
yìnɡ yònɡ chénɡ xù
  • application program
  1. 论文研究了Vega仿真引擎,包括LynX图形界面和应用程序接口API,提出了开发Vega应用程序的主框架和基本步骤,并对视景显示与驱动的几个关键技术逐一进行分析。

    The paper researched the Vega simulation software including LynX graphical interface and application program interface ( API ), advanced application program frame and basic steps , and particular analyzed the pivotal technology of scene display and driving .

  2. 利用VISUALBASIC开发了系统应用程序。

    And use Visual Basic to development system application program .

  3. 我不必退出WordPerfect程序就可以打开其他应用程序。

    I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect .

  4. 例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的。

    For example , round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself .

  5. 换句话说,您需要简洁地描述应用程序完成的工作。

    In other words , you need to succinctly state what your application does .

  6. 她建议人们下载Instant或Moment等应用程序来记录自己每天打开于机的次数。

    She suggests downloading the Instant or Moment apps to see how many times you turn on your phone each day .

  7. 也可以使用像Offtime或Unplugged这类应用程序有策略地安排自动飞行模式来设立无科技区。

    You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech free zones by strategically scheduling automatic airplane modes .

  8. 与此同时,配备应用程序的智能手机和数字钱包(均支持EMV技术)正开始进入卡和现金领域。

    In the meantime , app-equipped smartphones and digital wallets — all of which can use EMV technology — are beginning to make inroads on cards and cash .

  9. 近年来,社交媒体和智能手机应用程序变得非常流行,因为青少年需要一个自己的空间。

    Social media and smart-phone apps have become so popular in recent years because teens need a place to call their own .

  10. 例如,PayPal正在测试一款应用程序,它可以让你使用手机在本地商户进行即时支付,而不必提供任何银行卡信息。

    PayPal , for instance , is testing an app that lets you use your mobile phone to pay on the fly at local merchants — without surrendering any card information to them .

  11. "对于父母而言,知道他们的孩子使用哪些应用程序,这也非常重要。"

    " It 's also hugely important for parents to know which apps their children are using ."

  12. 一些社交应用程序在孩子中很受欢迎,尽管它们可能要求用户年满13岁。

    Some social apps were popular among the children even though they supposedly require users to be at least 13 .

  13. 我们终于意识到了问题的严重性,因此支持并开发了一系列工具、应用程序和方法来防止诈骗电话拨出。

    We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools , apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through .

  14. 她说:"孩子们在小学的时候就和家人和朋友一起使用社交媒体和玩游戏。但是从中学开始,使用应用程序就开始从有趣变成了巨大的社交媒体互动压力。"

    She said :" Children are using social media with family and friends and to play games when they are in primary school . But what starts as fun usage of apps turns into tremendous pressure in real social media interaction at secondary school ."

  15. 此外,这些机器人还提供特殊的应用程序(app),帮助老人在家里管理自己的健康。

    Besides , these robots provide special apps to help the old manage their health at home .

  16. 他们在网上搜索信息,使用应用程序或通过QQ和微信进行讨论。

    They search information online , use apps or discuss through QQ and WeChat .

  17. 这些应用程序还可以记录他们的日常活动。

    The apps can also record their daily activities .

  18. 在超市附近打开这个应用程序,它可以立即提供特价信息。

    Opening the App near a supermarket provides immediate information on special offers .

  19. 这些应用程序可以检查老年人的心率,并告诉他们按时吃药。

    The apps can check the old people 's heart rate and tell them to take their medicine on time .

  20. 但他刚刚做了眼科手术,需要一个能储存书籍并大声朗读给他听的应用程序。

    But he has just had an eye operation and needs some app that can store the books and read them aloud to him .

  21. 当他查看自己微信应用程序的在线钱包时,发现有位乘客错把65元支付成了6500元。

    When he checked the online wallet of his Wechat app , he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a 65-yuan pay .

  22. 政府组织了一个研究小组,并提供了一个应用程序来收集几乎所有的数据:光线、温度以及汽车和人的运动。

    The government organized a research team and provided an App that collects data on almost everything : light , temperature , and the movements of cars and people .

  23. 她太忙了,没时间照顾两岁的儿子,她需要一个应用程序让儿子学会说话和数数。

    She is so busy that she seldom has time to take care of her 2-year-old son , so she needs an app for him to learn to speak and count .

  24. 生活在"互联网"时代,越来越多的电子产品和应用程序在很多方面改变了人们的生活方式,如阅读习惯和体育赛事。

    Living in the age of " Internet " , more and more electronic products and Apps have changed people 's lifestyles in many ways , such as reading habits and sports events .

  25. App痴迷症指的是对智能手机应用程序(简称app)的那种热爱之情。

    Appiphilia refers to the love of applications for smart phones .

  26. 在这句话中,形容词“standalone”表示“可独立运行的”。(这家科技公司将于今年冬天推出一款可独立运行的健身类应用程序。)

    The tech company is launching a standalone fitness app this winter .

  27. 微软最新版本的Edge浏览器支持和IE兼容的网络应用程序,这样用户就不必在不同的浏览器之间切换。

    Microsoft 's latest version of the Edge browser supports web apps built for IE so customers don 't have to keep switching between browsers .

  28. 吉尔·豪琳(GillHolling)向我展示了怎样用手机应用程序来寻找免费续水站的地点。

    Gill Holling showed me how to source the free water on a mobile phone app .

  29. “越狱”这种说法最早出现于2007年7月,第一代iPhone上市的第一个月。最初的越狱只是为了添加个性铃音,后来这一做法迅速被普及,成为破解苹果手机程序、安装各类未授权游戏和应用程序的主要手段。

    The concept of jailbreaking dates back to July 2007 , when it was applied the phone with games and other applications not licensed by Apple Inc.

  30. 脸书和照片墙告诉BBC他们的应用程序的设计理念是让人们聚在一起,而从未想开发让人上瘾的产品。

    Facebook and Instagram have told the BBC that their apps are designed to bring people together and that they never set out to create addictive products .