
yìnɡ yònɡ fǎ xué
  • applied jurisprudence;applied legal science
  1. 应用法学专业实践教学基地建设的困境与出路

    The Problem and Solution to Establishing Field-practice Bases for Applied Law Majors

  2. 应用法学教学方法改革初论

    On Reforming the Teaching Methods for the Application Legal Science

  3. 关于加强应用法学研究的一点思考

    On Strengthening Research of Applying Science of Law

  4. 应用法学的研究特色探讨

    Research Characteristics of Applied Jurisprudence

  5. 本文的探讨主要以服务司法实践为目的,侧重于应用法学的研究。

    Textual study is mainly for purpose of judicatory practice , and lays particular emphasis on the research of law application .

  6. 应用法学理论,结合实践,同意签字后制作眼部视听教材,取得良好效果。

    Using legal theory and combined practice for making the audio-visual teaching material of eyes after patients agreed and signatured can have a very good effect .

  7. 国家司法考试的内容包括:理论法学、应用法学、现行法律规定、法律实务和法律职业道德。

    The contents of the State judicial examination shall include : theoretical jurisprudence , applied jurisprudence , existing legal provisions , legal practice and legal profession moralities .

  8. 目前法学体系内部各学科的受重视程度正日趋失调,应用法学逐渐受宠,理论法学渐遭冷落,尤其是法史学。

    The present situation is that legal system has been becoming disharmony in which applicable science of law has attracted larger attention and legal theory is being ignored , especially the history of law .

  9. 应用法学研究具有三个方面的特色:以现行有效的法律制度为考察的重点,以社会生活中的法律问题为中心展开研究,具有评价、说理、论证的特色。

    Applied jurisprudence has three characteristics , namely , it lays emphasis on effective legal systems , it focuses on legal matters in social life , and it features appraisals , arguments and demonstrations .

  10. 应用型法学人才合作培养的课程设置&以新余高专法律专业为例

    The curriculum setup for cooperative fostering of application-oriented law talents

  11. 目前,案例教学已经应用在法学、工商管理学等学科中,且均取得了理想的效果。

    Currently , case teaching has been applied to law science and business administration science etc. disciplines and achieves ideal effects .

  12. 规范被广泛地应用于法学、社会学、国际关系学等社会科学的诸多领域。

    The concept of norms is widely used in the social sciences , from law and ethics to social psychology and international relations .

  13. 就法律本体而言,科学技术丰富了法律规范的内容,推动了法律文化的进步,科学方法被广泛应用于法学领域中;

    In terms of the noumenon of law , S & T enrich the content of legal regulations and promote the progress of legal culture , and scientific methods are widely used in law domain ;

  14. 计算机、网络技术在信息领域的应用,给法学文献检索课提出了新的要求。

    The use of computers and networking presents new requirements for the teaching of legal documentary skills .

  15. 法学主要是一门应用学科,法学教育更要体现其学科的务实性,即与社会的密切联系。

    As law is mainly an applied subject , its education should put practicality into consideration and combine with the reality of society .

  16. 文章认为,法律经济学应用于我国法学研究与教学有助于摆脱目前我国法学研究与教学幼稚的困境,推进法律经济学的教学是法律经济学得以推广的前提和基础。

    It suggests that the approach of Forensic Economics applied to the law studies in China would help Chinese legal theory out of the naive state . The promotion of teaching of Forensic Economics becomes the premise and foundation of advancement of Forensic Economics .