
dòng chá
  • Insight;observe;penetrate;perceive;have a insight into;have an insight into;see clearly;judge;pierce;see through clearly;examine thoroughly
洞察 [dòng chá]
  • (1) [pierce;see clearly;have a insight into;observe;perceive;judge]∶看穿,观察得很透彻

  • 洞察并能激发感情的源泉

  • (2) [penetrate]∶发现内在的内容或意义

  • 洞察其本质

洞察[dòng chá]
  1. 失去创造力和洞察事物的能力。

    You lose your creativity and your ability to see clearly .

  2. 她有一种洞察他人动机的天赋。

    She has a natural ability to understand the motives of others

  3. 缺乏的正是对我们社会制度特殊性的洞察。

    What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system

  4. 乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。

    George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world

  5. 好的教师能洞察学生的问题。

    Good teachers have insight into the problems of students .

  6. 它们能让我们更深入地洞察物理灾难,如三哩岛核泄漏事故(ThreeMileIsland)。

    And they provide insight into physical disasters , such as Three Mile Island .

  7. 洞察Insight&本田因塞特(Insight)混合动力汽车技术特征

    Insight Car-Technical Characteristics of Honda Insight Hybrid Vehicle

  8. 在我们用Google进行网上搜索的时候,她已经打开我们心灵的窗户,现在她又要洞察我们的病体。

    Google already has a window into our souls through our internet searches and it now has insight into our ailing bodies too .

  9. 本文是本系列的第三篇文章,通过本文可以洞察使用pureQueryAPI进行开发的各种最佳实践。

    This third article provides you with insight on various best practices of development using pureQuery .

  10. DBA利用OptimQueryWorkloadTuner中的报告功能获取洞察,以便改进数据库查询性能。

    The DBAs take advantage of report features in Optim Query Workload Tuner to gain insight for improving database query performance .

  11. SOA治理有赖于洞察与反馈&即对服务目录当前状态的洞察,以及关于演化中的服务提供者与消费者所产生影响的反馈。

    SOA governance depends on insight and feedback : insight into the current state of the service inventory , feedback on the impact of evolving service providers and consumers .

  12. WebSphereBusinessCompass(以下称为Compass)向您提供以下两个方面的洞察:高级业务设计和详细的业务实现。

    WebSphere Business Compass ( hereafter called Compass ) gives you insight and visibility into both worlds : the high-level business design and the more detailed business realization .

  13. 每一家公司都有(You)分析其财务数据的雇员,并且通过提供他(Ta)们对管理的洞察和(He)分析来增强其决策支持流程。

    Every company has employees who analyze its financial data and enhance its decision support process by providing their insights and analyses to management .

  14. 莫非宇宙早已经洞察到DannyDevito,MichaelJ.Fox和DustinHoffmann给世人所作出证明:

    Seems the universe has long known what Danny Devito , Michael J. Fox and Dustin Hoffmann later proved :

  15. 大众成员应包括那些对FDA调节的产品具有洞察能力的人,如消费者,病人,护理人员,健康保健等。

    Public members will include those who can provide the perspective of users of FDA-regulated products , such as consumers , patients , caregivers and health professionals .

  16. DaveNicolette则在此分享了他引人入胜的经历,籍此洞察为何即使在极成功的敏捷试点之后,敏捷实施还是会失败。

    Dave Nicolette shares very intriguing insights into situations where the adoption failed even after very successful pilot implementations .

  17. 在这些场景中,错误通常记录在Samba日志文件中,这能够为查找问题的根源提供额外的洞察。

    In these scenarios , errors are usually logged in the Samba log file , which could provide additional insight to the root of the issue .

  18. Sprint团队中的TR和SR彼此紧密合作,更好地洞察问题、理解用于解决问题的修复包。

    TR and SR in the Sprint team work closely with each other to get a better insight of the problem and understand the fix provided to address the problem .

