
xiānɡ duì xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • Relative trait;relative character, contrast character
  1. 促进树高和胸径生长的主要因子及相对性状为粗树皮。

    The primary gene and relative character accelerating tree height was thick bark .

  2. 相对性状的基因型变异为:相对地上部干重>相对分蘖数>相对单株吸氮量>相对籽粒产量>相对氮素利用率>相对苗高。

    The relative traits analysis suggested that the relative shoot dry weight , the relative tiller number and the relative nitrogen uptake per plant had the bigger genotype variations .

  3. 结果表明:籽粒色的相对性状间均表现1对等位基因差异的遗传,黑籽对红籽为显性,黑籽对白籽、红籽对白籽均为显性,花斑籽对红籽为显性。

    The results showed that seed coat color is controlled by a pair of allele genes , the black is dominant to the red and the white , while the red to the white and the mottled to the red are dominant .

  4. 推断系统发育的一个方法是准确查明那些与进化性状相对的原始性状

    One method of inferring phylogeny is to pinpoint primitive as opposed to advanced characters .

  5. 遗传相对简单的性状这种趋势越明显。

    The traits relatively simply inherited exhibited this trend more apparently than the relatively complex genetic characters .

  6. 本文采用聚类分析的方法,对水杉的25个数量性状进行相关聚类分析,将其分为8个相对独立的性状类群。

    In this paper , 25 numerical characters of metasequoia are studied and grouped through correlation cluster analysis , and are classified into 8 relatively independent categories .

  7. 结果表明,经不同浓度的酸雨喷淋后,杂交稻、常规稻和野生稻的叶片叶绿素含量、叶片相对电导率和产量性状等均发生了改变。

    The result showed that the sprayed acid rain affected external osmotic ratio of electrolyte , chlorophyll content and the yield .

  8. 3种植物叶片气孔长度的变幅均大于气孔宽度,证实气孔宽度是相对比较稳定的性状。

    The results also indicated that the variation of stomatal length in three species are bigger than those of stomatal width , confirming that the stomatal width is a relative stable character .

  9. 欧李、麦李、郁李3个种果实(果核)纵径和横径及果(核)形指数在种内的变异系数均小于15%,是相对稳定的植物学性状。

    The coefficient of variations of vertical diameter , horizonta size and vertical / horizonta size of fruit ( stone ) for these three species were all less than 20 % , being a relatively steady botany character ; 3 .

  10. 用以前测出的有关自交系多个性状的相对GCA之和,与这28个组合的某个相对性状进行逐步回归。

    Certain relative character of the combinations was conducted in stepwise regression with 9 characters ' relative GCA ( calculated previously ) sums of the corresponding parent inbred lines ( every character possessed a relative GCA sum ) .