
yònɡ hù jiē kǒu
  • user interface;subscriber interface
  1. 在此基础上完成了一个主DAMA控制器和三个分站DAMA控制器及用户接口设备的研制。

    After that a master DAMA controller and three slave DAMA controller and subscriber interface equipments have been accomplished .

  2. 文章介绍了AN(接入网)的概念、总体结构以及接入网在发展过程中网络接口、用户接口和管理接口的相关协议、硬件技术及软件技术。

    Access network concept and elements were introduced in this paper . Based on network interface , subscriber interface and management interface , relative protocols , hardware and software techniques for developing broadband access networks were reviewed .

  3. 一个基于Web的智能用户接口系统

    Design of a Web-based intelligent user interface agent

  4. 一个智能用户接口Agent设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Intelligent User Interface Agent

  5. JAVA语言中非图形用户接口的键盘输入方式

    Keyboard Input Based on Non-Graphic User 's Interface in JAVA

  6. 脚本适用于大规模的管理任务,而Web管理控制台则提供了友好的用户接口。

    While scripts are useful for large-scale administrative tasks , the Web administrative console provides a user-friendly interface .

  7. 关于下一代IP电信网开放用户接口的研究

    Architecture and Functionality of Open User-network Interface in IP-based Next Generation Telecom Networks

  8. 基于DSP的数字用户接口中回波抵消器的设计

    DSP-based Echo Canceller in the Interface Between Digital terminal and Digital Exchange

  9. J2EE上构建基于XML的统一用户接口系统模型

    An XML-Based Unified User Interface System Model under J2EE Architecture

  10. 这个用户接口可以是一个API或者一个web服务接口,或者两者兼而有之。

    This user interface can be an API or a web service interface or both .

  11. CAD系统的一种通用用户接口

    A common user interface for CAD systems

  12. 如果希望节省编写用户接口代码的时间,通常可以在Internet上找到高质量的免费工具。

    If you want to save time when writing user-interface code , you can always find high-quality , free tools on the Internet .

  13. Web应用的GUI(图形化用户接口)中的下拉栏常常是插入性的。

    Often , dropdowns in the GUI ( graphical user interface ) for a Web application can appear intrusive .

  14. 我们开发的信息Agent由四大功能模块组成,分别是用户接口Agent、搜索Agent、兴趣学习Agent、结果处理Agent。

    Our information agent consists of four main function modules : user interface agent , searching agent , interest-learning agent , and result-disposing agent .

  15. 最后介绍在Unix程序设计环境中实现的一个实用的用户接口自动生成系统。

    Finally a practical generator of user interface developed in Unix Programming Environment is introduced .

  16. 这也是开发Ruby库或者用户接口的指导原则。

    It is also a useful guideline for those who develop libraries or user interfaces .

  17. 提出了基于Internet和事务性事件驱动的工作流引擎技术,定义和实现了B/S结构的多个层面,包括后台数据库设计、中间层程序逻辑和用户接口。

    Put forward the internet and event-driven based workflow engine technology . The server-end database design 、 the program logic and the client-end user interfaces are all defined and performed .

  18. 本论文以嵌入式彩色超声检测系统软件开发为背景,详细阐述了一个嵌入式图形用户接口(GUI)的设计与实现。

    This thesis describes a new GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) for a color ultrasonic imaging system .

  19. 然而,在许多Ajax应用程序中,您可能会需要构建一些更复杂的用户接口。

    In many Ajax applications , however , you might have more complex user interface elements to build .

  20. 缺乏全面的、现代化的图形用户接口使Unix变得陈旧,并限制了它的魅力。

    The lack of a complete , modern GUI dates Unix and limits the breadth of its appeal .

  21. 备份客户端使用WEB界面作为用户接口,因此不需要安装任何备份代理软件,在WEB管理界面上就可以方便地完成备份、恢复和管理操作。

    Backup client use WEB interface as user interface , so there is no need to install any backup agent software , and can easily complete backup 、 recovery and management operations .

  22. createControl(Compositeparent)&为调试器选项卡创建用户接口

    CreateControl ( Composite parent ) & Creates the user interface for the debugger tab

  23. JADE还提供了图形用户接口(GUI),用以初始化、控制和终止代理。

    JADE also provides a graphical user interface ( GUI ) to initialize , control , and terminate agents .

  24. 因为VisualEditor是一个所见即所得图形化编辑器,所以利用它很容易在用户接口中获得您想要的外观和行为。

    Because it 's a WYSIWYG graphical editor , Visual Editor makes it easy to get the appearance and behavior you want in your user interface .

  25. 一种基于VFP的通用数据录入用户接口的实现

    The Realization of a Current Data Import User Interface Based on VFP

  26. VisualEditor允许程序员使用流行的拖放技术快速有效地创建基于SWT和Swing的用户接口。

    Visual Editor allows programmers to create SWT and Swing-based user interfaces quickly and efficiently , using the popular drag-and-drop technique .

  27. 也就是说,它解析现有的Java用户接口创建代码,并基于开发人员的可视编辑动作对其进行修改或生成新的代码。

    That is , it parses existing Java user interface creation code and modifies it or generates new code based on the developer 's visual editing actions .

  28. 随着计算机硬件设计水平的提高,越来越多的软件开发工作集中在图形用户接口(GUI)上。

    With the improvement of computer hardware design level , more and more software development work is on the GUI .

  29. 搜索引擎一般由Crawler、索引库、检索器和用户接口组成。

    A search engine is usually composed of Crawler , Indexer , Searcher and User Interfaces .

  30. socket层是网络子系统的标准API,它为各种网络协议提供了一个用户接口。

    The sockets layer is the standard API to the networking subsystem and provides a user interface to a variety of networking protocols .