  19. 熟悉了解转录因子DNA结合的参数选择,不仅会有效洞察DNA的识别机制,同时允许更准确地预测基因组调控元件,这些元件是理解细胞基因调控网络的一个主要障碍。

    Understanding the evolution of TF DNA-binding preferences will not only provide useful insights on the mechanism of DNA recognition , it will also allow more accurate prediction of genomic regulatory elements , which still constitutes a major hurdle in understanding cellular gene regulatory networks .

  20. FileNetP8还能支持其他重要功能,比如遵从性和对业务流程运作的分析洞察。

    FileNet P8 can also enable other important functionality , such as compliance and analytic insight into the operations of the business process .

  21. Campbell负责客户与消费者洞察事务的副总裁查尔斯?维拉(CharlesVila)称,该公司把大约25%的消费者戏称为被迫一厢情愿的食客。

    Campbell 's dubs about 25 % of consumers ' constrained wishful eaters , ' says Charles Vila , vice president of customer and consumer insights for Campbell .

  22. 洞察消费者需求的咨询公司FuturesCo.的全球客户主管伯德特(LloydBurdett)说,在欧洲,一欧元现在是一个有魔力的价格点。

    ' One euro is a magic price point in Europe right now , ' says Lloyd Burdett , head of global clients for Futures Co. , a consumer-insights consulting firm .

  23. 因而,它们能够直接导致著名的Jordan定理及空间的第三分解定理,且能给出对Jordan形精致微妙结构的新的深刻洞察。

    Accordingly , they can result in the celebrated Jordan theorem and the third decomposition theorem of space directly and , moreover , they can give a new deep insight into the exquisite and subtle structure of the Jordan form .

  24. 近来,研究者们对MHD问题解决的影响因素进行了大量有价值的探索,然而大部分研究发现,要帮助人们完全洞察MHD问题的内在概率关系仍然十分困难,值得对此进行深入研究。

    Recently , the psychologists carried out a great deal of studies of impact factors on MHD . However , these studies indicate that it is very hard to help people insight into its mathematical structure .

  25. 为了洞察DPA浓度与SERS强度间的相关性,我们依据单分子层和多分子层吸附等温线对DPA在SERS基底上的吸附特征进行了分析。

    The adsorption characteristics of DPA on the SERS substrates has been analyzed in terms of monolayer and multilayer adsorption isotherms to gain insights into the correlation between the SERS intensity and the DPA concentration .

  26. 原因是Twitter的薪酬优厚,没人愿意离开。这是根据Twitter公司最近提交的S-1文件、就业网站Glassdoor.com上雇员自愿匿名披露的信息,以及熟悉这家公司薪酬内情的一位人士的洞察。

    That 's because Twitter salaries likely leave few wanting , according to the company 's recently-filedS-1 document , anonymous voluntary employee disclosures to the jobs site Glassdoor.com , and insight from someone with intimate familiarity with the company 's salaries .

  27. 该公司负责消费者洞察及策略事务的副总监里莎?施瓦茨(RisaSchwartz)称,妈妈们更喜欢配备两种酱汁的选择,因为步骤更多感觉更像是自己亲自下厨。

    The women liked the two-sauce option better because more steps felt closer to homemade , says Risa Schwartz , associate director of consumer insights and strategy for Kraft .

  28. 作为创建网络社区以帮助市场推广者洞察消费者需求的先行者,赫森在1999年联合创办了Communispace公司。

    A pioneer in creating online communities to help marketers gain consumer insights , hessan co-founded communispace in 1999 .

  29. 双日出版社(Doubleday),26.95美元。本书描述南北战争以来的办公室设计与技术,洞察到工作性质的改变。

    ( Doubleday , $ 26.95 . ) This account of office design and technology since the Civil War offers insights into the changing nature of work .

  30. ConAgra公司负责这些品牌消费者洞察事务的经理珍?伍尔夫(JenWulf)称:一周当中吃这些食品最多的日子是周三,因为你可以把一整顿饭倒进平底锅中加热即可。

    ' The most popular day of the week to use these brands is Wednesday ' because you pour the complete meal into a pan and heat , says Jen Wulf , consumer insights manager for the brands at ConAgra .