
wān yán qū zhé
  • meander;zigzag;twists and turns;switchback
蜿蜒曲折 [wān yán qū zhé]
  • [meander;switchback] 迂回弯曲地

  • 溪流蜿蜒曲折地流过平原

蜿蜒曲折[wān yán qū zhé]
  1. 长城像链条一样随着山势的走向在中国北方蜿蜒曲折。

    Twists and turns along the hill-tops of mountain chains in northern China .

  2. 道路沿着海滨蜿蜒曲折。

    The road twists and turns along the coast .

  3. 这条路蜿蜒曲折地穿过山丘。

    The road wanders along through the hills .

  4. 道路呈U字形蜿蜒曲折。

    The roads twist round hairpin bends

  5. 开车的话需要走一段非常蜿蜒曲折的下坡路。

    The drive required going down a quite twisty road .

  6. 洛特河的河道蜿蜒曲折。

    The Lot river follows a winding and tortuous course .

  7. 目前景区内水面碧波荡漾游船穿梭,近岸长廊蜿蜒曲折,亭台错落,岸边垂柳依依,摇曳多姿。

    At present kingbibo Dangyang cruise ship in the water shuttle , winding shore promenade , pavilions cuola , shore weeping willow yiyi , swaying scene .

  8. 英国诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂曾说过:“小路一直蜿蜒曲折地往山上延伸?对,一直延伸到顶点。”

    Christina Rossetti , an English poet , once said : " Does the road wind uphill all the way ? Yes , to the very end . "

  9. 这条河蜿蜒曲折地流过平原。

    The river wound its sinuous way across the plain .

  10. 我沿着中华路(CentralStreet)继续前行,这是马公市最古老的街道,蜿蜒曲折,均用砖头铺就,路过了好几座孔庙与祠堂。

    Then I continued along Central Street , Makung 's oldest , winding and brick-paved , past Confucian temples and ancestral shrines .

  11. 俯瞰地面,则是蜿蜒曲折、缓缓流淌的纳凯曲河(NakeyChhu),它如同银色丝带般穿行于牧场与湿草地之中。

    Below , the Nakey Chhu river meanders like a silver ribbon through pastures and water meadows .

  12. 蜿蜒曲折的石梯一直延伸至良庄入口处。

    The stone stairs stretches to the entrance of Liang Garden .

  13. 她开始沿着接骨木丛中蜿蜒曲折的小路走去。

    She started to walk down the winding path through the elders .

  14. 极目见,道道清澈的溪水在山间蜿蜒曲折;

    Far mark 'd with the courses of clear , winding rills ;

  15. 《木梳路段》蜿蜒曲折的山路形状像梳子一样。

    The comb-shape road The zigzag road looks like a comb from afar .

  16. 沿着蜿蜒曲折的道路尘土飞扬,思惟、惊心动魄的旅程。

    Along the dusty road is a meandering , contemplative and soul-stirring journey .

  17. 小河蜿蜒曲折穿越漂亮的乡村。

    The river wanders through some very beautiful country .

  18. 一条蜿蜒曲折的河流(河)蜿蜒流入大海

    A wandering river wind its way to the sea

  19. 每一个绿岛旁边,都伸出一道蜿蜒曲折的踪迹。

    From each island proceeded a serpentine trail .

  20. 山东半岛海岸蜿蜒曲折,港湾岬角交错,岛屿罗列。

    Shandong Peninsula has a rocky coastline with cliffs , bays , and islands ;

  21. 岁月的河流就这样流过我们的生命蜿蜒曲折。

    This time the river flow on our lives , the twists and turns .

  22. 那条河蜿蜒曲折流向远方。

    The river snaked away into the distance .

  23. 这条路蜿蜒曲折地穿过丘陵。

    The path wanders along through the hills .

  24. 一条缓慢流动的溪水蜿蜒曲折流经草地。

    A lazy stream winds through the meadow .

  25. 这里的河流是那样的蜿蜒曲折、波光粼粼,映射出一派宁静祥和的街景。

    The winding rivers with sparkling ripples give away the tranquility it has acquired .

  26. 小路蜿蜒曲折绕山而行。

    The track curved round the mountain .

  27. 蜿蜒曲折,黑暗的泥土中的痉挛

    Wind-wounds , spasms from the dark earth

  28. 在蜿蜒曲折的小路上,仍然散落着斑斑点点的独角兽血迹。

    There were still spots of Unicorn blood here and there along the winding path .

  29. 一条蜿蜒曲折的河流那条河弯弯曲曲地流入海湾。

    The river winds to the bay .

  30. 通向小屋的蜿蜒曲折的路

    The winding road leading to the hut
