMF小组将以克鲁斯为首,文-勒姆斯和西蒙-佩格搭档,新组员还包括杰瑞米-雷纳、保罗-巴顿、弗拉基米尔-马什科夫。

    The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner , Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov .

  4. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  5. 前杜马成员、反对派活动家根纳季•古德科夫(GennadyGudkov)表示:“(涅姆佐夫的)离世令克里姆林宫内外的人们感到震惊。人们意识到这是一个分水岭时刻。”

    Gennady Gudkov , a former member of parliament and opposition activist , said : " [ Nemtsov 's ] death has shocked people both inside and outside the Kremlin . People realise it 's a watershed moment . "

  6. 切仑科夫线状辐射与类星体的宽发射线起源探讨

    Cerenkov Line-like Radiation and the Origin of Broad Lines in Quasars

  7. 凡斯科夫女士的诉讼影响到医院和医生的津贴削减。

    Ms Vescovo 's suit concerns cuts to hospitals and doctors .

  8. 提高契仑科夫测量效率的方法学研究

    A methodology study on improving Cerenkov radiation counting efficiency

  9. 羟基的切仑科夫射电发射谱线

    The Cerenkov Microwave Line Emission of Hydroxy Radical

  10. 如果老人没错,那是能找到图腾科夫的地方。

    If the old man was right , that 's where Totenkopf is now .

  11. 俄罗斯苏里科夫美术学院壁画材料技法课特点

    The Character of Mural Material Skill Course in CYP KOBA Fine Art College of Russia

  12. 佩斯科夫周四说,普京夫妇尚未正式申请离婚。

    Mr. Peskov said Thursday that the couple has yet to file for divorce officially .

  13. 塔尔科夫斯基诗电影研究

    The Study of Tarkovsky Poem Movie

  14. 埃尔梅斯科夫表示,金融市场最糟糕时刻已经过去的可能性提高了。

    Mr Elmeskov said the odds had improved that the worst was over in financial markets .

  15. 你意思是,这玩意真的有用,你能用它找到图腾科夫?

    You mean this could really work ? You could really find Totenkopf with this thing ?

  16. 在一个电视访谈节目中,佩斯科夫盛赞勃列日涅夫是一位对俄罗斯有巨大贡献的人物。

    In a television interview Dmitry Peskov hailed Brezhnev as a huge plus for his country .

  17. 宇宙γ射线大气簇射切仑科夫光波阵面的形状

    The Shape of Cerenkov Light Front Wave on the Ground About Cosmic Gamma Ray Air Shower

  18. 巴斯科夫的言谈带有美国政治公关顾问那种随和的幽默感,就连口音也很像。

    Mr Peskov speaks with the relaxed good humour and even the accent of an American spin-doctor .

  19. 济之科夫区一景,那里坐落着近年开馆的美术馆;

    a scene in the Zizkov district , where new art galleries have opened in recent years ;

  20. 区别在哪里?米哈尔科夫的影片长两个半小时,让每个陪审员都讲述了自己的人生故事。

    Mikhalkov 's film takes two and a half hours and lets every juror spill his life story .

  21. 法国总统尼古拉斯.萨尔科夫和德国首相默克尔都发出了警告。

    Nicolas Sarkozy , the French president , and Angela Merkel , the German chancellor , have both issued warnings .

  22. 《俄罗斯精神的诗歌》&不同时期毕业于列宾美院及苏里科夫美院9位画家的作品展。

    " Poetry of Russian soul "– the exhibition of9 artists , graduates of Repin and Surikov Institutes of different years .

  23. 约有40户家庭(120人)一直生活在科夫切格村,另外共有80户家庭(200人)来这个村里度过夏天。

    About 40 families ( 120 people ) live in Kovcheg full time and a total of 80 ( 200 people ) during summer .

  24. 我们通过马儿科夫随机移动模型,将这两种数据传输机制与原有的数据传输机制进行了比较,说明了其在节能方面的优越性。

    We compare these two data transmission mechanisms with traditional data transmission mechanism by Markov random process , and prove their superiority in energy saving .

  25. 《死魂灵》中的魔法力量通过主人公乞乞科夫发散出来,他作为一个带有魔力的“闯入者”,在情节发展中发挥着主导作用;

    The magic power in Dead Souls is reflected in the hero Chichikov , who dominates the plot development as a magic " intruder " .

  26. 安德烈公爵在鲍里斯陪伴下来到皇宫寻找多尔戈鲁科夫公爵的时候,军事会议刚刚结束了。

    The council of war was only just over when Prince Andrey , accompanied by Boris , went into the palace in search of Prince Dolgorukov .

  27. 上周,总统发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫试图缓解这些担心,他告诉莫斯科的俄罗斯回声电视台,人们不应该担心,普京非常健康。

    Last week , presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov sought to allay questions , telling Russian radio station Echo of Moscow that people should not worry and that Putin was absolutely healthy .

  28. 佩斯科夫周四说,别担心,一切安好。他整天都在工作,不是只有这些公开的会面。

    No need to worry , everything is all right . He has working meetings all the time , only not all of these meetings are public , Peskov said Thursday .

  29. 2001年,有四个家庭向政府租用了297英亩(120公顷)的地皮,租期为49年,无需任何费用,自那时起便有了科夫切格村。

    Kovcheg Village began back in 2001 when four families leased a 297 acres ( 120 hectares ) plot of land from the government for a period of 49 years , free of charge .

  30. “巴尔莫勒尔”号将完全仿照泰坦尼克号,途经法国瑟堡和爱尔兰科夫,之后到达泰坦尼克号的沉没地点。

    The Balmoral will follow in the wake of the Titanic , sailing near Cherbourg in France and then calling at Cobh in Ireland before arriving at the spot where the Titanic went down .