
xiānɡ sì diǎn
  • similarity
  1. 图a和图B的相似点是什么?

    What is the similarity between Figure a and Figure B ?

  2. 其相似点在于要完全正确地传递文化内涵,这也是跨文化意识对旅游资料翻译所提出的要求。

    The similarity lies in the full and correct transmission of cultural information .

  3. 在他们的经历和我们的经历之间找到相似点是可能的。

    It is possible to draw a parallel between their experience and ours .

  4. 他看各种文化之间的相似点比看其相异点更为透彻。

    He has a better eye for similarities among cultures than for diversities .

  5. 两者的相似点比较有限,主要围绕于使用Web服务开发代码的常见需求。

    The similarities are limited and mostly revolve around the common requirements of developing code using Web services .

  6. n.类似;相似点他们的不同处比相似处明显得多。……

    similarity Their differences are more noticeable than their similarities .......

  7. 而Ruby则没有那么流行,因此我简要地解释一下两者之间的相似点和不同点。

    Ruby isn 't nearly as popular , so I briefly explain some of the similarities and differences between the two .

  8. 对其他某些分子特征的分析发现,在不同的方面SARS-CoV和不同组冠状病毒有不同的相似点。

    Interestingly , SARS-CoV shares some different features with different groups of coronaviruses .

  9. 该进程模块的API与线程API的工作方式有些相似点,但是也存在一些需要特别注意的不同之处。

    The API of the processing module has some similarities to the way the threading API works , but there are also few differences to keep in mind .

  10. 本文讨论了玉米G-带与哺乳动物G-带的相似点以及用ASG法进行玉米G-带显带应注意的技术问题。

    Similarities of G-bands in maize and mammals as well as points for attention using ASG method in maize chromosome G-banding are discussed .

  11. 碱性7S球蛋白是一个富含半胱氨酸的糖蛋白,具有酪氨酸激酶活性,结构上与胰岛素受体有相似点,能和胰岛素及胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ和Ⅱ结合。

    Basic 7S globulin is a cysteine-rich glycoprotein and has tyrosine kinase activity . It has some structural similarities with human insulin receptor and can bind with insulin and insulin-like growth factor ⅰ and ⅱ .

  12. 相似点太多了还不够多

    There are too many similarities . There aren 't enough .

  13. 比较了吡咯赖氨酸与另一种非标准氨基酸,第21种氨基酸&硒代半胱氨酸的相似点与不同点。

    Pyrrolysine was compared with the 21st amino acid : selenocysteine .

  14. 而且这两个人之间也有不少相似点。

    And the similarities between the two don 't stop there .

  15. 你和你的兄弟姐妹、左邻右舍又有着怎样的相似点呢?

    How are you like your siblings and neighbors and friends ?

  16. 图的相似点的充要条件

    The Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Two Similar Points in a Graph

  17. 普通和邮寄信件共有一些相似点。

    E-mail shares some similarities with regular or " snail " mail .

  18. 找出不同阅读材料之间的联系,相似点与不同点。

    Connections , similarities and differences among the various texts .

  19. 在所有这些相似点之外还有明显的不同。

    For all these similarities , however , there were stark differences .

  20. 当时的德国和现在的中国有一些有趣的相似点。

    There are some interesting parallels between Germany then and China today .

  21. 事实上这个相似点地球人都知道的。

    The simplcity of it , and actually we all know about .

  22. 看到这么多的相似点,简直太棒啦。

    It was so cool to see our similarities .

  23. 只要相似点消失,一切都将就此结束。

    As far as similarities go , that is where it all ends .

  24. 孪生姐妹间有很多相似点。

    The twins have a lot of things in common with each other .

  25. 另一个好的问题解决者的显着相似点是他们都是实用主义�

    Another striking similarity among good problem-solvers is that they 're all pragmatists .

  26. 尽管相似点很多,但两者也存在重要差异。

    But colourful though the similarities are , there are important differences too .

  27. 你跟我有许多相似点。

    You and I have a lot of similarities .

  28. 《黑塔》事实上和《时光之轮》有一定相似点。

    The Dark Tower actually shares some similarities with The Wheel of Time .

  29. 列维公司与谷歌存在着诸多相似点。

    Parallels between Levi 's and Google are strong .

  30. 每个项目都是不一样的但是又有著相似点。

    Each project is different but at the same time each project is similar .