
  • 网络amat;Applied Materials Inc;Applied Material;Applied Materials, Inc
  1. 在2004年加盟谷歌前,他曾在麦肯锡(McKinsey)和应用材料公司(AppliedMaterials)工作过。

    He earned an MBA at the Wharton School and worked at McKinsey and Applied Materials before joining Google in 2004 .

  2. 上周,高级微设备公司(AdvancedMicroDevices)、美国应用材料公司(AppliedMaterials)和Informatica都发布了盈利可能不及预期的预警。

    In the past week , advanced micro devices ( AMD ) , applied materials ( Amat ) and Informatica ( infa ) warned of disappointing earnings .

  3. 上图中的右图是一台应用材料公司生产的Endura机械系统。

    On the right is one of Applied Materials'Endura machines .

  4. 应用材料公司的无尘室有一条自动化悬挂单轨,可将前置式晶圆传送盒从一处输送至另一处。

    Applied 's clean room has an overhead robotic monorail that transports FOUPs from place to place .

  5. 他现年49岁,兼任应用材料公司负责太阳能系统和平板显示器方面的执行副总裁。

    Pinto , 49 , who is also Applied Materials'executive vice president for solar systems and flat-panel displays .

  6. 竞争对手公司,如东京电子和美国应用材料公司,工作地点几乎彼此紧挨着。

    Competitor firms , such as Tokyo Electron and Applied Materials , work almost next to each other .

  7. (太阳能曾在短期内为应用材料公司增加了20亿美元销售额,但如今太阳能对销售额的贡献已经萎缩殆尽。)

    ( solar briefly added $ 2 billion in annual sales to applied ; that has almost all dried up . )

  8. 根据雅虎财经网此前的报道,外界一般认为应用材料公司今年三财季的销售总额将达到28.2亿美元的水平。

    A consensus of analysts'estimates had pegged Applied 's third quarter sales at $ 2.82 billion , according to Yahoo Finance .

  9. 杭州海达应用材料公司拥有自己专业的生产工厂配有数控车、加工中心、线切割、焊接机等加工及检测设备。

    Our own professional manufacturing plant equipped with CNC machining center , wire cutting , automatic welding machines and test equipment .

  10. 记者甚至不能将笔记本带入内:相反,应用材料公司给了他们几个用收缩膜包装的、在无尘室经过特殊消毒处理的笔记本和钢笔使用。

    We couldn 't even take a reporter 's notebook inside : Instead , Applied 's staff gave us a shrink-wrapped , specially sanitized clean-room notebook and clean-room pen to use .

  11. 应用材料公司的第二财季于今年5月1日结束,该财季销售额达28.6亿美元,比前一季度提升了6%,比去年同期提升了24%。

    For the fiscal second quarter , which closed May1 , Applied reported sales of $ 2.86 billion , up6 percent from the previous quarter and up24 percent from the year ago quarter .

  12. 太阳能电池最大的设备供应商应用材料公司的技术执行官马克•品拓说,全球半数的生产能力已经在中国。

    According to Mark Pinto , corporate technology officer of Applied Materials , which is the biggest supplier of machines to make solar cells , half of the world 's production capacity is already in China .