
  • 网络Physicalism;non-reductive physicalism;reductive physicalism
  1. 我是谁&指称的一种物理主义观点称人为animal,指其为下等天性所制,不能自持。

    Who Am I & Reference : Approached from the Perspective of Physicalism a man called an animal is one whom the lower nature controls .

  2. 物理主义认为所有的理论都是物质形式。

    Physicalism , the theory that all there is physical stuff .

  3. 物理主义框架中的心和心的理论&当代心灵哲学本体和理论层次研究述评

    Mind and " Theory of Mind " in the Framework of Physicalism

  4. 探讨科学中的科学主义各种各样的科学决定论,哲学中的科学主义科学经验主义和物理主义以及社会中的科学主义国家科学主义等,试图揭示它们的实质。

    Finally it discusses different forms of scientism in science , philosophy and society .

  5. 接下来的问题是,物理主义者能如何回应

    And then the question is ," What can the physicalist say in response ?"

  6. 物理主义在当代心灵哲学中的影响体现在不同的方面。

    The influence of physicalism upon contemporary Philosophy of Mind is demonstrated in different respects .

  7. 你可能会想,根据物理主义的说法心灵就是大脑

    You might think ," Look , according to physicalists minds are just brains . "

  8. 这也就是物理主义失败的原因。

    This also is physical socialist failure .

  9. 物理主义并不是说,我们是有思维幻觉的肉体

    It 's not as though the physicalist view is ," We 're bodies that have some illusion of thinking . "

  10. 我们应该重新修改一下,物理主义学上对死亡的定义。

    So we need to revise our account of what it is on the physicalist picture to say that you 're dead .

  11. 注意,这还不是一个物理主义的解释,这只是一张期票。

    Now , mind you , that 's not yet to offer the physical explanation ; it 's just a promissory note .

  12. 因此人格同一性的人格论,既可以被物理主义学者接受,也可以被二元论者接受。

    So , the personality theory of personal identity can be accepted by physicalists , and it can be accepted by dualists .

  13. 该主张的目的同样是消除以现象概念为支撑的反物理主义的攻击。

    In which the aim of this proposition is also to eliminate attacks from anti-physicalist that based on the support by phenomenal concepts .

  14. 你说,你关于存在着什么的观点是物理主义的观点,即你认为全部实在是由物理实体组成的;

    You have said that your view of what there is is physicalist : you think that all reality consists of physical entities ;

  15. 除了这个谜团,在我看来似乎在成为物理主义者之后,死亡并没有什么深刻和神秘的了。

    That puzzle aside , it seems to me that once we become physicalists , there 's nothing especially deep or mysterious about death .

  16. 作为物理主义学者我们认为,人格的基础还是肉体的存在,肉体的存在有很多个性。

    As physicalist we can still say that the bases of personality is that there 're bodies , there 're functioning in certain ways .

  17. 结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。

    Third , its result is physicalistic objectivism was seen as the metaphysical foundation of natural science which has led to the riddle of cognition .

  18. 如果我们是物理主义者你可能认为,人不可能肉体不死,但其实答案没有那么明确。

    You might think the answer to that is no if we are physicalists but in fact it 's not so clear the answer is no.

  19. 然而,物理主义会回击道,对,肉体的确,不仅仅是在做无规则运动

    In response , the physicalist is going to say ," Yes it 's true that bodies don 't just move around in random patterns . "

  20. 既然物理主义无法解释这个重要特征,反物理主义者也据此推断有一个解释鸿沟存在于意识的现象特征与关于其物理解释之间。

    So the anti-physicalist has an inference that between the phenomenal features of consciousness and its physical interpretation , there lays a " Explanatory Gap " .

  21. 我们发现查尔莫斯并没有真正解决这个问题,他的论证仍然有缺陷,并不能真正驳倒物理主义。

    This is a real challenge for physicalism , but this paper argues that , with some deficiencies , the improved conceivability argument cannot actually confute physicalism .

  22. 所以我要再次假设,我描绘的那个形而上学的观点是正确的;,物理主义是正确的。

    So again , I 'm going to suppose here on out that the metaphysical view that I 've been sketching is right ; that physicalism is true .

  23. 接下来,我们的问题是,这两种观点,我们到底应该相信哪一种,二元论还是物理主义

    The question we want to turn to , then , is ," Which of these two views should we believe : the dualist position or the physicalist position ?"

  24. 很明显,这是骗人的,物理主义者还发现了,其他的理论,我们晚点再讨论其他理论。

    Now as it turns out , that 's apparently deceptive there are still other alternatives open to the physicalist , but let 's come to the other alternative later .

  25. 我现在要说的就是,逻辑上讲,即便你是物理主义者,也无法排除生存的可能性。

    Now , what I 've been arguing is that , logically speaking , even if you are a physicalist , that doesn 't rule out the possibility of survival .

  26. 相反地,如果我们是物理主义者,如果我们不是二元论者,对于肉体死后人不死,就并不那么乐观了。

    In contrast it looks , prospects don 't look so promising for surviving my death of my body if we don 't believe in dualism , if we 're physicalists .

  27. 现在我想要用一点时间,提一下其他的谜团,或是说从物理主义者角度值得思考的问题。

    Now , I want to take just a couple of minutes and mention some other puzzles , or at least questions , worth thinking about in terms of the physicalist picture .

  28. 你们都知道,我认同的是物理主义者的设想,根据这个设想,我们都只是有着机能的肉体,我们能够实施人格功能。

    And as you know , I 've defended the physicalist conception , according to which all we are are just bodies capable of doing some fancy tricks , capable of P-functioning .

  29. 这或多或少,是从物理主义者角度得到的正确答案,纵然我们后面还会看到,这个答案是需要完善的。

    That seems , more or less , the right answer from the physicalist point of view , although as we 'll see probably later today , we need to refine it somewhat .

  30. 我已经告诉你们我是个物理主义者-,我相信真正会发生的是,我的肉体死亡时,一切就终结了。

    I believe I 've told you I 'm a physicalist I believe that what 's going to happen is , at the death of my body , that 's going to be the end .