
  • 网络The Promised Land;Promise land;land of promise
  1. 最近我正在阅读一本由阿里·沙维特(AriShavit)所撰写的书《我的应许之地:以色列的荣耀与悲情》。

    And recently I have been reading a book by Ari Shavit - " My Promised Land : The Triumph and The Tragedy . "

  2. “律法书”和约书亚是叙述有关以色列如何形成民族而占有“上帝应许之地”。

    The Pentateuch and Joshua relate how Israel became a nation and came to possess the Promised Land .

  3. 直到进入应许之地,云柱和火柱总不离开。

    The pillars never left until they entered the promised land .

  4. 摩西在未进入上帝应许之地前就去世。

    He died before he could enter the Promised Land .

  5. 她在想象中远望到应许之地。

    In imagination , she looked into the promised land .

  6. 应许之地愿意接收这群孩子,为他们提供免费的培训。

    Promised Land is accepting these children tuition free for daily training .

  7. 在来应许之地之前,他没有做过任何培训,因为家乡的学校都不接受他。

    Before he came to Promised Land he had no training at all .

  8. 他将带领我们回到应许之地福沙。

    Who shall returneth to lead us to fuchal , the promised land .

  9. 北方在南方黑人的眼中象征着“应许之地”

    The North represented the promised land , to blacks in the South .

  10. 是摩西差派进入应许之地的12个探子之一。

    Was one of the 12 spies sent into the promised land by Moses .

  11. “可是摩西率领以色列人到了应许之地啊。”教民说。

    " But Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land ," said the disciple .

  12. 经过这么多年,他们终于要进入神的应许之地了。

    After all these years , FINALLY , they were going into the Promised Land !

  13. 黑夜的火柱始终伴随他们直到他们到达所应许之地。

    The pillar of fire by night remained with them until they reached the promised land .

  14. 他们是上帝的子民,犹豫不决地站在应许之地的边缘。

    They were the people of God who stood poised on the edge of the Promised Land .

  15. 如果孩子们需要住在应许之地,则每月收取500元人民币。

    If the child needs to live at Promised Land there is a rmb500 per month charge .

  16. 摩西下一步是要把人们从西奈山带到以色列的应许之地。

    Moses next prepared to lead the people from Mount Sinai to the promised land of Israel .

  17. 摩西在那里死去,能够看见,但没有进入那应许之地。

    Moses died there , able to see , but not to enter , the promised land .

  18. 「假如有所谓的圣地,或是所谓的应许之地,那必定就是这颗充满生之希望的地球。」

    If there is any holy ground , any land of promise , this promising Earth is it .

  19. 它使与约书亚和迦勒同一代的人不能进入神的应许之地。

    It caused the people who were Joshua and Caleb 's age to miss going into the Promised Land .

  20. 但是这个行为在神看来非常严重,所以他禁止摩西进入应许之地。

    Yet this act was so serious in God 's sight that He forbade Moses to enter into the land of promise .

  21. 白人特权的排斥与黑人寻找“应许之地”的梦想不断冲突,最终势必会引发暴乱

    The denial of white privilege clashing with the ambition of blacks looking for the promised land inevitably led to an explosion .

  22. 因为一时的激愤,摩西犯罪了,并且因为这罪,他不得进入应许之地。

    In a moment of anger , Moses sinned , and for this sin he was kept from entering the land of promise .

  23. 感谢他解放了在埃及受奴役的犹太人,并让他们来到应许之地以色列。

    give thanks to God for liberating the Jewish people from bondage in Egypt and delivering them to the Promised Land of Israel .

  24. 我未领他们到我所起誓应许之地以先,他们所怀的意念我都知道了。

    I know what they are disposed to do , even before I bring them into the land I promised them on oath .

  25. 犹大支派进入上帝所应许之地迦南,和其他以色列人逃出埃及后定居在耶路撒冷以南地区。

    The tribe of Judah entered Canaan with the other Israelites after the escape from Egypt and settled in the region south of Jerusalem .

  26. 他攀上山,从山顶上看了那不允许他进入的应许之地。

    He saw the promised land from a mountain top , that he had just climbed , but was not allowed to enter it .

  27. 香港免税收据:香港应许之地特殊教育有限公司可为所有捐助出具免税收据。

    Hong Kong tax exemption receipts : Hong Kong The Promised Land Special Education Charity can give Hong Kong tax exemption receipts for all donations .

  28. 耶和华因为不能把这些百姓领进他向他们起誓应许之地,所以在旷野把他们杀了。

    The Lord was not able to bring these people into the land he promised them on oath ; so he slaughtered them in the desert .

  29. 但是摩西击打岩石两次来取水,因为他生气了。这就是上帝不让他进入所应许之地的原因。

    Instead Moses hit the rock twice for water because he was angry and this was the reason he was barred from the promised land by God .

  30. 应许之地合伙人(个体)是指个人愿意在一年、两年、或三年的时期内,每个月捐赠700元人民币或以上的保证金。

    A Promised Land Partner ( individual ) is an individual who pledges to give a minimum of700 rmb per month for a pledge period of1,2 , or3 years .