
  1. 应用中文版VB6.0开发微机塔钟监控与通讯系统

    Application of Visual Basic 6.0 to Develop a Microcomputer Tower Clock Monitoring and Communication System

  2. [方法]整体抽取我校1年级~4年级涉外护理本科生231名,应用中文版批判性思维能力测量表(CTDI-CV)进行调查。

    Methods : A total of 231 foreign college nursing students from grade 1 to grade 4 of Chinese medical university were selected totally and investigated by filling out critical thinking disposition inventory-Chinese version ( CTDI-CV ) .

  3. 规定报送的全部文件应用中文表述。

    All the documents to be submitted shall be in chinese .

  4. 留学生在中国学习和应用中文面临很多困难。

    Foreign students learning and practicing Chinese face many difficulties .

  5. 仲裁过程应用中文制定。

    The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in Chinese language .

  6. 关于电网计算机控制中心应用中文字符的问题(续)

    On the Application of Chinese Characters in Computerized Control Centres for Electric Power Systems ( cont 'd )

  7. 数码相机在图书馆古籍文献中的应用中文古籍文献数字化建设的实践与思考

    The Using of the Digital Camera in Ancient Books in Library Ideas on the digitalization of ancient Chinese books

  8. 文字计算可以也应该应用中文文字,以便获得更广泛的应用价值。

    Computing with words can be and should be applied to Chinese language in order to gain even more utility value .

  9. 承包商提交的施工和记录图纸中的说明注释应用中文文字。

    The note and instruction in construction and record drawings , which is submitted by contractors , shall adopt Chinese Characters .

  10. 它为解决留学生在学习和应用中文中的实际问题提供了完整的模型、方法和技术。

    It provided complete models , methods and techniques under the practical problem of foreign students ' learning and practicing Chinese language .

  11. 应用中文版36条简明健康状况调查表评估冠心病患者接受康复干预后生活质量的变化

    Changes of quality of life in patients with coronary heart dis-ease after rehabilitative intervention evaluated by 36-item short-form health survey of Chinese edition

  12. 方法应用中文版心理理论测试工具和图片词汇测验测试哈尔滨市100名3~5岁儿童。

    Methods : 100 children aged from 3 to 5 years in Harbin City in China completed the Chinese revision of Theory of Mind Tests and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test ( PPVT ) .

  13. 基于JSP的Web应用开发中文乱码问题研究

    The study based on JSP for Chinese disorderly code in Web application development

  14. 但是,把文本聚类技术应用于中文Web文档,与中文搜索引擎服务相结合的研究仍然比较匮乏。

    But there are seldom researches in using document clustering technique into Chinese web documents and cooperating with Chinese Web search engine services .

  15. 随着国民经济信息化的不断发展以及Internet的普及应用,中文信息处理成为一种热门的研究领域。

    With the continuous development of national information technology and the popularization of Internet , Chinese information processing becomes a hot research field .

  16. Struts应用程序中文显示方案及其国际化技术

    Resolvents of Chinese Display in Struts Application and Its Internationalization Technology

  17. 基于Stacking算法的组合分类器及其应用于中文组块分析

    Combined Multiple Classifiers Based on a Stacking Algorithm and Their Application to Chinese Text Chunking

  18. 这是首次将CRF方法应用到中文时间表达式识别中,选用了一系列有效特征,并对特征进行了扩展。

    This is the first time to use CRF model to solve the time recognition problem . A series of effective features was selected and enlarged by templates .

  19. 解决了串口类的封装、Outlook对象模型引用、多线程应用和中文PDU串的编码发送。

    It solves such problems as how to build the basic serial class , how to use the object model of Outlook , how to actualize multithreads and how to send message in PDU .

  20. 由一位泌尿外科医生在询问病史时,根据每例患者的症状进行IPSS评估,以作为标准评分,然后每例患者应用标准中文版IPSS问卷进行自我症状评估。

    First , the urologist evaluated the IPSS scale based on subjective symptoms . Then , the patients were asked to fill the self administered IPSS questionaire .

  21. 汉字笔画若干数据的统计方法研究与应用计算机中文信息笔形编码法

    Statistic on some Chinese character stroke information A CHINESE - CHARACTER STROKE - ENCODING SYSTEM

  22. 一种应用于中文文本聚类的适应值函数

    Fitness Function Applied to Chinese Text Clustering

  23. 一种自适应概率语言模型的训练方法及其应用于中文分词

    An Adaptive Training Algorithm for Probabilistic Language Model and its Application to Chinese Word Segmentation

  24. 本文主要研究贝叶斯分类方法及改进,并将其应用于中文问答系统的问句分类中。

    This dissertation intends to improve Bayesian classification and then use it in classified Chinese questions .

  25. 在给定合适的文本语料的情况下,采用这些方法可以以人机结合的方式构建面向应用的中文领域本体。

    Given proper text corpora , one can build his / her Chinese domain ontology using the approaches and then build ontology-based applications .

  26. 文中介绍了中文文本分类过程,将支持向量机应用于中文文本分类模型中,对分类器参数选择进行了分析和讨论。

    In this paper a model of Chinese text model based on SVM is built and different type of kernel functions is used .

  27. 为了验证细粒度关系抽取的效果,将本文的细粒度关系抽取方法应用于中文科技术语分析。

    To validate the effect of fine-grained relation extraction , the extraction method presented in the paper is applied to Chinese technical terms analysis .

  28. 本文将基于统计的二元分词方法应用于中文网页分类,实现了在事先没有词表的情况下通过统计构造二字词词表,从而根据网页中的文本进行分词,进而进行网页的分类。

    Word segmentation is an important step in Chinese natural language processing . This paper explores the problem of classifying Chinese web pages based on statistical word segmentation .

  29. 另外基于词语的相关性研究,进一步把隐马尔科夫模型应用到中文实体分类中去,并把结果和贝叶斯模型进行了对比。

    Then based on the words relation research , Hidden Markov Model is used to solve the Chinese POI classification problem . Results from those two classifiers are compared .

  30. 但是,由于中英文文化背景以及语言差异的存在,使得英文领域的研究成果不能直接应用于中文评论。

    However , because of the differences in characteristic between the two languages of Chinese and English , existing English oriented approaches were hard to imply directly on Chinese .