
xiānɡ duì zhǔ yì
  • relativism
  1. 根据文化相对主义(culturalrelatism)的观点,艺术作品的价值仅仅反映了当地社会和经济的状况。

    The values of artistic works , according to cultural relativism , are simply reflections of local social and economic conditions .

  2. 科学知识社会学(SSK)从相对主义立场出发,对科学知识的内容和形式进行社会学分析,从而消解了科学知识具有客观性的传统见解。

    From the point of view of relativism , Sociology of Scientific Knowledge ( SSK ) analyse the content and form of scientific knowledge .

  3. 强纲领SSK的相对主义特征

    Relativism of Strong Program SSK

  4. 作者赞同SSK学者关于合理性及其标准的主张,同意其文化相对主义的立场,并对相对主义自我驳斥的批判进行了反驳。

    The author agrees SSK scholars ' claim of rationality and its standards , supports their grounds of cultural relativism , and refutes the criticism of relativist argument from self-refutation .

  5. 第三,尽管库恩关于范式不可通约性的分析为相对主义进入科学敞开了大门,但后继的SSK的发展则已清楚地表明科学的发展有着十分光明的前景。

    Thirdly , although Kuhn opens the door for relativism to enter into the field of science , the further development has shown clearly that science has a very bright perspective .

  6. 然而,强纲领SSK走向逻辑实证主义的另一个极端,否定了自然在认识中的基础地位,只强调社会因素的意义,从而导致对客观性的全面解构,走向了相对主义。

    However , the strong program SSK leads to another extreme & to negative natural basic position in cognition and only emphasize social factors meaning . As a result , SSK deviates from the objectivity completely and walks up to the relativism .

  7. 其中相对主义测度指标包括惯性率、亚惯性率、平均流动率、Shorrocks指数和M指数;绝对主义测度指标主要是指欧氏距离函数。

    Which relativism measures including inertia rate , and inertia rate , the average turnover , Shorrocks index and M index ; Absolute socialist measure index is mainly refers to the Euclidean distance functions .

  8. 默顿及其学派对SSK的批判作出了回应,他们一方面承认建构主义进路的科学社会学变得越来越有影响了,同时批判SSK的极端相对主义立场片面夸大了社会因素的作用。

    Merton school had responded to criticism from the SSK . On the one hand , they recognized constructivism Sociology of Science had become increasingly influential . Simultaneously they criticized that the extreme relativism position of SSK exaggerated the role of social factors .

  9. 论和谐社会立法上相对主义的公平观

    On the relativist justice conception of the legislation in harmonious society

  10. 道德相对主义的困境及道德共识的重建

    The Problem of Moral Relativism and the Reconstruction of Common Moral

  11. 第三章着重探讨构建普遍伦理的可能性思路。首先,在否定的意义上指出不能在道德相对主义和道德绝对主义的框架内建构普遍伦理及其原因;

    Chapter Three emphasizes on the possible construction of universal ethics .

  12. 辩证法与相对主义既相对立又相联系。

    Dialectics is antagonistic to Relativism and interrelated to it as well .

  13. 科学多元主义关乎的是思维的开放性,而不是知识的相对主义。

    Scientific pluralism is about openness of mind not relativism of knowledge .

  14. 《大学》行政伦理思想及其现代价值舍勒的现象学价值论与伦理相对主义

    The administrative and ethical thinking in great learning and its modern values

  15. 对相对主义道德教育理论基础的批判

    Criticism on the Theoretical Foundation of Moral Education of Relativism

  16. 相对主义、怀疑主义:现代西方哲学中的幽灵

    Relativism and Skepticism : Ghosts in Modern Western Philosophy

  17. 科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

    A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  18. 以及克服相对主义向规范伦理学的复归与重构的漫长而曲折的发展理路。

    The recovery and the reconstruction from the relativism to the regulative ethics .

  19. 论阿隆对韦伯相对主义的批判与超越

    Aron 's Criticism and Transcending of Weber 's Relativism

  20. 论连带责任制度从绝对主义向相对主义的转变

    Joint and Several Liability : from Absolutism to Relativism

  21. 网络空间的道德冲突使网民陷入道德相对主义之中;

    Moral conflicting in network space makes net man fall into moral relativism ;

  22. 论相对主义伦理观及其教育意义

    On the Relativism Ethics and its Educational Meanings

  23. 论庄子的相对主义真理观

    On Zhuangzi ′ s Idea of Relative Truth

  24. 怀疑论和相对主义时刻都对这一哲学理想构成威胁。

    Skepticism and relativism are a threat to the ideal of this kind philosophy .

  25. 走出价值相对主义

    Out of the Dilemma of Relativism of Value

  26. 这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。

    This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck .

  27. 从根本上来说,这是一个与主体性概念变化相关的逐渐走向相对主义的过程。

    Essentially , this is a process that approaches relativism , relating to subjectivity .

  28. 科学史研究中的地方性知识与文化相对主义

    " Local knowledge " and cultural relativism in the study of history of science

  29. 从进步主义到存在主义,现代教育哲学是以相对主义为主流的。

    From progressivism to existentialism , relativism dominates the progress of modern education philosophy .

  30. 后现代建筑因处于相对主义的状态而陷入混乱。

    The Postmodernism architectures are falling into chaos for the impression of the relativism .