
  • 网络Yingcheng;yingcheng city
  1. 应城市农产品及其生长环境中农药残留现状调查与分析

    Survey and analysis in agricultural products of Yingcheng city and its pesticide residues in environment

  2. 湖北省应城市恶性肿瘤死亡水平和变化趋势分析

    Analysis on cancer mortality level and change trends in Yingcheng of Hubei Province

  3. 基坑工程是应城市发展而兴起的,随着城市建筑群的密集化,地下空间存在地下车库、地下隧道、地下管道及其它地下设施。

    Foundation Pit should be created by the rise of urban development . With the density of city buildings become increasing , underground space has been taken up by underground garage , underground tunnels , underground pipelines and other underground facilities .

  4. 城市基础设施建设投资应与城市GDP、固定资产投资有适宜的比例,城市基础设施各专项之间也应有适宜的比例。

    The portion of investment to urban infrastructure should be appropriate to the city GDP , the fixed assets and the subject projects .

  5. 一个好的城市CBD,无论是地块功能上还是投资密度上,都应是城市生长肌理的有机演变。

    CBD in a well-planning city should be an evolving result of urbanism , no matter it is on land function or investment density .

  6. 反方:应抑制城市化的热潮。

    Negative side : the fever of urbanization should be controlled .

  7. 城市建设应体现城市的文化特色。

    Fourth , the urban construction should embody its cultural feature .

  8. 重要的是我们应保持城市整洁和绿化。

    It is essential that we keep the city clean and green .

  9. 城市的纪念场所应与城市的整体环境协调一致。

    City 's memory locus should be keep harmonious with its whole environment .

  10. 应完善城市应急机制,构建良好的城市形象。

    We must perfect urban crisis mechanism and build favorable modern urban image .

  11. 当地政府应掌握城市周围的所有土地

    that governments should acquire all land around cities .

  12. 生态城市空间结构的模式应视城市规模而定。

    The urban spatial structure of ecocity should change with the urban scale .

  13. 我国应将城市设计的相关内容纳入《城市规划法》中。

    China should include related content of urban design in the Urban Planning Law .

  14. 深层次发展的个体形态&个性化发展,应以城市更新为主要策略。

    The individual pattern , the individual developing , takes city renewing as key tactics .

  15. 应建立城市供水与污水处理的一体化企业经营模式

    Management Mode of Integrative Enterprise in Urban Water Supply and Sewage Treatment should Be Established

  16. 北京学研究应关注城市综合减灾的主题

    Comprehensive City Calamity Reduction in Beijing Studies

  17. 当前应加快城市化步伐,带动需求全面增长。

    And now , we must quicken urbanization to bring up full demand of increase .

  18. 研究了安徽省应以城市现代化、体育产业化为先导,发展体育产业;

    Advise that Anhui Province should develop sports industry through city modernization and sports industrialization ;

  19. 在城市道路规划时应进行城市道路规划方案的环境影响分析;

    In urban roads planning , the planning 's influence to environment must be analyzed .

  20. 城市的景观系统应尊重城市的自然生态生态环境。

    The Scene system of the city should respect natural ecosystem ecosystem environment of the city .

  21. 提出长江三角洲地区在发展过程中应加强城市合作,提高第三层次城市的综合实力,促进一体化发展;

    Strengthen intercity cooperation to improve the comprehensive strength of the third industry and promote development by integration .

  22. 建筑空调与城市形态存在关联问题,确定建筑空调的适当内容、形式、方向,应在城市范围采用系统方法。

    Building system models between building air-conditioning and urban planning of building air conditioning-city planning were set up .

  23. 因此,这类诗歌的恰当称谓应是城市中的心灵之书,心灵的敏感、柔韧、潜隐,与诗同格。

    The sensitivity , soft tenacity and occultness of the soul are of the same case with poetry .

  24. 大批农民向非农产业和城市转移,应是城市化的题中之义。

    Large quantities of peasants transferring to non-agricultural estate and city , should be the just content of urbanization .

  25. 在城市建设和规划中,应发挥城市环境视觉暗示的积极作用。

    In the construction and designing of cities , visual suggestions of city environments should be given full play .

  26. 城市下层的调查研究应包括城市生态学研究,应导入生活结构理论,也应注意国际比较方法的运用。

    The research should involve that of urban ecology , employ theory of life structure and international comparative methods .

  27. 因此,我们在面对这些前所未有挑战的同时,城市景观规划设计应在城市发展中扮演什么角色呢?

    Therefore , to meet these unprecedented challenges , the School of Landscape Architecture should play what a role ?

  28. 城市中的公园和绿地是城市共有的生态与景观资源,应为城市所共享。

    Gardens and greenbelt in cities are the mutual zoology and scene source , and should be shared with cities .

  29. 立法中,城市森林的范围应包括城市市区、近郊区以及跨辖区的森林。

    The scope of urban forest in legislation is involved with forests in downtown areas , suburbs and cross-jurisdictional areas .

  30. 对各种方法进行了比较与分析,提出战略规划的方法应随着城市发展的推进不断更新和系统化。

    That the method of strategic planning should be changed and systematized with the city 's development are also discussed .