
  • 网络scientific experience
  1. 该文回顾了地震预测的过程,总结了时间预测与地点判定的新的科学经验。

    In this paper , the authors review the process of the earthquake prediction , sum up some new scientific experience in temporal prediction and spacial determination .

  2. 挖掘、借鉴民族民间歌唱艺术的优良传统和科学经验是声乐艺术工作者的重要任务。

    It is an important task for the musician to develop and to learn from the excellent tradition and scientific experience of the folk song singing technique .

  3. 诸如OvercomingBias和LessWrong这样的网站成为了那些认为变得高效——无论是改变饮食习惯或是改变世界——的最佳方法就是积极参考科学经验和硬数据的人士的活动中心。

    Websites like Overcoming Bias and Less Wrong serve as communities for those who believe the best way to be effective , whether in changing eating habits or changing the world , is to actively look at the lessons of science and hard data .

  4. 在建成使用阶段进行现状评价,检查环境噪声是否达到标准,同时为社区声环境规划、建设和管理等积累科学经验和使用反馈信息,以便不断提高居住社区声环境质量。

    At the mean time , accumulate experience of community acoustic environment plan and management to improve the quality of residential community acoustic environment .

  5. 而这三者都十分强调让学生全面地认识化学,让学生获得全面的化学科学经验。

    And the three theories mentioned above all stressed that the students in the chemical education should understand the chemistry generally and gain the chemistry science experience completely .

  6. 在当前的化学教育中,化学科学经验、全面的化学教育和科学素养的提出,对于突破和扭转过去只重视双基的倾向具有重要意义。

    In the current chemistry education , it is highly significant for Chemistry science experience , Theory of Comprehensive Chemical Education and Science Literacy in breaking through and reversing the ?

  7. 作为化学教育的主阵地&化学课堂教学,教师应该向学生提供全面的化学科学经验,以让学生全面地认识化学。

    The chemistry classroom teaching is regarded as the main battlefield of Chemical Education in which the teachers should provide comprehensive chemistry science experience for students to enable them to understand the chemistry completely .

  8. 本文试图通过较为全面地审视国外发达国家和地区高等职业教育的现状,总结和借鉴其中的科学经验,为我国高等职业教育的发展理清思路。

    By overall survey of current situation of high professional learning in other advanced countries and areas , this article tries to sum up and use for reference its scientific experience to clarify the thinking for our development of high professional learning .

  9. 经验取向之经验观应实现科学经验观向诠释学经验观的转换,以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展才能真正达到发展教师的目的。高职教育改革与国际经验借鉴

    This kind of teacher development should be based on the viewpoint of hermeneutic experience , not on the viewpoint of scientific experience . Only by this can the teacher school-based development achieve its goal . The Reform of High Professional Learning and Using for Reference the Overseas Scientific Experience

  10. 阐述循证医学与经验医学的区别,循证医学并不排除科学的经验积累,并从GBS激素的使用对循证医学与专家经验的关系进行哲学思考。

    EMB not at all removed scientific experiential accumulation . It was undertaken the philosophic thinking on the relationship between EBM and expert experience with applying glucocorticoid in GBS .

  11. 社会心理学家TinekeWillemsen说,辅导帮助女性积累科学职业经验,并且帮助科学最大限度地借助女性的力量。

    Mentoring helps women build careers in science , and helps science get the best out of women , says social psychologist Tineke Willemsen .

  12. 自然科学的经验基础与实践科学观

    The Empirical Base of Natural Science and The Practical Concept of Science

  13. 论科学理论经验评价的问题及其演化

    On the Problem and Its Evolution of Empirical Appraisal to Scientific Theories

  14. 科学总结经验教训稳步推进金融市场改革

    Summarizing Experience and Lessons and Promoting Financial Market Reform

  15. 小学科学学习经验是一种基于小学科学摘要主题的展览。

    Primary Science Learning Experience : the PSLE is an exhibition based on the topics of the primary school science syllabus .

  16. 公共行政领域不仅需要严谨、科学的经验研究,也需要富于批判性与建设性的规范研究。

    The field of Public Administration needs not only precise and scientific empirical research but also critical and constructive normative research .

  17. 这些方面的创造理念以及现实的科学教育经验对我国的基础科学教育具有一定借鉴意义。

    The ideas as above and other experience got from actuality are worthy to absorb and discuss for China 's education of fundamentals of science .

  18. 杜威的自然主义伦理学把道德置于科学和经验的范围内,使得道德成为公共的和可检验的,以避免道德成为主观的和超验的。

    It puts morality within the scope of science and experience so that morality becomes something public and testable instead of something subject and transcendental .

  19. 但由于我国高速公路起步较晚,又缺乏先进的科学管理经验,对高速公路养护管理模式一直处在探索之中。

    However , late start because of the Highway , the lack of advanced scientific management experience , on highway maintenance management has been in the exploration .

  20. 地方性的实验室场所建构了科学的经验特征,而这样的建构是通过实验人员的地方性、实践性的能知来实现的。

    The local laboratory site turns out to be the place where the empirical character of science is constructed through the experimenter ' local , practical know-how .

  21. 在第三节中,本文論证,科学以经验为基础,而宗教则以信仰圣经内容为主。

    Then in the third section we argue that science contains a foundational position claiming an empirical basis , whereas religion relies fundamentally on faith in Holy Scripture .

  22. 其制定过程需要理性与感性、技术与艺术的完美融合,是一套科学结合经验的完整体系。

    The development of rational and emotional needs , technology , and the perfect integration of art is a combination of experience in the scientific integrity of the system .

  23. 作为科学家,我想我们接受改变,接受根本性改变的能力或许稍强,因为我们有追求科学的经验。

    As scientists I think we have perhaps a little greater ability to accept change , and accept radical change , because of our experiences in the pursuit of science .

  24. 殖民者在大连城市建设中运用了国外先进的科学管理经验与城市规划方案,形成以外来建筑文化为基调的城市规划格局。

    Colonists in Dalian City Construction used the experience of the advanced scientific management and urban planning , architectural and cultural form for the tone than to the urban planning structure .

  25. 科学与经验由于其来源和基础不同,它们之间呈现出非常不同的特点,存在着本质差异:经验是一元的,科学是多元的;

    Owing to the difference in the origin and foundation of science and experience , there are very different characteristics and essential distinctions : experience is unified , science is plural ;

  26. 本文认为,自古希腊的亚里士多德以来,哲学思考是在科学的经验化的道路上进行,在近代更发展为哲学在科学理性的思维方式下论证其合理性,其结果是使哲学成为不可确证。

    The writer consider in the thesis that Kant 's philosophical mode of thinking is different from the scientific mode of thinking in modern times which comes from the experiential mode of thinking in ancient Greece .

  27. 但目前,我国在大学生职业生涯规划管理方面的研究还处在探索阶段,理论研究不够深入,开展方法不十分科学,经验交流较少,没有形成系统的理论框架。

    But now , the situation is that the research on student career planning management in China is at the exploring stage , there are not enough theoretical studies , and the research method is not scientifically enough , and there still have no theoretical framework .

  28. 中医是科学,还是经验的积累?

    Is TCM a science or just a collection of experience ?

  29. 论科学理论的经验过硬性指标

    On the Index of Empirical Might of Scientific Theories

  30. 进队选材要遵循科学选材和经验选材相结合的原则。

    The selection must follow the scientific way and stress experience in principle .