- Relative trait;relative character, contrast character

The primary gene and relative character accelerating tree height was thick bark .
The relative traits analysis suggested that the relative shoot dry weight , the relative tiller number and the relative nitrogen uptake per plant had the bigger genotype variations .
The results showed that seed coat color is controlled by a pair of allele genes , the black is dominant to the red and the white , while the red to the white and the mottled to the red are dominant .
One method of inferring phylogeny is to pinpoint primitive as opposed to advanced characters .
The traits relatively simply inherited exhibited this trend more apparently than the relatively complex genetic characters .
In this paper , 25 numerical characters of metasequoia are studied and grouped through correlation cluster analysis , and are classified into 8 relatively independent categories .
The result showed that the sprayed acid rain affected external osmotic ratio of electrolyte , chlorophyll content and the yield .
The results also indicated that the variation of stomatal length in three species are bigger than those of stomatal width , confirming that the stomatal width is a relative stable character .
The coefficient of variations of vertical diameter , horizonta size and vertical / horizonta size of fruit ( stone ) for these three species were all less than 20 % , being a relatively steady botany character ; 3 .
Certain relative character of the combinations was conducted in stepwise regression with 9 characters ' relative GCA ( calculated previously ) sums of the corresponding parent inbred lines ( every character possessed a relative GCA sum ) .