
  • 网络type theory;theory of types
  1. 直觉主义类型论中π和∑规则的研究

    On the π and Σ rules in intuitionistic type theory

  2. 直觉主义类型论中否定构造的研究

    Studies of the negation in the intuitionistic type theory

  3. 从指标的类型论网站评价指标的设置

    Establishment of Website ' Evaluation Index from the Types of Index

  4. 浅论地勘业与采矿业的产业类型论工矿基地型城市的可持续发展问题&以白银市为例

    On the sustainable development of industrial mining - based cities

  5. 晚明小品类型论

    The Theory of Categorization of the Essays in the Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 高等教育的发展阶段学说与制度类型论

    On the Theory of Development Stages and System Types of Higher Education

  7. 新时期外来词造词方式和构词类型论析

    Formative Patterns And Constructive Types Of The New Foreign Words

  8. 从知识类型论图书馆的功能创新

    Discuss the Function Innovation of Library from the Knowledge Type

  9. 赖斯提出的文本类型论被视为功能派翻译理论的开端。

    The founder of functionalism is Katharina Reiss , who proposes her theory of text typology .

  10. 高级神经活动类型论

    Typological theory of higher nervous activity

  11. 《说舞》是闻一多的艺术类型论系列论文中的一篇。

    On Dance is one of the essays by Wen Yiduo in his typology of art .

  12. 构造类型论与计算机程序设计

    Type System and Computer Programming

  13. 公正类型论

    On categories of justice

  14. 图灵还利用这次机会,向阿隆佐·丘奇的刊物提交了一些关于类型论的成果,这是他在战争期间做的。

    He also took the opportunity to brush up and submit to Alonzo Church 's journal some wartime work on type theory .

  15. 指出简单类型论已经消除了罗素悖论,但为什么罗素要引入很少有人接受的分支类型论呢?

    We know that the simple theory of types have already eliminated Russell paradox , but why Russell introduced the theory of order types .

  16. 他还做了丘奇的类型论的笔记,表现出对数理逻辑的持久兴趣。

    In particular , he took notes of Church 's theory of types , reflecting his continued interest in that aspect of mathematical logic .

  17. 相反的,在内涵类型论中,类型检查是可判定性的,但是很多数学概念的表达是不标准的,因为缺乏外延推理。

    In contrast in intensional Type Theory type checking is decidable , but the representation of many mathematical concepts is non-standard due to a lack of extensional reasoning .

  18. 本课程主要介绍比较文学的一般原理,并结合具体案例对比较文学学派及类型论、例论、介论、学论、潮论等问题进行具体的分析。

    This course covers the general principles of comparative literature , with some specific analyses of the schools , modes , examples , translation , poetics and trends from the perspective of case-study .

  19. 在教育学理论背景下,以特质因素理论、人格类型论、职业发展性理论和内职业理论作为本文的理论基础。

    In the context of theory of education , trait-factor theory , personality type theory , theory of career development and internal career theory being theoretical basis that support the argumentation of the article .

  20. 本文对其进行梳理后将其归纳为法律发展的类型论模式、进化论模式和阶段论模式,以及马克思恩格斯的科学法律发展观。

    In the thesis these viewpoints are analyzed and divided to four types : the theory of ideal-type , the theory of evolution , the theory of stages , and the scientific theory of legal development of Marx and Engels .

  21. 卡尔·米切姆的技术伦理思想以科学技术一体化为前提,以其技术认识论和类型论思想为基础,集中讨论了高科技领域内产生的伦理道德问题。

    Carl Mitcham 's thoughts of ethics of technology took the merger of science and technology as a premise , took his thoughts about conceptual , epistemological , and metaphysical ones as foundation , and all his moral issues were concentrated on the high-tech fields .

  22. 周代私营手工业类型略论

    Briefly Discussing the Type of Privately-run Handicraft Industry in Zhou Dynasty

  23. 文章亦讨论各个谓词的每种类型的论元结构投射及相关的约束条件。

    We also examine the constraints on the structural projection of arguments of each type of predicate .

  24. 学习风格测量工具与中国远程学习者学习风格类型因素论英语教学中教学风格与学习风格的协调发展

    The Development of Learning Style Inventory for Chinese Distance Learners ; A Study on Combining Teaching Styles with Learning Styles in English Teaching

  25. 本文主要研究的是Z规格说明中集合论算子向C++的自动转换,文中具体讨论了Z的基本数据类型和集合论算子中属于操作的转换。

    The investigate is mainly that set theory operator of Z specification converts to C + + in the paper , Z basic data type and set theory operator is discussed principally .

  26. 第三部分:刑法类型化完善论。

    Part III : The perfect theory of the criminal law type .

  27. 全球化语境下的类型突围&论香港青年电影导演的类型片创作

    The Creation of Genre Film of Young Hong Kong Directors

  28. 行政诉讼类型化研究论仲裁制度的诉讼化

    A Study of the System of Litigious Arbitration

  29. 维特根斯坦对怀疑论给出了新颖的解答,但有人认为他并没能对怀疑论给出系统的解答,他的遵守规则悖论本身即是一种类型的怀疑论。

    But someone think he cann t give skepticism a systematically solution , and his rule-following paradox is a sort of skepticism in itself .

  30. 启蒙主义与现代文学三种类型的发展论革命文学转型背景下的左翼启蒙派

    The Western Enlightenment Trend in the 18th Century Establish Three Types of Modern Literature On the School of the Leftist Enlighteners against the Transformational Backdrop of China 's Modern Literary Ideological Trends