
lì fǎ
  • legislation;law making
立法 [lì fǎ]
  • [legislation; law making] 国家权力机关按照规定程序制定或修改法律

立法[lì fǎ]
  1. 这家公司完全不把污染立法放在眼里。

    The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution .

  2. 这种状况有无可能通过立法加以改善?

    Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation ?

  3. 他们承诺立法保护公民的隐私权。

    They promised to legislate to protect people 's right to privacy .

  4. 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。

    Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament .

  5. 立法既费力又耗时。

    Legislation will be difficult and will take time .

  6. 你无法用立法手段来阻止噩运!

    You can 't legislate against bad luck !

  7. 我们希望通过立法来使这一程序合法化。

    We want to legitimate this process by passing a law .

  8. 他们对于立法成效心存疑虑。

    They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation .

  9. 8位参议员支持立法停止军事拨款。

    Eight senators sponsored legislation to stop the military funding .

  10. 政府将向立法部门提交几项议案。

    The Government will bring forward several proposals for legislation .

  11. 这项立法与他们所谓的自由贸易相抵触。

    This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade

  12. 那类立法在议会内外都引起了激烈的争论。

    Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in Parliament and outside

  13. 这项立法本身就是勉强妥协的产物。

    The legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise .

  14. 大多数成员国均已立法禁止超时加班。

    Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime

  15. 政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。

    The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders

  16. 他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。

    They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong .

  17. 银行家们立即声讨有追溯效力的税收立法。

    Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation .

  18. 立法机构通过投票将该国的前度领导人赶下了台。

    The legislative body had voted to oust the country 's onetime rulers .

  19. 影响养鸟者的立法提案的措词已经缓和一些了。

    Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down .

  20. 今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。

    Today 's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process .

  21. 他们威胁说要否决任何新出台的立法提案。

    There have been threats to veto any legislation that comes down the pike .

  22. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。

    In 1987 , Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru 's banking and financial systems

  23. 立法只是解决方案中的一部分。

    Legislation is only part of the answer .

  24. 在任的6年中,塞德曼经常和立法议员争得不可开交。

    During his six years in office , Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers .

  25. 态度是不能用立法来改变的。

    You cannot legislate to change attitudes .

  26. 他没有进一步说明过渡政府和立法机构将采取的形式。

    He didn 't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take

  27. 大多数昨天与总统会晤的立法者说他们支持这个行动。

    Most of the lawmakers who met with the president yesterday said they backed the mission .

  28. 法官说他必须按照该法的立法初衷来阐释它,这完全没错。

    The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it 's been passed

  29. 他们认为委员会应该甘冒不受欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。

    They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes .

  30. 立法是终止汽车作为主导交通工具的唯一途径。

    Legislation is the only route to ending the car 's dominance as a form of transport .