
  • 网络Conakry;Guinea;CKY
  1. 周一,几内亚全国过渡委员会负责人HadjaRabiatouSeraDiallo在科纳克里会见政府成员,对目前的形势进行讨论。

    Examine the situation The head of Guinea 's National Transition Council , Hadja Rabiatou Sera Diallo , met with members of government Monday in Conakry to discuss the situation .

  2. VOA驻首都科纳克里记者表示目前形势非常混乱,但是由于人民都遵守待在家里的命令,首都还是比较平静。

    A reporter for VOA in Conakry says the situation is confused , but the capital remains calm as most people are following orders to stay at home .

  3. 无国界医生驻科纳克里的官员西尔维·约恩克海勒(SylvieJonckheere)表示,官员们新一轮寻找患者的行动,也导致了发现病例增加。

    Adding to the cases are renewed efforts by officials to find the sick , said Sylvie Jonckheere , a Doctors Without Borders official in Conakry .

  4. 我想你到科纳克里去见索罗蒙。

    I want you to go meet Solomon in conakry .

  5. 科纳克里则是令人担忧的情况,而且有些许恐慌。

    In Conakry , there 's an alarming situation and a little panic .

  6. 人们纷纷走上科纳克里街头,庆祝军方接管政权。

    People took to the streets of Conakry to celebrate the military takeover .

  7. 但是位于首都科纳克里的平民政府称他们仍然在掌权。

    But the civilian government in Conakry says it is still in charge .

  8. 现在有人担心埃博拉病毒会蔓延到首都科纳克里。

    And there are fears Ebola may now spread to the capital of Conacry .

  9. 被罢黜总统阿尔法·孔戴的政党代表团出席了在科纳克里举行的会议。

    A delegation from the party of ousted President Alpha Conde attended the meeting in Conakry .

  10. 周日凌晨,科纳克里附近的总统府区域爆发了枪战。

    Gunfire erupted and fighting broke out near the presidential palace in Conakry early Sunday morning .

  11. 9月28日,安全力量在几内亚首都科纳克里袭击了手无寸铁的支持民主示威者。

    On September twenty-eighth , security forces attacked unarmed pro-democracy demonstrators in Conakry , the capital of Guinea .

  12. 事件发生在首都科纳克里附近的卡卢姆区,总统府就在那里。

    It started in the Kaloum neighborhood of the capital Conakry , where the presidential palace is located .

  13. 他说,科纳克里的主要市场已恢复营业,各摊位都有正常的供应。

    He says that the main market in Conakry is back in business , with stalls stocking their normal supplies .

  14. 控制努力仍在持续,特别重点为受影响最严重的两个城镇科纳克里和金迪亚的环境管理。

    Control efforts are ongoing with special emphasis on environmental management for the two most affected towns , Conakry and Kindia .

  15. 几内亚国防部表示,该国安全部队在首都科纳克里遏制了一群反叛分子的威胁。

    Guinea 's defense ministry says the country 's security forces have contained the threat from a group of insurgents in the capital Conakry .

  16. 军事政变意味着自动中止非洲成员国的资格。另外两个西非国家毛里塔尼亚和几内亚-科纳克里最近被驱逐出非盟组织,因为一些军官通过宪法以外的途径夺取了政权。

    Two other west African nations , Mauritania and Guinea Conakry have recently been expelled from the continental body after army officers took power through extra-constitutional means .

  17. 西非国家经济共同体代表团上周抵达几内亚首都科纳克里,与推翻总统阿尔法·孔戴的军事政变领导人举行会谈。他们与几内亚政变军队领导人举行了闭门会议,之后看望了被关押在军营的孔戴。

    A delegation from ECOWAS arrived in the Guinean capital Conakry last week for talks with the leader of a military coup that removed President Alpha Conde .

  18. 力拓的工程师正在研究一条穿越几内亚内陆山区的新铁路的最佳路线,并在几内亚首都科纳克里附近修建一座新港口。

    Rio engineers were studying the best routes for a new railway through the mountains of the Guinean interior and building a new port near Conakry , the capital .

  19. 在几内亚,首都科纳克里有6000人受灾,金迪亚市有10000人受灾,其中此地有三条河流决堤。

    In Guinea , 6000 people are affected by flooding in the capital Conakry and 10000 people in the city of Kindia , where three rivers have ed their banks .

  20. 在反对派领袖孔戴被宣布为几内亚总统决选的获胜者一天后,首都科纳克里的安全部队处于高度戒备状态。

    Security forces are on alert across Guinea 's capital , Conakry , one day after opposition leader Alpha Conde was named the winner of the country 's runoff presidential election .

  21. 已知拉沙热在几内亚(科纳克里)、利比里亚、塞拉利昂和尼日利亚部分地区流行,但在其它西非国家也可能存在。

    Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Guinea ( Conakry ), Liberia , Sierra Leone and parts of Nigeria , but probably exists in other West African countries as well .

  22. 大部分新病例——大约27例——出现在几内亚,有一个地区已经成为重点疫区:首都科纳克里东南部的福雷卡里亚区,那里距离几内亚森林区的疫情源头非常远。

    Most of the new cases , about 27 , are in Guinea , and one area in particular is a problem spot : the Forecariah district southeast of the capital , Conakry .

  23. 埃博拉疫情也扩散到了塞拉利昂首都弗里敦,以及几内亚首都科纳克里本次疫情最严重的另外两个西非国家但那些城市均已经更有效地控制了疫情。

    Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .

  24. 埃博拉疫情也扩散到了塞拉利昂首都弗里敦,以及几内亚首都科纳克里——本次疫情最严重的另外两个西非国家——但那些城市均已经更有效地控制了疫情。

    Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea - the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak - but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .