
xiāng guān
  • be related to;correlation;correspondence;dependence;be interrelated;be bound up with
相关 [xiāng guān]
  • [be interrelated;be related to] 彼此关连;相互牵涉;互相关心

相关[xiāng guān]
  1. 结论在低分化的胆管细胞癌中bad基因的表达明显增强,bad基因的表达与肿瘤的分化程度相关。

    Conclusion The expression of bad gene may be related to the differentiation of ICC .

  2. 想知道宇航员的DNA变化是否可能与免疫抑制相关,

    wondered whether changes to the DNA of astronauts could be related to this immune suppression ,

  3. 所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。

    All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand .

  4. 这仅仅是所有相关的问题之一。

    This is just one of a whole complex of issues .

  5. 高脂肪饮食与增加心脏病发作的风险密切相关。

    A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease .

  6. 我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。

    I tried googling but couldn 't find anything relevant .

  7. 在看到全部相关资料之前,他拒绝评论。

    He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information .

  8. 这一工作无需相关的经验。

    No previous experience is necessary for this job .

  9. 两个彼此不相关的研究部门得出了同样的结论。

    Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions .

  10. 皮肤暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。

    There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer .

  11. 这一政策得到相关人员的普遍支持。

    There 's a lot of support for the policy on the ground .

  12. 薪金与相关费用大大增加。

    Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially .

  13. 这一事件给所有相关人士都造成了恶劣影响。

    This incident reflects badly on everyone involved .

  14. 究竟有多少援助到了饥民手里,相关报告彼此矛盾。

    Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims .

  15. 离婚对所有相关的人都会造成痛苦。

    Divorce can be traumatic for everyone involved .

  16. 你有相关的经历吗?

    Do you have the relevant experience ?

  17. 所有相关人员均宣誓保密。

    Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy .

  18. 我们将付还所有相关费用。

    We will reimburse any expenses incurred .

  19. 提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。

    Pay increases are tied to inflation .

  20. 他一生都在做与冲浪相关的事。

    His whole life revolves around surfing .

  21. 你可以把最近见过的某人键入搜索引擎,看看在互联网上能查到什么相关信息。

    You can google someone you 've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet .

  22. 相对于母本DNA,基因畸变往往更多地与父本DNA上的缺陷相关。

    Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA .

  23. 在我第n次被问及这件事情的两天后,相关文章登了出来。

    The story was raised with me for the nth time two days before the article appeared .

  24. 政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色不相关。

    Politicians ' private lives have no relevance to their public roles

  25. 我们已经把所有相关信息都告知了警方。

    We have passed all relevant information on to the police .

  26. 他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。

    His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing .

  27. 该调查将凭借现有权力要求将各种相关文件呈堂。

    The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents .

  28. 消费者在体育相关产品上的花费共计97.5亿英镑。

    Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to £ 9.75 billion .

  29. 他没有咨询相关知情人士就作了重要的决定。

    He takes crucial decisions without consulting people in the know .

  30. 从国内相关的工会那儿或许能得到一项特许。

    A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned