
  • 网络use and disuse;theory of use and disuse
  1. 从程序视角来看待生命进化现象,拉马克的用进废退进化机制和达尔文的自然选择进化机制都有其程序实现的基础,只不过它们的基因突变发生的时间和起因不同罢了。

    To study the phenomenon of the evolution of life from a program perspective , both Lamarckian " use and disuse " evolutionary mechanisms and Darwin the " natural selection " evolutionary mechanism have their program realization foundation , only their genetic mutation occurred time and cause are different .

  2. 语言学习的根本法则就是用进废退。

    One fundamental rule of language learning is : Use it , or lose it .

  3. 语言学习的根本法则就是“用进废退”。

    One fundamental rule of language learning is : " Use it , or lose it . "

  4. 用进废退是常识,特别是对于那些老年人和糖尿病患者更是这样。

    " Use it or lose it " is a fair statement , particularly in older people and those with diabetes .

  5. 用进废退、器官相关与竞技体育运动员的早期培养

    The Principle of " Evolution in Usage , Degeneration without Usage " and " Related Organs " with the Early Training of the Competitive Sports Players

  6. 如果学生们被告知,智力如同肌肉,是用进废退的而不是被告知天赋是固定的,一个人思维的快或慢是与生俱来的他们就将获得更好的成绩。

    Students show greater gains when they are taught that the mind , like a muscle , gets stronger with work , as opposed to being told that talents are fixed and you 're born either quick or slow .