
lì fǎ chénɡ xù
  • legislative procedure;legislative process
  1. 第三章主要讲了我国地方经济立法程序中存在的主要问题。

    The third chapter mainly mentions some problems in our local economic legislative procedure .

  2. 为此,就有必要建立与WTO相适应的行政立法程序。

    Therefore , it is necessary for China to build up administrative legislative procedure consistent with WTO rules .

  3. 今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。

    Today 's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process .

  4. (总理否认他的新顾问的外部利益与立法程序的变化之间存在着联系。)

    ( The prime minister denied there was a connection between his news adviser 's outside interests and the change in legislative programme . )

  5. 同时多个WTO成员方完成了对华特殊保障措施的国内立法程序。

    At the same time , a number of WTO members have completed the domestic legislative process against the special safeguard measures .

  6. 在环境立法程序上,充分发挥公众参与,环境NGO的力量。

    Secondly , fully play the power of the public participation and environment NGO in environment legislation system .

  7. 为适应WTO规则的透明度要求,我国的行政立法程序需要改革,以使其具有更大的开放性,便于利害关系人的参与。

    To meet the requirement of the WTO 's principle of transparence , China 's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties .

  8. 鉴于国会在危机之后有反应过度和加速立法程序的倾向(正如萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(sarbanes-oxley)的内容所体现的那样),这种风险就尤为明显了。

    This risk is especially acute given the propensity of Congress to overreact and rush the legislative process in the wake of a crisis ( as seen with elements of Sarbanes-Oxley ) .

  9. 立法程序的公平是现代法律制度中立法公平不可或缺的法理内涵。

    While rule-of-law justice includes two aspects of legislative justice and .

  10. 关于地方立法程序,由于各地立法情况极为复杂,未能一一予以考察。

    Local legislative procedures are quite complex and are not examined .

  11. 立法程序的法理分析企业再造的流程分析

    Analysis of Legal Principle for Legislative Procedure Process Analysis in BPR

  12. 一九九四年,学院经立法程序正式命名为大学。

    It was accorded formal university title and status through legislation in1994 .

  13. 欧共体的立法程序是一个利益平衡的过程。

    European Community legislative procedure is the process of interests ' balancing .

  14. 论我国行政立法程序中的公众参与

    On the Public Participation in the Procedure of Administrative Legislation

  15. 美国的立法程序应已自己的国内问题。

    The US legislation process should have been its own domestic matter .

  16. 一定要透过立法程序来进行验票。

    The recount must be implemented through the legislative process .

  17. 中美税收立法程序比较研究

    Comparative Study of Tax Legislative Procedure between China and America

  18. 立法程序是以法律的确定为目标连续发展的一个系统的过程。

    Legislative procedure is a systematic process that aims at formulating a law .

  19. 我国行政立法程序中公众参与相关法律问题研究

    Research on Related Legal Issues of Public Participation in Chinese Administrative Legislation Procedure

  20. 浅析全国人大立法程序

    The Study on National People 's Congress Lawmaking Procedure

  21. 如今,该法案必须经历完整的立法程序。

    There will now be a full legislative process .

  22. 这就使得对地方规章立法程序进行研究成为必要。

    This makes the study of legislative procedures of local government regulations becomes necessary .

  23. 对地方立法程序中几个问题的思考

    Thinking about Problems in the Regional Legislation Procedure

  24. 当代行政立法程序控制初论

    Discussion on Controlling of Procedure of Administrative Legislation

  25. 面向立法程序的个人选择&公共选择视角中多数原则的可能性及其限度

    Choice Individual choice facing to the legislative procedure

  26. 但是,立法程序需要时间,这意味着批准公约不会很快。

    But legislative procedures take time , which has meant ratifications aren 't quick .

  27. 论地方立法程序及其完善

    On the Perfection of Local Legislative Procedure

  28. 论现代立法程序的基本属性

    On the Attributes of Modern Legislation Procedure

  29. 立法程序的法理分析

    Analysis of Legal Principle for Legislative Procedure

  30. 地方规章立法程序规范化、制度化的步伐加快。

    Thereafter , to standardize legislative procedure of local government regulations is in a ever-accelerating pace .